Local Plan update - housing numbers

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On June 5th 2013, after months of debate, the BDBC Planning & Infrastructure committee recommended to the portfolio holder, Cllr Ruffell, that the annual new homes build for the 15 year period to 2029, be 748 across the Borough. On 6th June Cllr Ruffell recommend this number to BDBC's Cabinet and it was accepted, thus enabling the Local Development Plan process to move forward.

You can view the webcast of the meeting here: http://www.basingstoke.gov.uk/browse/council-and-democracy/councillors-democracy-and-elections/webcasts

We stress the importance of the Consultation period, late August to October 4th, and encourage the community to get involved. To assist in this process the Parish Council will have a public meeting (date to be confirmed) to discuss the matter. The Parish Council will continue to follow the process, making representation on behalf of the community as appropriate, and feeding back news via our website and newsletters.