Bramley Parish Council draft minutes - 14th June 2016

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Minutes of the Meeting of the Council


Tuesday 14th June 2016




Bramley Room, Bramley Village Hall


Cllr Durrant (Chair)

Cllr Bell (Vice Chair)


Cllr Ansell

Cllr Lane


Cllr Flooks

Cllr Tomblin


Cllr Capel


In Attendance:

Maxta Thomas (Clerk)

0 members of the public


Cllr Rowland (Borough)

Matthew Evans (Planning & Infrastructure, BDBC)


Edward Rehill (BDBC)



Cllr Marshall

Cllr Robinson (Borough)


Cllr Keith Chapman (County)

PCSO Johnson






Apologies for Absence



As listed above.  



Declarations of Interest






Minutes of the Last Parish Council Meeting



The minutes of the meetings held on 18th May were unanimously agreed to be a true and accurate record.  The minutes were signed by the Chairman. 




Matters arising



Cllr Durrant ran through action points

Cllr Rowland noted the flooding in Olivers Lane, and stated that the issue in resolving this is with gaining access over privately owned land.  She is chasing.



Open Forum



The Chairman invited questions and comments from those present. 




Development & Social Housing Talk



Cllr Durrant introduced Matthew Evans and Edward Rehill from BDBC Planning. 

Matthew gave a background to his position as Head of Planning and Infrastructure, and Edward as Senior Planning Officer.

He noted the recently adopted Local Plan, and that it sets out BDBC planning policies until 2029.

The Local Plan states that 850 new dwellings per annum in planning period will be built.  A policy requirement that all developments should deliver a minimum of 40% affordable housing – this includes social housing, and shared ownership, and may include starter homes in the near future (depending on Government policy).  Bramley should deliver at least 200 new homes in the planning period outside of the strategic element.  Strategic elements include Razors Farm (425 dwellings), and Upper Cufaude Farm (390 dwellings). 

Matthew gave background to the affordable housing policy – there are 2340 households on the Borough housing register.  Therefore, justification for the 40% affordable housing policy comes directly from this waiting list and from the housing market assessment. 

Notes and questions were made by councillors as follows:

  • Is Manydown going to be excluded from the 40% requirement – Matthew stated that this was not the case, but noted that viability issues might affect this.  Cllr Tomblin noted that this was debated by BDBC in 2015.
  • Councillors noted that they were happy to hear that the Razors Farm development is included as part of Bramley.  Concerns were raised on cohesion of communities might work.  It was noted that Bramley and other areas would benefit from master planning over and above reserved matters and s.106 to assist with community cohesion. 
  • Councillors noted that that Bramley already has 315 dwellings agreed through recent planning applications even before the Local Plan requirement.
  • It was noted that two major developments locally have asked for a reduction in affordable housing.  What impact might this have on Minchens Lane, who are also looking at trying to reduce the affordable housing quota?

Councillors further noted the number of affordable housing that have already been identified for Bramley, which Councillors feel that Bramley does not need.  Cllr Durrant noted that any affordable housing should be closer to the centre of the village (and therefore bus routes and rail routes), which the Minchens Lane development would support, but developments further out from the centre of the village would not.  A recent Freedom of Information request has highlighted that a significant number of families already in social housing in the Parish have asked for a transfer out of Bramley, due to the lack to infrastructure.  It was noted that the 40% affordable housing requirement does not fit well in rural communities, again due to lack of infrastructure and communications.  Matthew stated that the 40% figure is the bottom line for the Local Plan, and will not be changed.  Councillors noted that there is already a problem for families in Bramley in terms of infrastructure and communications, which will be compounded with the extra affordable housing coming. 

  • It was highlighted that Bramley might be worthy of consideration for starter homes rather than social housing.  Matthew stated that the starter home requirement is likely to apply to future developments, and not those that already have planning permission. 
  • Cllr Bell noted that the lack of Local Plan has hit Bramley severely, as any development application has been seen as meeting the Borough housing requirement, and not looked in context for the Parish.  This has led to difficulties in putting together the NDP.  He also noted that the current 315 more than meets the requirement expected of Bramley in the Local Plan, and that there should be no further development over and above what has already been agreed.  Matthew noted that whilst there is a demonstrable 5 year housing supply at the moment with the adoption of the Local Plan, this may not continue in the future, which will leave BDBC in the same situation as previously. 
  • Concern was expressed by Councillors over how s.106 funds will be allocated in the future, and that this will be very important to the parish.  Matthew stated that the Planning Officers do not directly deal with s.106 allocation, but is happy to work with PC and relevant officers moving forward.
  • Edward observed that the ‘at least 200’ requirement will not mean unlimited development in Bramley, and that there should not be much more approved than that which already had permission.
  • Councillors finally observed that the PC and planning officers need to be wary about outline planning permissions being granted and then being not being immediately built.  Matthew acknowledged the problem and the uncertainty that this gives.  He noted that the 5 year housing supply issue is being looked at by the Government, and hopes that there will be more clarity and certainty proved in the near future. 

