Basingstoke and Deane: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: 21st April

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Coronavirus - update Tuesday 21 April 2020

Welcome to the latest edition of Basingstoke & Deane Today, updating you on our services during the COVID-19 outbreak. We'll be sharing updates and information on our social media channels - keep an eye on them over the coming days to find out more. 

Thanks for telling us you'd like to receive information on council services, news and events by email. If you think your friends and family would be interested in receiving these emails too, please let them know they can sign up at the top of this email.  

Fortnightly waste collections

We are now collecting your grey waste bin every two weeks. This is a temporary measure during the COVID-19 outbreak.


Your recycling collection will take place as usual and your grey waste bin will be emptied on the opposite week to your recycling. There are no changes to the day of the week collections take place.


Click on the button below to check which bin is being collected on which week on our website.

Check which bin is being collected when

Recycle to make more space in your grey bin

You can make more space in your grey waste bin by recycling as much as you can in your green bin.


Put all plastic bottles, tins, cans, aerosols, paper and card in your green bin and glass bottles and jars in your glass crate.


For more information on what can go in your green bin, take a look at our recycling webpage using the button below.

Information on what you can recycle

Helpline for vulnerable residents

A new helpline has been set up to help vulnerable residents access support including food and medicine during the COVID-19 outbreak.


The Coronavirus Hampshire Helpline can be contacted on 0333 370 4000 and is available seven days a week, from 9am to 5pm.


Vulnerable residents who need additional support, and who do not have support from family or friends, should call the helpline to register for support.

Call the helpline - 0333 370 4000

Pass on information about help and support

 If you know someone who is not online we would greatly appreciate your help to pass on important information during the COVID-19 outbreak. 

We are producing short newsletters with key updates that can be printed off and posted through doors - following the social distancing guidance - or relayed over the phone.The information in these newsletters could be crucial in helping certain individuals to gain access to help and support they may not be aware of. 

Please remember to wash your hands before printing the paper and putting it through someone's door and also make sure you wash your hands after delivering.

Help to share important information

Check the latest advice and information on COVID-19 from trusted websites

UK Gov advice

Health guidance

Travel guidance 

Check your symptoms

Hampshire County Council