Bramley Parish Council Minutes 16th July 2012

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Minutes of the Meeting of Bramley Parish Council
held in the Village Hall on Monday 16th July at 7.30pm.


Parish Councillors present were:
Richard Wood, Chris Holland, Claire Penfold, Dalton Hopkins, Alison Jayawardena, Malcolm Bell, Janice Spalding, Anthony Durrant, Patrick Murphy

Also present were:
Borough Cllr. Ranil Jayawardena, Borough Cllr Chris Tomblin, 8 members of the public


1.0 Apologies
County Cllr Keith Chapman, PCSOs


2.0 Minutes of the last meeting
Proposed Cllr. Murphy, seconded Cllr. Durrant.


3.0 Monthly Income and Expenditure, circulated by way of ‘Budget Tracking’ spreadsheet.
No comments.

Accounts for payment were approved:
Proposed Cllr. Holland, seconded Cllr. Murphy

Cheques for approval:
Jamie Snow salary – July 2012 £279.10
Jamie Snow salary – August 2012 £279.10
Clerk Salary and reimbursement – July 2012 £906.97
Clerk Salary and reimbursement – August 2012 £909.37
Chairman's allowance - 1st half £125.00
R Gregory Burial Grounds Maintenance Feb-June £765.00
Cross House Room Hire £10.00
Sub total, PC expenses £3,274.54

Lloyds TSB Bank signatories
It was agreed that all Councillors should be added so that there was contingency for absence.


4.0 Planning
See appendix for applications
No comments.


5.0 Police, County and Borough Councillor Reports

PCSO James Rickaby was unable to attend, Cllr. Wood read an emailed report:
“There was one incident several weeks ago which was reported to the police, which occurred along the Cinder Track. A male was pushed to the ground from behind whilst he was walking to the train station, and had his wallet stolen. Unfortunately the victim did not see who had pushed him to the ground, and local units including myself did an area search shortly after the incident had been reported”

Borough Councillors Report

Cllr. Jayawardena reported on the Broadband upgrade to the Turgis Green exchange, which is due towards the end of 2013. This news is good for Bramley and Sherfield as fibre is being taken to the cabinet, but it was noted that the copper cables would still go from there outwards as fibre to every home would be too expensive.

He also reported on a planned £9bn railway upgrade where electrified lines through Bramley would lead to faster, quieter trains carrying both freight and passengers.

Cllr. Jayawardena explained that the Manydown site was being promoted for development as part of the emerging Local Plan. He explained that the previous investigations considered the Manydown infrastructure as a whole which hindered the large site from being considered fully, but that there is now a different approach and the 2,000 acres were being looked at in smaller sections so that it could more easily be added in the mix. He also explained that there had been a vote to conduct an external audit of the decisions made to date. He explained that he had abstained from the vote due to his involvement in the process, but was disappointed to see the Committee vote in favour of spending £100,000 of public money on this audit.

Cllr. Jayawardena explained about the changes to Commissioning and said that the Borough Council were consulting on this and welcomed any suggestions. The suggestion is that some services could be delivered better by different people, and that we as a PC are entitled to ‘bid’ to run specific services. This follows the spirit of the Localism Act and authorities would be able to form partnerships with private companies and/or volunteers to deliver services. The funding for specific services would be transferred.

Cllr. Tomblin explained that the Planning Committee objected to the plans for Kiln Farm near Popley on the grounds that they were premature. It was expected that David Wilson Homes would appeal this decision. He also reported that there was a consultation on the Razor’s Farm development which the Bramley Parish Clerk was promoting to residents. Another site within the Parish that was put forward in the SHLAA was the land West of Cufaude Farm marketing by Knight Frank. It was noted that this would be considered by the Planning and Infrastructure Cttee in the Autumn.

Cllr. Tomblin also commented that the County’s Operation Resilience programme was continuing along with the surface improvements already expected within Bramley due to follow the traffic calming measures.

The Borough Cllrs were asked to clarify the revised timetables for producing a new Local Plan to replace the LDF and it was suggested that the process should be completed by around April 2014.

6.0 Transport Highways and Parking

Cllr. Richard Wood was speaking with Barry Ford, Principal Engineer (Landscape, Engineering and Parking) BDBC, and they were meeting to try to resurrect the yellow lining project for Coopers Lane. It was noted that they needed to look at the problem holistically and not just push the problem along to the next road.

