Bramley Parish Council Minutes 21st May 2012

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Minutes of Bramley Parish Council
held in the Village Hall on Monday 21st May at 7.30pm.


Parish Councillors present were:
Alison Jayawardena, Dalton Hopkins, Malcolm Bell, Richard Wood, Claire Penfold, Janice Spalding, Patrick Murphy, Chris Holland

Also present were:
Borough Cllr.s Tomblin, County Cllr. Keith Chapman, 17 members of the public


1.0 Apologies

Cllr. Anthony Durrant, PCSOs, Cllr Jayawardena (joined late)


2.0 Minutes of the last meeting
Proposed Cllr. Penfold, seconded Cllr. Spalding.


3.0 Transport, Highways and Parking: Campbell Road Roundabout
There was a long discussion about the roundabout which had been proposed for the junction with Campbell Road and the C32. Simon Found and Tom Robison from HCC Highways attended the meeting to answer questions about the consultation and how the recommendation for a roundabout at this junction had come about. Prior to the meeting some additional information had been circulated to Cllrs, see appendix.

In summary:
The discussions about highways concerns began in 2009. The traffic surveys and the key part of the public consultation were carried out at a time where there was almost full occupancy of the new development. By the time of the most recent consultation in February this year certainly there would have been complete occupancy.

Before the meeting, based on information circulated, 6 Parish Councillors had stated that they were in favour of the roundabout, 3 Parish Councillors had stated that they were not in favour. In addition, 6 residents had stated that they were not in favour of the roundabout on the informal google group.
This was a multi-authority project and there has been consistency since conception as the two senior engineers, the county councillor and the borough councillors as well as the current Chair had worked on this together since 2009. Highways explained that the Parish Council are consultees in the same way that members of the public are consultees.

It had been explained by Highways that the consultations had been carried out correctly – the public and the PC stated their agreement of this. It was clear then there had been no failure in the discharge of duties which would warrant the consultation being revisited.

After the open discussions which involved both Councillors and the public, and being in receipt of further information from the Senior Highways Engineers, the Chair asked that the motion of whether the roundabout should go ahead, be moved.

The results are as follows:
• In favour of the scheme – 5 Councillors
• Against the scheme – 2 Councillors
• One parish councillor was not present. One abstained at this vote.

It was resolved that the roundabout should proceed.

4.0 Accounts for payment Proposed Cllr. Penfold, seconded Cllr. Spalding

Cheques for approval:
HALC Clerks Forum £18.00
Jamie Snow salary £279.10
Sarah Smart - Clerks Pay, allowances, expenses £911.77
Clerk reimbursement for office supplies £186.50
Chris Holland reimbursement Grit for yellow bins £36.00
Ridgeway Press - APM A3 colour posters £25.00
Parish Council Insurance £1,142.42
Total £2,598.79


5.0 Planning
See appendix for applications


6.0 Representatives’ reports

County Cllr. Chapman explained that he had been very busy this last year and had not been able to attend as many Parish Council meetings as he would have liked, due to other commitments.
He explained that some libraries in the County were being closed – not due to funding, but because they are being underused. In these instances they would be replaced by mobile library services or moved to other locations such as community centres where there is greater foot fall.
He explained that Milestones had received an additional 36,000 visitors while the Lego exhibition was being held there.
He also explained that the Discovery centre had received 310,000 visitors last year.
He reminded the PC that he is able to assist and that if there are any issues of concern the PC should get in touch with him.

Borough Councillors Report

Cllr. Jayawardena explained that he had some updated appointments. His Borough Council responsibilities are:
Cabinet: Deputy Leader & Cabinet Member, Strategy & Commissioning Committee of the Council
Member, Basing View Executive Committee
Member, Manydown Executive Committee
Chairman, Basing View Members Advisory Panel
Member, ICT Strategy Councillors User Group
Chairman, The Malls MAP
Chairman, of the New Road MAP

Cllr. Jayawardena explained that he welcomed the decision on Manydown because there was now clarity on what was required going forward. He explained that while there is more work to be done on a replacement Core Strategy document Bramley PC should consider starting the task of creating a Neighbourhood Development Plan. There was an opportunity to form a group and think about what the village wants before developers come in with pre-application plans.

Cllr. Holland asked whether the lack of an LDF made parts of the Borough more vulnerable. Cllr. Jayawardena explained that it does expose areas to applications from developers and that if the draft was still in place it would have had some effect even if it was not fully adopted. There is still a development control committee and they would adhere to the previous local planning policies, but these give the Planning Inspector the opportunity to agree/disagree so local views can be over-ruled. The Planning Inspector had thrown out previous plans for Manydown so this whole area would need to be reconsidered. The overall numbers would still have to be included in allocated sites and the reduced number of 594 homes per year would need to be developed within the Borough (down from the 945 the South East Plan had tried to impose on the Borough) although the numbers as a whole have to now be revisited as part of the new Core Strategy process.

