Bramley Parish Council - Minutes - 21st July2020

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Minutes of the Meeting of the Council


Tuesday 21st July 2020

Time:                                    7.30pm


Online Zoom meeting (public)



Cllr Durrant

Cllr Tomblin


Cllr Bell

Cllr James


Cllr Flooks

Cllr Capel


Cllr Munday

Cllr Ansell


Cllr Oborn


In attendance:

Maxta Thomas (Clerk)

0 members of the public


Cllr Robinson (Borough)



Cllr Keith Oborn






Apologies for Absence



As listed above.



Declarations of Interest






Open Forum



Cllr Durrant invited comments and questions from the public. 

  • None.



2019-20 Audit review



To consider the Internal Audit for 2019-20

 The Clerk outlined the review of matters arising from the Internal Audit for 2019-20, held in April 2020.  The following points were made:

  • The Council has a subscription for the Rialtas Alpha systems which will simplify reporting for the Council, but is still using a spreadsheet for accounts.  The recommendation was to transfer the accounts to the Alpha system.  The Clerk has actioned this, and the new system should be online within the next week or so.
  • Where the Council makes grant to charities, it should ensure that their compliance is up to date.  The recommendation is to check the Charity Commission website as a matter of routine.  This was noted, and the Clerk is already actioning this.
  • The Council has considered getting a debit or credit card for the Clerk to better manage sundry expenses and ensure that regular electronic subscriptions are paid directly by the Council.  Clerk to take this forward – any card will need to have a set limit, and the application form will need to be physically signed in accordance with the bank mandate.
  • Last year the External Auditor requested that the commuted sum was treated on a receipts and payments basis rather than an income and expenditure basis.  The use of the Alpha accounts system will simplify such matters in the future.  All figures for this year’s accounting statement have been adjusted accordingly.














         i.            To agree and sign the 2019-20 Governance Statement – this has been distributed to all Councillors for review.  Cllr Ansell proposed that the Governance Statement be signed by the Chairman, Cllr Munday seconded the motion, agreed unanimously.  The Chairman duly signed the Governance Statement

       ii.            To agree and sign the 2019-20 Accounting Statement – this has been distributed to all Councillors review.  The Chairman noted the alteration to last year’s figures to reflect that the accounts were done on a receipts and payments basis, which meant that the repayment of the s.106 commuted sum to BDBC could not be accrued and has therefore appeared in this year’s audit figures.  Cllr James proposed that the Accounting Statement be signed by the Chairman, Cllr Bell seconded the motion, agreed unanimously.  The Chairman duly signed the Accounting Statement.

All documents to go on the website, redacted as appropriate, and the Clerk will submit them to the External Auditor.







Date of Next meeting



The next Parish Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 15th September 2020.  However, this will depend very much on the situation with the Covid-19 outbreak.  The website will be kept up to date with updates as necessary.




The meeting closed at 7.45pm


Signed:………………………………………………………………….      Date: ………………………………………              


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