7.0 Legislation Updates
The new Code of Conduct was circulated to all Cllrs to be adopted by the Parish Council. Proposed Cllr. Spalding, seconded Cllr. Murphy, all in favour.

Standing Orders were also updated and circulated. It was noted that these can be reviewed annually. Proposed Cllr. Holland, seconded Cllr. Durrant, all in favour.

Both the new Code of Conduct and the revised Standing Orders would be published on the parish council website. Clerk


8.0 Environmental Matters
Cllr. Tomblin was asked whether he had made any progress on resolving the resident’s complaints about the culvert at the back of Longbridge Road. He explained that officers had visited the site and he had been chasing up responses, but had not had any feedback about the issues as yet.

It was noted that the cinder track lighting was still outstanding. There were other unresolved issues with the German Road development and Cllr. Hopkins would be asked to draw up a list of the incomplete works so that the developers and planners could be chased up. DH

It was noted that the survey of the Granary had been completed and the report would be available at the next PC meeting in September.


9.0 Representative Reports:


Parish Plan
It was noted that the Parish Plan questionnaire was now out in the community and that the next stage would be to collect and if necessary knock on doors to try to get as many responses back as possible. No timescale for the analysis of the results had been set yet. The Parish Council confirmed it was eager to receive the important feedback.

Community Feasibility Study (also see appendix for the report)

Cllr. Holland had circulated some information bringing the Councillors up to date with work on the project so far. It was noted that now the Cllrs had seen the Parish Plan questionnaire there were some questions relevant to this project and the responses from residents would be helpful in making future decisions.
Cllr. Holland was thanked for his extensive and detailed work in informing the rest of the PC of the current status. Cllr. Bell asked whether the Parish Council could purchase the land and hold it for the
purpose of a new community facility in the future if funding for the building could be procured later, on the basis that it could be sold back to RBL if this did not proceed, so that the site was not lost to residential development. It was decided that further discussion and negotiation was needed before making such a big decision. It was agreed that the Parish Council would write formally to the
British Legion to express a formal intent in working towards a purchase of the land if the terms and conditions were right. CH, RW, Clerk


Village Hall Trust
Cllr. Wood who is the PC representative explained that the Trust were considering extending the kitchen are as the lunch club were struggling with the inadequate facilities.


10.0 Items for next meeting:
Finance Committee to review Financial Regulations
Note that there might be a committee meeting to discuss Razor’s Farm planning application.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.25pm.

Chairman ................................................................................................Date.................................

Public interval

Charles Lewis asked two questions: 1) could the Parish Council explain the policy on commercial organisations using the community notice boards. 2) Could the PC ask the PCSOs why there was such poor traffic management following the recent accident on the A33 which diverted traffic along Cufaude Lane causing chaos for several hours.
It was explained that the lottery-funded notice boards had two sections – the left hand side was used only for official parish council notices, agendas etc, and the right hand side was used to promote local businesses and activities. The Parish Clerk usually assisted by displaying the material sent to her, and would make a judgement on whether it was appropriate material of interest to local residents.

Judith Foyle wanted to bring to the Parish Council’s attention that some of the allotment plots, seemingly those which had changed hands recently, were being neglected. The clerk would attend and request that the terms and conditions be adhered to, and ensure that the plots were cleared of weeds etc. It was possible that the weather conditions had contributed to unsuccessful crops for those tenants less experienced in managing an allotment and it was suggested that a mentoring scheme might be encouraged.

She also explained that she had visited the Sherfield Village Hall and reported some information about the layout and hire costs. She explained that if Bramley were to charge similar fees many of the clubs, including short mat bowls, would be unable to afford to book their activities. She said that the new hall looked nice, but seemed too small.