Cllr Durrant thanked Matthew and Edward for attending the meeting – the PC was highly appreciative.



Planning & Development



New Applications

16/01435/HSE - 2 Pigeons Close Bramley

Erection of single storey side/rear extension

No objections unanimously agreed.

16/01534/LBC & 16/01533/HSE - The Old Cottage The Street Bramley

Erection of an oak framed garden room and alterations

No objections unanimously agreed.

16/01636/HSE - 14 Strawberry Fields Bramley

Erection of rear conservatory

No objections unanimously agreed.

16/01770/HSE & 16/01771/LBC - Lime Tree Cottage Vyne Road Bramley

Refurbishment of existing barn adjoining Lime Tree Cottage for residential use as ancillary accommodation

Objections unanimously agreed on the following grounds:

  • Roof tiles – these should be clay tiles rather than slate, in keeping with the surrounding properties
  • Although the property is just outside the Conservation Area, the visual aspect of the building has an impact on it.  Therefore, the clay hanging tiles on the walls should be maintained, as these are a feature of older buildings in Bramley
  • The replacement aluminium windows were noted.  It was felt that these would not be in keeping with the surrounding area, or indeed the retained windows in other parts of the building.
  • Councillors noted that as the building is a grade 2 listed building, as many external existing features as possible should be retained and carried through to the rest of the building.  This is particularly important in view of the proximity to the Conservation Area.

16/01724/FUL – Latchmere Green Barn Ash lane Little London

Change of use from restricted B8 storage, to general B8 storage; and use of existing workshop to separate B1C workshop (part retrospective)

It was noted that this application does not appear on the BDBC planning portal. 

Councillors to look at in more depth and give consensus reply via email by 17th June.  However, at first sight, there appear to be no objections.

































Use of S.106 funds – BDBC have written to all councils requesting information on possible projects for using s.106 funds.  The area covered specifically is Open Space, and play and sports facilities on Parish & Town Council land. 

The Clerk has received replies from the Village Hall Trust and the Youth Club.    The list needs to be consolidated and then sent to BDBC.  Cllr Lane volunteered to take forward – the deadline is 27th June.  List to include a suggestion for a Parish Office.

Cllr Durrant also noted that the PC needs to engage with BDBC officers about s.106 moving forward. 





Cllr Lane


Parish Environment



Longbridge Road Green update – the landowners have written to BDBC with regards to lifting the Village Green status at Longbridge Road.  They are investigating offering a 0.75 acre plot of land to the rear of houses on the eastern side of Longbridge Road and to the north and south by Jibbs Meadow and Lane End respectively as a possible replacement Village Green site.  This land is currently owned by BDBC.  It was noted that the area suggested is a SINC, an area of scientific interest. 

Cllr Ansell noted the ‘full support’ comment in the letter– Cllr Durrant clarified that this relates purely to improving the area, and does not relate to any commitment re the Village Green statement or any possible development. 



Bullsdown Site – Village Green Status – no further progress. 



Clerk’s Report & Administration



PC newsletter – the Clerk suggested that the time was right to resurrect a Parish Council newsletter, to go out to all households.  Cllr Durrant suggested that this should be published twice a year.  This was unanimously agreed.  It was also agreed that this should be put out soon.  Clerk to ask for articles from Councillors. 

Parish Magazine – Clerk suggested a rota of councillors writing for magazine to ensure that articles are placed every month.  Deadline is usually 15th of month for next month’s magazine.  This was agreed unanimously.

Outstanding actions:

  • Progress defibrillator installations
  • Archiving – two boxes are ready to go to HCC Archives in Winchester.  Prices have been obtained for storage units for more recent documentation.  This needs to be followed up.
  • Contact Clift Meadow Trust re shutter problems at Brocas Hall
  • Bus stops near Cufaude Lane need attention – BDBC/HCC to be contacted.



















Reports from Parish Council representatives



Allotments & Burial Ground Update – see appendix B. 

