Development at land North of Sherfield Road, Bramley (next to Strawberry Fields)

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Meeting Notes – 22nd February 2017

Subject:           Development at land North of Sherfield Road, Bramley (next to Strawberry Fields)

Attendees:        Cllr Malcolm Bell, Cllr Chris Flooks, Cllr Chris Tomblin, Maxta Thomas – Clerk to Bramley Parish Council, Jeff Ryans – Bewley Homes , Steve Trenwith – Bewley Homes,  Laura Ashton – Bewley Homes

Bewley Homes representatives introduced the company, noting that they are based locally in Baughurst.  Their emphasis was on quality development, and they noted previous work in Bramley.

Bewley has no interest in the land neighbouring this site – they purely wish to develop this site only.  They wish to keep the current screening from the main road.  They noted that the site is adjacent to the current settlement boundary, and that the principle of development on the site has already been agreed with the outline planning permission for 50 dwellings.

They plan a new application for 55 dwellings.  The extra 5 dwellings planned is due to smaller dwellings of 3 bedrooms being proposed rather than the original 4 or 5 bedroom dwellings.  The total square footage of dwelling space will be almost the same as on the original outline application.

Bramley PC representatives made the following points:

  • 5 extra dwellings will not be accepted by the local residents
  • Surveys done for the NDP state very clearly that the majority of residents do not wish to see developments of larger than 50 houses in Bramley
  • Issues with affordable housing in Bramley were noted.  Another 5 dwellings will mean a further 2 affordable homes.
  • Issues with the site suitability were noted, particularly with reference to the flood plain.  These issues have never been satisfactorily been addressed by BDBC
  • Extra traffic on the already congested C32 was highlighted as a concern
  • Bramley PC and residents are opposed to 2.5 and 3 storey houses – these are not in keeping with the rural feel of the village 

Bewley Homes took the point about the number of dwellings; however, it was unclear whether this will be taken into account when the planning application goes in.  It seems likely that the application will still be for 55 dwellings.

Bewley felt that there may be some room for manoeuvre with the affordable housing, with more of an emphasis on shared ownership and low cost housing.

Bewley are very keen to maintain contact with the Parish Council to discuss materials, the look of the buildings, and other such items.

Bewley stated very clearly that they do not want to put in any 2.5 or 3 storey homes – they aim to have houses that have a very traditional feel, and they will be 2 storeys and no more.

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