Bramley Parish Council Minutes 20th October 2014

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Minutes of the Meeting of the Council


Monday 20th October 2014




Committee Room, Bramley Village Hall


Cllr Durrant (Chair)

Cllr Bell (Vice Chair)


Cllr Wright

Cllr Ansell


Cllr Grieve


In Attendance:

Maxta Thomas (Clerk)

7 members of the public


Cllr Chris Tomblin (Borough)



Cllr Holland

Cllr Jayawardena (Borough)


Cllr Chapman (HCC)

PCSO Nathaniel Johnson






Apologies for Absence



As listed above.



Declarations of Interest






Co-option of Councillors



Cllr Durrant explained that neither candidate was able to be present for tonight’s meeting, but both plan to be present for November if successfully co-opted.    Cllr Wright proposed and Cllr Bell seconded that Pat Murphy and Chris Clarke be co-opted to the Parish Council.  Unanimously agreed.  Clerk to contact new councillors with relevant paperwork.







Minutes of the Last Parish Council Meeting



Cllr Wright proposed and Cllr Grieve seconded that the minutes of the meeting held on 15th September 2014 were a true and accurate record.  Unanimously agreed.  The minutes were signed by the Chairman.



Open Forum



The Chairman invited questions and comments from those present. 

No questions were asked.



Planning & Development



New Applications

 14/02800/HSE - 1 Churchlands Bramley

Erection of a single storey rear extension to include 2 no. rooflights. Changes to fenestrations on front elevation 14/02235/LDPO - 16 Olivers Close Bramley

No objections.

14/02843/FUL - 1 Moat Close Bramley

Erection of attached two bedroom dwelling with access and parking to form two semi-detached dwellings

Minimal plans provided.  Cllr Bell noted that the proposed cladding is not in keeping with the rest of the village.  The building as designed is also not in keeping.  Cllrs Wright, Grieve and Durrant questioned how tightly the proposed build fits on the site.  It was unanimously agreed to object on these grounds.  Clerk to process.

14/03011/HSE - 5 St. Marks Close Bramley

Erection of a single storey rear extension to include rooflights. Installation of bay window to front elevatin with creation of roof to form storm porch. Conversion of loft to form living accommodation to include dormer window to rear

Cllr Bell noted concerns on the size of the roof extension – intrusive on neighbours.  However, similar extensions have been done in the neighbourhood.  No objections, but comments on size of extension and intrusiveness to be registered.  Clerk to process.

14/03085/HSE - 17 Wallis Drive Bramley

Erection of first floor extension over garage and two storey rear extension following demolition of conservatory

Deferred to November

14/03114/HSE - 58 Coopers Lane Bramley

Erection of conservatory

Deferred to November

14/02353/HSE – The Forge, Sherfield Road, Bramley

Amendments to previously agreed planning application – reduction in height and alterations to design of proposal, and removed front facing roof lights.

No objections.


























Approvals/Refusals – recent approvals and refusals were noted.



Update on Strawberry Fields development



Cllr Durrant noted the recent information event held by Gleesons and lobbying company – some councillors attended as residents.  No further invitations to meetings from SSE have been received.  Cllr Ansell noted that feedback from the event has been offered to the Parish Council.  Clerk to action.  References to NDP were corrected by Council members.  It was noted that Gleesons kept referring residents back to NDP.







Update on Minchens Lane development



The application is likely to go to Development Control at BDBC in November.  Minor amendments have been made to associated applications.



Development of RBL site



Cllr Durrant noted proposals to develop the RBL site.  The Parish Council has previously supported RBL in maximising their return on the site.  He noted that any plans put forward will need to confirm to Borough guidelines.  The current proposal is for 8 properties on the site.  RBL wish to present plans to the Parish Council – Cllr Durrant and Clerk to organise.  It was noted that developments of five houses and above should include a level of affordable housing.





Cllr Durrant/ Clerk


LIF – Road Safety at the Level Crossing



A scheme to improve road safety in the level crossing area of the village has been submitted to BDBC and Borough Councillors, but is subject to ratification by the Parish Council.  This has been circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting, and will be available to view on the website in due course.  Cllr Wright proposed and Cllr Grieve seconded PC approval of the scheme.  Unanimously agreed.  The Chairman thanked Cllr Ansell and Cllr Holland for their work on this. 



Clerk’s Report & Correspondence



The Clerk has attended the HALC AGM, which largely focussed on the many challenges facing Parish Councils in future years. 