Allotments - remedial work on six of the allotments is now complete, and they are ready for new tenants.  Waiting list should drop to under 10. 

A complaint has been received about state of the track after the ditching work was completed.  This may need to be addressed moving into the autumn.

Burial Ground - Cllr Ansell proposed accepting the small amendment to the Burial Ground regulations, allowing stonemasons to engrave a small area on the rear of headstones with the branch/company name of the mason.  This was unanimously approved.

Cllr Ansell is awaiting details for LIF application for Memorial Garden – application to be submitted in September. 

Cllr Ansell finally noted that the Burial Ground does seem to be drier since ditching work was done, and that water in the ditch is still running freely. 



Neighbourhood Development Plan – see appendix B. 

  1.          i.            Ratification of amendments to NDP and SEA – Cllr Bell noted that some minor amendments had been agreed informally by councillors at a recent NDP meeting.  Cllr Durrant proposed that the amendments be ratified, and that the draft submission NDP be submitted to BDBC.  This was unanimously agreed.  Cllr Bell to take forward.





Cllr Bell


Village Hall Trust – see appendix B.



Clift Meadow Trust – see appendix B.



Education & Schools – see appendix B.  Cllr Capel volunteered to make contact with the school for a general update, and for s.106 ideas. 


Cllr Capel


Policing and Neighbourhood Watch – see appendix B.  The Clerk noted that PCSO Johnson is now back off leave, and that the July return date was an error on his out of office auto reply. 



Highways & Road Closures

  • Bullsdown footpath – work is ready to commence on the footpath, but completion of the legal work is awaited.  The PCs solicitors have suggested that the deed and licence for the path may not be necessary, and that a maintenance agreement with BDBC may be more appropriate.  They are liaising with BDBC on this; however, BDBC are being very slow in responding.
  • The overgrown state of many of the verges in the Parish was noted.  Clerk to investigate when these are likely to be addressed.  This also applies to the bund on The Street by Cufaude Lane.
  • Cllr Durrant noted the blocked drain at top of Minchens Lane by Minchens House.  Clerk to report.


  1.          i.            Campbell Road roundabout – the verges have now all been cut back, with the exit out of Campbell Road being done last week, and the remaining verges being done in the last few days.  The Clerk has been liaising with HCC Highways, who have said that the high bank coming out of Campbell Road is being investigated and may well be lowered further to aid sight lines.  The Clerk is to write to the relevant officer at HCC to re-inforce the PCs view that he bank should be taken down to its original level before the roundabout was in place, and to ask that the verges at that exit are cut on a regular basis.  Cllr Keith Chapman will be copied in on this.  The Clerk further noted that work is planned to increase the size of the middle circle of the roundabout, and reduce the area of white hatching in the road. 
  2.        ii.            Signs on roundabout were noted, and contact has been made to get them removed.  Cllr Rowland clarified situation re Shercrest, and noted that many signs have now been removed. 





















Road Safety proposals – see appendix B. 

The LIF application is in.  Further questions have been asked, and are being responded to by the Clerk.  Decision should be by end of July.

Cllr Capel asked where the proposed shelters at the level crossing were likely to be placed.  Cllr Ansell replied that the location has not been identified as yet, and does not form part of the LIF proposal.  Cllr Capel stated that there have been further problems with anti-social behaviour at the level crossing and station on Friday and Saturday evenings, and that shelters may not help this situation.  Cllr Ansell to put out consultation to local residents once formal proposals are in.








Cllr Ansell


Borough Councillor Report – Cllr Rowland gave a verbal report.

  • The Local Plan has been approved, but is subject to 6 week period where it can be challenged.  This will finish on 7th July.
  • Manydown masterplan – the pre application phase starts on 1st September for six weeks.
  • Leisure Park re-development – some conflict on how this will fit in with Festival Place.  Decision has been called in.



County Councillor Report – no report. 



Chairmans Report – Cllr Durrant and Cllr Tomblin attended the Parish Conference.  Cllr Durrant handed over to Cllr Tomblin, who gave a verbal report on the Conference.

Gave background on devolution and how this might work in Hampshire.    He noted the current separate bids from Solent, and the Heart of Hampshire, both of which include an elected mayor for their areas, and from HCC for the whole county, which does not include an elected mayor as part of the bid.  There will be public consultation on the issue in due course.  Devolution may well mean that some county responsibilities may devolve down to PC level in the long term.

