Bramley Parish Council Draft AGM Minutes - 11th May 2016

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Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Council


Wednesday 11th May 2016




Bramley Room, Bramley Village Hall


Cllr Durrant (Chair)

Cllr Capel


Cllr Lane

Cllr Tomblin


Cllr Flooks

Cllr Marshall

In attendance:

Maxta Thomas (Clerk)

5 members of the public


Cllr Bell

Cllr Ansell




Cllr Durrant opened the meeting.  He then stood down as Chair and the Cllr Lane took control of the meeting



Election of Chairman



Cllr Lane proposed and Cllr Capel seconded the proposal that Cllr Durrant be elected as Chairman. This was agreed unanimously.  Cllr Durrant duly took the position and took over to chair the meeting. 



Election of Vice-Chair



Cllr Durrant proposed that Cllr Bell be elected as Vice-Chair.  This was seconded by Cllr Lane and agreed unanimously.



Co-option of Councillors



Cllr Durrant proposed that Nilgun Marshall and Chris Tomblin be co-opted as Parish Councillors.  This was seconded by Cllr Capel and unanimously agreed.  Cllrs Marshall and Tomblin took their places on the Parish Council.



Apologies for absence



Apologies were received from Cllr Bell and Cllr Ansell. Cllr Durrant thanked outgoing councillors Pat Murphy and Chris Clarke for their efforts over the past year.



To appoint representatives to committees and other organisations as follows:



Clift Meadow Trust



The proposal was made by Cllr Durrant and seconded by Cllr Lane that Cllr Capel be re-appointed.  The proposal was agreed and carried unanimously.



Village Hall Trust



The proposal was made by Cllr Durrant and seconded by Cllr Flooks that Cllr Lane be re-appointed.  The proposal was agreed and carried unanimously.



Police & Neighbourhood Watch Panel



The proposal was made by Cllr Durrant and seconded by Cllr Capel that Cllr Marshall be re-appointed.  The proposal was agreed and carried unanimously.



Basingstoke District Association of Parish & Town Councils



The appointment was deferred to a future meeting.



Finance Working Group



Cllr Durrant proposed that both the Finance and Planning Working Groups be convened only when necessary, and that members should not be formally elected at this point in time.  This was unanimously agreed. 



Planning Working Group



See item e) above. 



Neighbourhood Development Plan Working Group



It was proposed by Cllr Durrant and seconded by Cllr Capel that Cllr Bell continues as Chair to the Working Group.  Unanimously agreed.  Cllr Durrant announced that he was standing down as Vice-Chair.  Cllr Durrant proposed Cllr Flooks as Vice-Chair, but this will need to be ratified by the NDP Working Group.



Education & Schools



The appointment was deferred to a future meeting.



Allotments & Burial Ground



The proposal was made by Cllr Durrant and seconded by Cllr Lane that Cllr Ansell be re-appointed.  This was agreed unanimously.  



Resolution that all Councillors be authorised to sign cheques/authorise online payments



It was proposed by Cllr Durrant and seconded by Cllr Lane that all councillors be authorised to sign cheques and authorise online payments.  This was unanimously agreed. 

The Clerk noted that three signatories are required for cheque payments, and stated that current legislation allows for just two signatories, and two authorisations for online payments.  It was unanimously agreed to have two signatories and online authorisers.  Clerk to organise mandate accordingly.







Appointment of Responsible Financial Officer



The proposal was made by Cllr Durrant and seconded by Cllr Lane that the Clerk Maxta Thomas continue as the RFO.  Agreed unanimously.



Review standing orders and financial regulations 



The Standing Orders were reviewed and formally adopted in September 2014.  The financial regulations were reviewed and formally adopted in March 2015.  These will both need to be reviewed next in 2016/17.  This was unanimously approved.



Meeting closed 7.38pm.







Signed:                 ………………………………………………………………….   Date:………………………………………                              (Chairman)

Bookings Diary

Clift Meadow

Village Hall

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