5.0 Planning


Reduction of Oak tree (T1) to give clearance of 1.5m from ABC conductors and property Adjacent to 4 North Row, Bramley



Erection of a single storey rear extension 27 Farriers Close, Bramley, Tadley, RG26 5AX

With planning committee


Change of use from D1 use (Holistic Health Centre) to B1 use (Office) Gristwood Mills Clinic, Unit 5, Stocks Barns, Minchens Lane, Bramley, Tadley, RG26 5BH

With planning committee


Subdivision of ground floor office unit and conversion of first floor office unit to 2 no. 1 bedroom flats Ronald Court, The Street, Bramley
RG26 5BT

PC no objection, BDBC Delegated

Not yet decided


Erection of two storey side extension 10 Beaurepaire Close, Bramley, Tadley, RG26 5DT

Not yet decided

BDB/76449 Erection of a single storey rear extension following demolition of conservatory Moggies Roost, Sherfield Road, Bramley Green, Tadley,
RG26 5AJ Granted

Large/Major Development Change of use of land from countryside to mixed use agricultural holding and private equestrian use. Erection of a barn for hay storage and lambing, American barn with 6 loose boxes and construction of a manege Land south of Tudor Farm, Silchester Road, Bramley

BDBC not yet decided


Insertion of window to end elevation The Granary, Minchens Court, Minchens Lane, Bramley, Tadley, RG26 5BH



Single storey side extension 29 Longbridge Road, Bramley, Tadley, RG26 5AN



9.0 Appendix: Community Facility Study – Background Brief to Parish Council, updated 13 Jul 12

The aim of this brief is to offer an insight into the history of the Bramley Village Hall and to seek guidance and support from Bramley PC and B&DBC for the way forward. A limited file referred to in this brief is held as at 13 Jul 12 by the Chairman Bramley PC.

Village Hall Conveyance and Trust Deed dated 30th October 1969

Clause 1 states that: ‘the property (the land) shall be held upon trust for the purposes of a village hall for the use of the inhabitants of the parish of Bramley without distinction of political, religious or other opinion including use for meetings, lectures and for other forms of recreation and leisure time occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants’. The Deed defines the membership (appointed & co-opted), roles and responsibilities of the Committee of management.

Clause 18 states that: ‘If the committee (Committee of Management) decides at any time that on the grounds of expense or otherwise it is necessary or advisable to discontinue the use of the trust property in whole or in part for the purposes stated in Clause 1 it shall call a meeting of the inhabitants of the age of 18 or upwards of the area of benefit of which meeting not less than 14 days notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place or places on that trust property and advertised in a newspaper circulating in the area of benefit and if such decision shall be confirmed by three quarters of such inhabitants present and voting at such meeting the Trustees may at the request of the Committee and with the consent of the Charity Commissioners or the Secretary of State let or sell the trust property or any part thereof.’

Clift Meadow Conveyance and Trust Deed dated 13 September 1996. Land known as ‘Bells Meadow’ at Bramley; the land is described in a conveyance of 13 Sep 96 which was made between Michael John Keith Wilson and two others of the first part and BPC of the second part.

Comment: It is assumed that Bells Meadow is the area called Clift Meadow in 2012.

Background 1998-2012.

1998. On 27 Jul 98 the gift of John & William Clift was renamed ‘Clift Meadow Trust’ (1032665) by the Charity Commissioners of England & Wales. A Committee of Management was to replace the existing trustee (BPC) to manage the charity after the first AGM; BPC will be the custodian trustee of the charity (‘Clift Meadow Trust’) with three appointed members; BPC as custodian trustee will hold the land in trust for the charity.

Comment: The 1969 Deed refers to the Clift family and their conveying unto the Trustees a piece or parcel of land at Midd Farm (identified on a hand drawn map (as part of the Deed) – the Village Hall site. I believe the Charity Commissioners consolidated the arrangement under the newly named ‘Clift Meadow Trust’ (Midd Farm and Bells Meadow) in 1998. In 2012 the exact authority to propose change and specific roles and responsibilities needs to be agreed between BPC, Clift Meadow Trust and the Village Hall Committee.

1999. In May 99 the Village Hall Steering Group (VHSG) produced and circulated a leaflet ‘Your chance to decide on the future of your Village Hall’; three Options (250 residents (12%) voted):

1. Demolish & rebuild Village Hall.
2. Renovate and extend existing Village Hall.
3. Sell existing hall and build new one elsewhere (on Forge Fields) (18 votes)

Note: Deed requires 75% of those present to support the proposition (not 75% of village).

2000. In Jan 00 B&DBC issued a questionnaire to Bramley residents, which was also inconclusive; in May 00 ‘Alexander Design’ was commissioned by B&DBC to conduct a feasibility study for the improvement to Bramley Community Facilities. The report identified three Options:

1. New improved facility at Clift Meadow.
2. New additional facility at Forge Fields.
3. Refurbishment of existing Village Hall with youth facilities to be developed at Clift Meadow.