The Clerk also noted that she has received the external auditor’s report back for last year’s accounts.  The only item noted by the auditor was that not all minutes were signed properly in the minute book.  As previously noted, this is now occurring properly.  The Clerk observed that she was extremely pleased with the result of the external audit, given the number of supplementary questions that were asked after submission.



Litter Warden Vacancy



Applications have now been received for the vacancy, and interviews will be carried out this week.  It is anticipated that the new LW will be in post from 1st November. 






Reports from Parish Council representatives



Allotments & Burial Ground Update – See appendix A.

Burial Ground – Cllr Durrant noted that he has received several communications from residents thanking the Council for recent work done on the Burial Ground.  There have also been one or two complaints, which the Clerk has in hand. 




Neighbourhood Development Plan – See appendix A. 

Cllr Bell noted that an extraordinary council meeting may be required to Cllr Durrant noted that the NDP working group has been a good exercise in resident and Council co-operation.



Village Hall Trust – See appendix A.  



Youth Facility Project & Recreational Facilities – See appendix A. 



Education & Schools – no report.  Cllr Ansell noted that the school has responded favourably to the PC  plans for the LIF spend.



Borough Councillor Report



Cllr Tomblin congratulated Cllr Ansell on the LIF submission, and gave his support to the plan.  He noted that the submission will go to the Cabinet meeting on 28th October – he will check that the report is on the agenda for this meeting. 

The Local Plan has now been submitted to the Inspector – analysis is due by the end of January.  It is possible that the housing numbers will be challenged and be revised upwards.  He noted that it is critical that the Local Plan goes through and is adopted at the earliest opportunity.

Razers Farm – the Secretary of State has upheld the appeal from the developers – building will commence some time in 2015.  Cllr Durrant noted that the Parish Council will need to seek clarification on where the precept for the area will go.

A full BDBC Council meeting will be held on Thursday 23rd October.

Cllr Tomblin noted planned work on the A340 at the hospital for 2015.  2017 may see the A33 Crockford Lane roundabout being improved, and also the Tescos roundabout with traffic lights.  There are also plans to change the Taylors Farm roundabout with an extra lane into roundabout. 

Cllr Tomblin is planning to raise his concerns about the apparent piecemeal approach to road infrastructure to full council on 23rd October.


Cllr Tomblin


County Councillor Report



No report.



Chairman’s Report

Cllr Durrant thanked all councillors for their work whilst the Parish Council is running three councillors short.  Once the new Councillors have fully joined, the workload distribution will be reviewed.  Cllr Durrant also noted the successful achievements of the last 12 months.



Council IT support assistant – Cllr Wright has now written a job specification – Clerk to forward to councillors for review.  Deferred until November.




Parish Environment/Maintenance



Public Access Defibrillators – the Clerk distributed some information on defibrillators, noting that the cost would be around £1500 for one unit, and that training would need to be given to key people in the village.  Unanimously agreed to explore further – clerk to contact first responders team to organise presentation at council meeting.









Issues – Work starting work on Campbell Road roundabout on 27th October for 16 weeks.  It was noted that possible diversion routes may well not be very satisfactory – this will be followed up when they are published.  A resident queried the cost of the project – it was confirmed that it will cost £500,000.  Cllr Bell asked if the Parish Council can object to diversions – Cllr Tomblin was uncertain, but noted that it was worth a try.  All diversions to be publicised by PC as soon as available.

Speed limit – Bramley Green Road.  The Clerk has received reports of cars speeding through this area and Lane End, with pets being killed as a result.  A 20mph speed limit was suggested for the whole area.  Cllr Holland to raise with Highways in due course.  Cllr Ansell noted that 20mph limits have to go through the Secretary of State before being approved.

Oakmead – yellow lines have been altered and parking notices erected ready for work on building.










Cllr Holland


Consultation Documents requiring consideration









Payments and Reconciliation Approval – see appendix B

The clerk outlined the payments and reconciliation for October.  She noted that the Youth Facility payments to Strongbond has already been made for this month.  Items of note for October are:

  • An invoice for the work on the Football Field – the s.106 payment from BDBC has been received
  • Tax & NIcs payment – the Q2 payment is due now, together with the outstanding payment of £840 for part of the last tax year.  This should bring the Council’s payments up to date.

All other payments are as expected. 

Cllr Grieve proposed, and Cllr Wright seconded a motion to approve all payments.  Unanimously agreed.  Clerk to action.














Acknowledgement of Receipts – Appendix B

S.106 money has been received for the Youth Facility and for the Football Field.  The second half of the precept has been received, as well as some minor monies for Burial Ground fees.