Cllr. Tomblin welcomed the Newly elected PC and wished the new Mayor well in his role.
His new Borough Council responsibilities are:
Member, Development Control
Member, Community Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny
Member, Viewing Panel
He explained that he might try Surgery type meetings with the public.

7.0 Environmental Matters

The Granary
The Clerk had been in touch with Giles Pritchard, Head of Historic Buildings and Conservation (HCC), whose team are able to offer the PC their expertise in establishing what was required to maintain the Granary. They offered two choices: 1) an initial inspection at £250, or 2) a full structural survey at £1,000. It was agreed that the full survey would be required to enable the PC to make a decision about any works required.
Proposed Cllr. Penfold, Seconded Cllr. Spalding. All in favour.

The Clerk would instruct HCC to go ahead with the survey and to liaise with Janice Spalding who was to act as ‘Champion’ for The Granary. Clerk, JS


Culvert in Longbridge Road
The PC had received several complaints about the area adjacent to the Cinder Track at the back of Longbridge Road known as the SINC (Site of Important Nature Conservation). The area had been cleared and there was some concern about children playing in the area near the shallow water. There was also an issue of the nearby houses being overlooked as the structure appeared to allow people to climb high enough to peer into gardens.
The matter would be investigated by the PC, the Borough Council, the Planning Department etc. As a matter of urgency.


7.0 Representative Reports


Parish Plan
Cllr. Penfold had met with Sue Royden who replaced the previous contact at BDBC. She explained that she would be meeting again in June and that the Questionnaire should be ready for delivery June-July, with a 3 week response time.

Beat Panel
Cllr. Holland reported on the Community Speed Watch initiative, explaining that there are 6 volunteers who have completed the police check forms, and that they were borrowing equipment from Baughurst Parish Council in order to carry out a low-cost trial.


Clift Meadow
Cllr. Spalding explained that posters had gone up to promote the jubilee party. She confirmed that the Duke’s Estate had given permission for the large banners to be displayed on the Green. She made a plea for volunteers if anybody was available to help out on stalls etc.

She explained that they were having some problems with the Youth Club as there seemed to be some damage caused each week requiring additional cleaning and maintenance. It was hoped that another supervisor being present each week would help to resolve this. Clift Meadow Trust were keen to keep allowing the Youth Club to use the Pavilions as it was proving to be very popular.

Before the meeting closed, Cllr Wood wished to declare thanks to the outgoing councillors. Cllr. Ferguson, McCorry, and Douglas who had decided not to stand again, and also to Borough Councillor Vaughan for his support during his term.


9.0 Items for the next meeting



There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.25pm.

Chairman ................................................................................................Date.................................


3.0 Campbell Road Roundabout information circulated before the PC meeting.

Additional information
During the two-year consultation period, there was a traffic survey carried out by HCC – results fed back to me are:~
Typical traffic volumes per day (0700-1900):
• There were around 5500 vehicles on Sherfield Road
• There were around 2000 vehicles on Campbell Road
• Average speeds were in excess of 35mph.
• The number of vehicles turning between the roads were around 3000 (again from 0700 - 1900). This included around 600 movements from Campbell Road to Sherfield Road during peak periods.
The proposal for the roundabout come forward following concerns raised during the consultation period about the conditions at the junction, especially in the peak. Other reasons were that it will hopefully reduce speeds significantly on Sherfield Road (the scheme also includes measures to slow traffic on Campbell Road), it will make the village less attractive as a rat-run and reduce the danger from turning traffic "taking chances" to get out of Campbell Road.
There was ongoing consultation with the Parish representatives and with elected members at HCC and BDBC, all of whom supported the continued development of the scheme and therefore Highways took it forward.
According to the electoral roll, there are almost 1,000 residential dwellings beyond the Campbell Road junction, most of which have multiple occupants and more than one car (this is about the same size as Baughurst and almost the size of Pamber coming off one junction). In addition there is traffic from the care home which has 77 residents plus staff, deliveries and visitors, the industrial units with the staff, visitors and commercial deliveries, and Bramley Camp.
In August 2010 the PC had a Speed Limit Reminder in Campbell Road, this recorded 36,284 incidents in a 4 week period of vehicles exceeding 35mph, which equates to 1,208 vehicles per day triggering the SLR.

5.0 Planning


Conversion of part of integral garage to living accommodation 29 Taylor Drive, Bramley, Tadley, RG26 5XB



Erection of a part two storey, part single storey side extension forming double garage following demolition of existing garage Stye House, Bramley Corner, Bramley, Tadley, RG26 5DJ



Erection of single storey rear extension, open oak framed porch to north elevation and braced canopy porch to front west elevation. Alterations to external walls of existing south lean-to extension Willow Tree Cottage, Sherfield Road, Bramley, Tadley, RG26 5BA



Change of use of open space to residential land and erection of a chain link fence Land adjoining 32 & 34 Wallis Drive and 6-9 St James Close, Bramley, Tadley With BDBC:
Not yet decided


Subdivision of ground floor office unit and conversion of first floor office unit to 2 no. 1 bedroom flats Ronald Court, The Street, Bramley RG26 5BT

With Parish Council