2001. In Dec 01 the Community Facilities Advisory Panel (CFAP (VHT & B&DBC representatives)) considered two options (no official minutes):

1. Keep old Village Hall and build a new facility. Deliver a small scale facility with a budget of £446k (£365k for a building & £81k for a ball court) on Forge Fields – site and funds to be controlled by B&DBC. Funds would be limited and from Section 106 monies. It was noted that the funds were insufficient to deliver a significant facility which would meet all the needs of the village.
2. Build new community facility on Clift Meadow. Invite the residents to consider releasing assets from the current village hall (add to B&DBC funding) to build a more significant community facility on Clift Meadow. This was the B&DBC recommended option.

2002. On 12 Apr 02 B&DBC issued a briefing note to confirm the decision. It was confirmed B&DBC would develop options for village consultation; it was expected that a Steering Group would form a Management Committee for the new Farriers Close/Forge Field facility. It was agreed that it was still possible for the VHT to participate in a larger new facility provided the existing site was sold and the proceeds invested entirely in the new facility. Under such an arrangement the new facility could be built on either Farriers Close/Forge Field or Clift Meadow. If the former was chosen B&DBC would agree to transfer the freehold in the land to the VHT at a nominal value and would agree to make a grant available equivalent to the existing Section 106 monies (c£369k). It was envisaged that the existing VHT would form the required management committee.

2003. In Mar 03 it was agreed by consensus (assume by BPC) to proceed with Option 1; an architect was appointed. The new Farriers Close/Forge Field facility had to be financially self supporting and to complement existing village facilities (the 2000 Alexander Report had advised the multiple site option would fail the financial requirement). Andrew Macallan & Mark Penfold, Chartered Architects (16-18 Northfield Road, Church Crookham, Fleet GU52 6ED 01252 622619) were commissioned to provide a proposed site layout for Farriers Close/Forge Field; their proposal was backed up with actual pictures of similar buildings in Whitchurch, Farnham and elsewhere.

2004. After consultation with Bramley resident the Farriers Close/Forge Field option was rejected. It was confirmed that the residents of Bramley rejected the proposal to build a community facility on the site. The same letter confirmed a B&DBC grant of £171k to build an extension to the existing Village Hall.

2008. On 24 Jan 08 Maria Miller MP wrote to Cllr John Leek (B&DBC) to air her concern that if the RBL site is lost to housing development there would be a loss of community facilities at a time when 270+ house are being built on the German Road site. The letter refers to other correspondence; I only have the single letter but assume some of the work in 2009 is a result of the intervention of the MP.

2009. During 1stQ 2009 Richard Wood (Chairman), advised by B&DBC Cllr Rhydian Vaughan, instructed Richard Sturt (Savills, Winchester SO21 3BA) to prepare a strategic marketing report in respect of the provision of community facilities on the RBL site in Bramley. A limited report was produced (I have the BPC copy on file) but no formal action was agreed. In Jun 09 Cllr Vaughan working internally in B&DBC stated the RBL had confirmed their site in Bramley had closed and the property was now surplus to requirement. It was proposed by Cllr Vaughan that policy constraints associated with the site would be identified to ensure the protection, enhancement and replacement of existing leisure and community facilities in Bramley. On 1 Jul Mr Bates Hampshire County Chairman RBL wrote to Mr Ling Property Dept RBL asking for a review and action to agree the disposal of the Bramley RBL site.

2010. BPC believes the RBL are ready to discuss the sale of their site in Bramley. After briefing BPC in Mar 10 John Ferguson instructed B&DBC (Mrs June Balcombe 01256 845477) on 4 Apr to proceed with obtaining approval of Borough funding (upto £10k) to meet the costs of a Feasibility Study into the proposed Community Centre. John Ferguson produced Terms of Reference for the Study stating the following must be considered (I have the full document on File):

• Consider future leisure requirements; demand for an improved facility.
• Consider feasibility of development/re-development existing locations.
• Consider the requirement for access and parking.
• Consider single and two storey building.
• Consider costs of development and running.
• Provide a report and information and data in a pack.