Electronic Banking – the Clerk now has full electronic access to the PC current account with Unity Trust Bank.  She also has experience of working with electronic banking (BACS transfers) with other councils, which she outlined and noted works well.  Cllr Wright proposed and Cllr Grieve seconded that the Council adopt electronic banking.  Clerk to process.







2015/16 Budgetary requirements – the Clerk noted that she would be submitting a budget for consideration at the November meeting, and invited suggestions for consideration.



Grant Applications



Clift Meadow Trust – an application has been received for providing and maintaining recreational facilities at the pavilion.  Cllr Durrant invited Simon Gill to present plans.  Simon outlined a more cohesive forward looking approach to managing the Pavilion.  He also noted that the CMT will run out of money in December 2014.  New trustees have been recruited, with a committed leadership team.  Grant is for urgent issues initially – he noted the tight timetable.


Questions were asked by Councillors to clarify some of the planned spend.


Cllr Durrant observed that the Parish Council is keen to support the Clift Meadow Trust, but he felt that some creativity is needed on how this is done.  He proposed that a grant be made immediately to cover the material work such as lighting upgrades, alarm upgrades etc.  The payments are to be made directly to contractors on receipt of an invoice made out to the Parish Council.  The total for this work is £11,500.  Cllr Grieve seconded the motion, and it was unanimously agreed.


Cllr Durrant then outlined proposals for a reciprocal agreement between the Parish Council and Clift Meadow Trust, whereby the Council guarantee the use of the Pavilion for sub-committee meetings for one year, thereby giving a regular income stream to the Trust.  It may also be possible for the PC to rent space in the Youth Facility for records storage and ad hoc meeting space for one year.  Cllr Durrant to distribute proposals for other funding ready for November Council meeting. 


Cllr Bell queried hedge trimming expenses.  Clerk to talk to Bulpitts with regard to including with other expenditure.


Cllr Bell requested that any signage be in keeping with a rural village aspect.  Simon Gill noted that some signage is needed to direct traffic to Clift Meadow car park, which is currently difficult to locate.  Traditional signs at Minchens Lane junction, and then small signs at entrance to car park have been suggested.  Planning regulations have been checked.   Clerk to investigate if a County Councillor grant would be available to cover the signage. 


Next CMT committee meeting is on Monday 27th October.  Cllr Durrant asked for councillor availability to attend this meeting – Cllr Grieve is attending anyway. 
















Clerk / Clift Meadow Trust







Cllr Durrant













Youth Management Team – an application has been received for funding two part time youth workers at the Youth Facility.  Cllr Durrant noted that funding for the future needs to be addressed; however the PC can look at funding for the first year.  Cllr Grieve noted that for the Youth Club to start up again qualified youth workers would need to be employed, and that there will also be 4 to 6 volunteers.  An informal management team is in place, but this is not yet a formal committee.  She also noted that Basingstoke Voluntary Action have a dedicated section for youth funding and volunteers. 


Verification was sought on the exact costs – Cllr Grieve confirmed that the salary would be £9 per hour for each of the two workers, working 6 hours per week.  Tax and NI would be managed by Basingstoke Voluntary Action youth team.  The workers will be employed by the PC initially, although the PC will not be managing them. 


Cllr Ansell proposed that the Youth Workers be funded by the Parish Council for 1 year for up to 12 hours per week, payable on a monthly invoice.  Cllr Bell seconded the motion, and it was agreed unanimously. 



Date of Next Meeting



The meeting closed at 9.27pm

The next meeting will be held on Monday 17th November 2014 at 7.30pm, in the Bramley Room at the Village Hall. 








Signed:            ………………………………………………………………….  Date:………………………………………



Actions list





Contact new councillors with new councillor pack



Respond to planning applications



Obtain feedback from Gleesons re public information event for Strawberry Fields development



Extraordinary meeting to discuss development of RBL site

Clerk/Cllr Durrant


Check that LIF submission goes to the BDBC Cabinet meeting on 28th October.

Cllr Tomblin


Distribute IT support person job description to all councillors



Contact First Responders team to present to council info re first responders and defibrillators



Investigate 20mph speed limit with Highways for Bramley Green and Lane End area

Cllr Holland


Process payments



Process forms for electronic banking



Consider ideas for expenditure for 2015/16 budget



Process invoices for work at the Clift Meadow Pavilion

Clerk / Clift Meadow Trust


Process invoices for Youth Workers salaries





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