Biodiverse landscaping around Moat Close

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Bramley Parish Council met today with the landscape architects who have produced a planting scheme for the area around Moat Close. Hampshire Highways have drawn up plans to increase the number of lay-bys to ease the problems with traffic in the mornings and afternoons around the time of the school-run. In order to improve the appearance and mitigate the impact of the additional parking bays, the overall scheme includes the planting of trees and shrubs.

In addition, we are quite excited to learn about a scheme to improve the biodiversity in the area by sewing mixed wild flower beds. There are large areas along the bank where these wild flowers will be allowed to naturalise, which will make the area along Moat Close, in front of North Row, attractive both to those living nearby and their visitors from nature!

This scheme will take some time to reach maturity, as although the shrubs and trees will be planted soon after the highways works have been completed, we will need to wait for the sewing season for the wild flower mixes. The beds will achieve their best displays after the second year, and we look forward to admiring the natural landscaping in the area developing over the coming years.