Planning Committee Minutes - 9th May 2018

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Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee


9th May 2018

Time:                    7.30pm


Bramley Room, Bramley Village Hall



Cllr Chris Flooks (Chair)

Cllr Fausta DiMascio


Cllr Chris Tomblin


In attendance:

Maxta Thomas (Clerk)

1 members of the public


Cllr Malcolm Bell

Cllr Nick Robinson (Borough)





Apologies for Absence



As listed above.



Declarations of Interest






Minutes of the Last Planning Committee Meeting



The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 14th March 2018 were unanimously agreed and signed off by the Chairman. 




Matters arising






Planning & Development



New Applications



17/04282/RES - Land At Minchens Lane Bramley - AMENDED

Reserved matters application (phase 4) for the appearance, landscape, layout and scale of 83 dwellings, with associated landscaping and open space (pursuant to outline permission 14/01075/OUT for 200 dwellings)

Concerns were expressed over the drainage strategy.  Cllrs questioned whether the extra sewerage identified in the strategy document from February 2018 from Thames Water has been addressed. 

It was ntoed that this leads into problems at Razors Farm with flooding – and Cllr Tomblin’s queries with HCC. 

Plans for the housing units are in line with what has been previously agreed, including barn hipping, lack of slate, etc. 

Cllr Tomblin to take up with HCC as the Lead Flood Authority, and Cllr Flooks to draft a response to BDBC.  S.106 requirements also to be queried.









Cllr Tomblin

Cllr Flooks


18/01138/HSE - 23 Anvil Way  Bramley

Erection of front bay window and porch extensions

No objections unanimously agreed.  Clerk to process.





18/01226/VLA - Land At The Street The Street Bramley

Removal of reference to the Designated Protection Order under clause 16.10 of the Section 106 agreement relating to planning permission 15/02682/OUT

There was confusion over what the application is asking the PC to comment on – Clerk to query, and ask why a DPO was put in place in the first place?






Any other new applications

A new planning application for 3 St James Close was noted.  This application appeared on the planning portal very late today, and will be considered at the full council meeting on 15th May.




Approvals/Refusals/Pending (see appendix A) – these were noted.



Update on reserved matters applications



18/00366/RES – Land at the Street

Amended plans have now been submitted to BDBC, and details have circulated to all members.  Taylor Wimpey have also been in touch directly, outlining the amended plans.

The Committee is disappointed that insufficient barn hipping provision is made, which may lead to a terracing effect which the PC was keen to avoid.  In the Committee’s opinion this does not conform sufficiently with the Neighbourhood Plan. 

Street lighting – the Committee is disappointed that shorter lamp posts requested will not be included. 

It was noted that there is no confirmation that public open spaces will be protected from illegal encampments. 

Concerned resident comments were noted.  However, chimneys are in line with the Neighbourhood Plan and are therefore not an issue.  The pill box mentioned in the comments is unknown to councillors; however, this will raised with BDBC. 

Cllr Tomblin noted that it should be checked whether an inspection needs to be carried out for possible contaminated land immediately adjacent to the army camp, as was evident on other applications adjoining the camp. 

It was also noted that the most recent development in Bramley is already demonstrating an under-provision of parking spaces for the modern family.  The Committee would hope that the parking standards for this site will demonstrate consideration of this fact. 

Clerk to draft response to BDBC and developers.

















Update on unlawful development



  1. As reported at the last meeting, the residents at one of the plots at Cufaude Lane have now left the plot after enforcement action was taken.  All three plots have now had enforcement notices served on them, and BDBC expect court hearings for these at the end of June.  The planning applications are currently going through the appeals process.
  2. Bramley Post Office & Shop – as reported previously, this application was refused in March.  BDBC are currently looking at whether to enforce or prosecute, and a decision and action is expected on this soon.



Date of Next Meeting



The date of the next Planning Committee meeting will be on 13th June 2018.


Meeting closed at 8.35pm.



Signed:                 ………………………………………………………………….      Date:………………………………………



Appendix A



17/04267/LBC & 17/04266/FUL - Razors Farm Cufaude Lane Chineham

Demolition of existing barn and erection of 2 no. dwellings (appearance to remain the same as approved applications 16/04520/FUL and 16/04521/LBC)




18/00099/RES - Land To The North Of Sherfield Road Bramley

Reserved matters application for the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of 50 dwellings, with associated open space and children's play area (pursuant to outline permission 15/02708/OUT)


No objections, subject to all matters being resolved from developer meeting


18/00386/HSE - 26 Farriers Close Bramley

Conversion of garage and erection of single storey rear extension

No objections provided extra parking is provided within curtilage to allow for loss of garage. 



No objections


T/00081/18/TPO - Open Space To The Front Of 39 Wallis Drive

1 Lime: full crown reduction of 40% (10m) leaving a total height of 12m with an approx crown spread of 8m


No objections, subject to TO’s view


18/00803/HSE - 12 Farriers Close Bramley

Erection of single storey rear extension


No objections


Pending Applications*


16/04519/FUL - Upper Cufaude Farmhouse Cufaude Lane Bramley

Erection of 2 no. dwellings

No objections, subject to Heritage view


17/00942/FUL - Land Adjacent To The Oaks Cufaude Lane Bramley

Change of use of site as a private gypsy site for one family comprising a mobile home, utility room and touring caravan


Appeal lodged – non-determination


17/03717/VLA - The Lodge Cufaude Courtyard Cufaude Lane Bramley

Discharge of legal agreement to remove the tie which restricts the garages/store approved under BDB/54128 being used and/or sold as a separate unit of accommodation

No comments


18/00370/ROC - Razors Farm Cufaude Lane Chineham

Variation of condition 1 of 16/03842/RES to allow amended plans for inclusion of kickabout area within phase 2.

No comments


18/00366/RES – Land at the Street Bramley

Reserved matters approval pursuant to planning permission 15/02862/OUT comprising 65 dwellings (26 affordable dwellings) open space, landscaping and car parking  (matters of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale to be considered)

No objections, subject to all matters being resolved from developer meeting


18/00713/HSE - 12 Osler Close Bramley

Erection of single storey side and rear extension

No objections


18/00811/HSE - 17 Moat Close Bramley

Erection of two storey side extension

No objections


18/01027/HSE - Barton House Silchester Road Bramley

Erection of a first floor side extension above existing garage

No objections


18/01033/RET -QPS House The Street Bramley

Change of use from Estate Agents to Tanning Shop 'Sui Generis'

No objections, comments

*Objections/no objections listed are the decision of Bramley Parish Council only, and do not reflect any submissions placed by members of the public or other bodies with Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council.

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