In Jul 10 a series of email between BPC (John Ferguson) and B&DBC (Cllrs Jayawardena & Vaughan) discussed and explored the possibility of working with the RBL to develop their disused site in Bramley. A number of options were considered with the hope that a joint approach might be considered to deliver a comprehensive redevelopment of both village hall and legion sites. An alternative was to simply approach the RBL with a proposition for BPC to purchase the site. The challenge was/is to get the RBL to agree a price (the RBL charitable status mandates they get the best price for assets) without the site being offered to open competition.

2011. John Ferguson produced a Feasibility Study brief (on File) for the Architect Mark Penfold, Chartered Architects (16-18 Northfield Road, Church Crookham, Fleet GU52 6ED 01252 622619). The requirement was to provide the initial costing and options by Oct 11 and the final report by Dec 12. Mark Penfold (P) responded as at 13 May 11 to accept the tender to carry out the feasibility study for the new community centre in Bramley. The following fees were included in the acceptance document:

Task Description Fee
1 Survey of potential sites. This is to consider the suitability of the sites in terms of location, planning, availability, environmental impact, development potential, and will need to acknowledge local desires such as from the emerging Parish Plan. £1000
2&3 Discussions and consultations with Trustees, users, parish councillors and other relevant people. I expect these to involve a number of meetings and discussions over the period of the feasibility study. £750
4 Draft sketches and options with budget costings. This will propose a facility on the site that has been determined during stages 1-3. £750
5 Liaison with officers at local authority. To include planning authority, community officers, and others as appropriate. £375
6&7 Final option plans, sketches and project costings.
To develop proposals detailed in 4 above to account for the later consultations, and include
budget costs for the whole project to include fees etc. £1,500
Total feasibility fee ex VAT £4,375

Mark P confirmed he showed a fee for each phase of the feasibility to allow the PC to assess the costs of each stage so that should the project not proceed beyond the second stage for example, we would know the fee liability. Fees includes reasonable expenses (although if specific presentation material is required it will be charge at cost), and the cost of OS mapping will be charged as a disbursement. The fees are exclusive of VAT which will be charged at the prevailing rate. If there are any statutory fees due, such as pre application fees to the local authority, these will need to be paid separately.

In terms of the timescale for this study, these will follow broadly the process detailed in the fee table above. Mark P suggested he commence and complete stage one during June 2011 and this be followed with the relevant consultations detailed in item 2-3 in the 2 months following (July and August) although much of this being dependent upon the availability of the relevant people and the holiday period during summer 2011. Mark P stated that should this process be successful, he would suggest that the initial sketch proposals and budgets be prepared in late August/early September with the aim to consult the planning authority and community teams during September. The final options and the more detail budgets will be developed after this process which I suggest should be undertaken in October. These timings are subject to the availability of relevant people, the arrangements for meetings, and the proposals being accepted and supported.

2012. During 1st & 2nd Qs 2012 Mark P and John Ferguson identified up to 10 possible sites for the new community facility and discussed expectations and requirements with most stakeholders which are involved today with the Bramley Village Hall. Tasks 1-3 have mostly been completed; subsequent tasks will only be completed when the BPC has agreed a site for further consideration.

2012. 12 Jun. Cllr. Holland spoke to Mark P to confirm progress made on the Feasibility Study; the following was provisionally agreed:

• Background Brief. A copy of this background brief would be sent to Mark P for his consideration (done 12/6).
• Initial Report. Mark P would produce asap a 1-2 page progress report including confirmation of cost incurred.
• Attend BPC Meeting 16 Jul. Mark P will be asked to attend the BPC Meeting on Mon 16th Jul at 19:30 hrs to present his report and take questions (cancelled).

2012 11 Jul. Chris Holland met with John F, Rhydian V & Mark P on Wed 11th Jul to discuss progress; the following actions were agreed:

• Notes on Meeting 11 Jul 12. Chris Holland meeting notes circulated to attendees and Parish Cllrs.
• Feasibility Study Report. Mark Penfold agreed to complete his report on Task 1-3 of the Feasibility Study so that it can be circulated to Cllrs before Sat 14th Jul.
• Submission to Bramley PCM on 16 Jul 12. Chris Holland agreed to formally offer the ‘Feasibility Study Report’ (Task 1-3), with his recommendations, to the Bramley PCM on Mon 16th Jul; the report is required to include a survey of potential sites for new community facilities within Bramley and detail of discussions and consultations with Trustees, Users, Parish Cllrs and other relevant people.
• Mark Penfold agreed to be available as required to answer questions on his report and to give his professional views.

Cllr. Chris Holland