Mel Barrett gave talk on development in Basingstoke, with a focus on the Leisure Park redevelopment.  He also spoke about infrastructure, and noted that the A33 may be in the frame for a dual carriageway in the distant future. 

Finally, Inspector Paul Pressley on gave a presentation on Community Speedwatch and how it is working within the Parishes. 



Plaque for recognition of long-standing ex-Chairmen – Cllr Durrant suggested a brass plaque in the Village Hall in the reception area could be placed to recognise long standing chairmen.  The Clerk has costed some examples at around £45 - £75.  Cllr Durrant suggested that location for plaque should be Village Hall – this was agreed.  There may be a longer term project for a roll call of all PC Chairmen, but this will require some investigation.






Consultation Documents requiring consideration






Grant Applications



Bramley Village Hall Trust – application for resurfacing the floor in the main hall and Committee Room.  A quote has been received for £4000 excluding VAT.

Concern was expressed on how quickly the resurfacing has needed doing after previous time (approximately three years). 

Cllr Tomblin proposed the VHT go back and explore either LIF or s.106 funding for a replacement floor, as well as a possible County Councillor grant.  If there is a shortfall where the PC can loan money, than this will go forward.  This was unanimously agreed.  Clerk to process.












Payments and Reconciliation Approval – see appendix C.

The clerk outlined the payments and reconciliation for April.  She noted the following:

  • Various invoices have been received for NDP consultancy work and work on the SEA report.  A grant has already been received for the SEA report work.
  • Storage shed at Clift Meadow – it is thought that this is being paid for by s.106 funding.  The Clerk is seeking clarification on this matter.  The work has been carried out and the invoice is now due.  Cllr Durrant noted that VAT money is still in the account from the Brocas Hall project – however, care should be taken with this particular invoice. 
  • An expenses claim has been received from Cllr Bell for £11.85, for meetings re the SEA report.  This does not appear on the reconciliation.
  • All other payments as expected.

It was unanimously agreed to approve the payments for June – Clerk to process.
















Acknowledgement of Receipts – see Appendix C.

Receipts were noted.



Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 20th July.



Resolution – To exclude press and public from items that may require discussion of possible legal and financial proceedings i.a.w Public Meetings – Admission to Public Meetings Act 1960






The meeting finished at 9.48pm





Signed:                 ………………………………………………………………….   Date:………………………………………             


Appendix A – Planning Summary


Planning Applications for Consideration



16/01435/HSE - 2 Pigeons Close Bramley

Erection of single storey side/rear extension



16/01534/LBC & 16/01533/HSE - The Old Cottage The Street Bramley

Erection of an oak framed garden room and alterations



16/01636/HSE - 14 Strawberry Fields Bramley

Erection of rear conservatory



16/01770/HSE & 16/01771/LBC - Lime Tree Cottage Vyne Road Bramley

Refurbishment of existing barn adjoining Lime Tree Cottage for residential use as ancillary accommodation



16/01724/FUL – Latchmere Green Barn Ash lane Little London

Change of use from restricted B8 storage, to general B8 storage; and use of existing workshop to separate B1C workshop (part retrospective)






16/00122/ROC - Razors Farm Cufaude Lane Chineham

Removal of condition 8 of planning permission BDB/77341 (Outline application for up to 425 dwellings) regarding the Code for Sustainable Homes Policy (CfSH)



T/00050/16/TPO - 13 North Row Bramley Tadley

T7 Oak - fell to ground level and grind out stump and replant



16/00641/OUT - Land At Os Ref 464380 158820 Vyne Road Bramley

Outline planning application for erection of a dwelling (all matters reserved)

Application withdrawn


16/00786/HSE - 26 The Smithy Bramley

Erection of a two storey side and rear extension



T/00136/16/TPO - 2 Herridge Close Bramley

Lime tree - crown reduce by 3m all round leaving an approx finished height of 15m and crown spread of 8m and remove any deadwood



16/01132/HSE - 5 Lane End Bramley

Erection of two storey side, first floor rear and single storey rear



16/01148/HSE - Lyndale Sherfield Road Bramley

Erection of detached garage and second storey rear extension extensions and alterations



16/01258/HSE - 69 Coopers Lane Bramley

Erection of single storey side/rear extension



Pending Applications



15/03423/FUL - Land Adjacent The Street Bramley

Erection of two no. 4 bedroom dwellings with detached garages and associated landscaping and access works



15/03907/LBC & 15/03906/HSE – Bramley Corner House Bramley Corner Bramley

Conversion of outbuilding to annexe

No objections


15/04506/FUL - Royal British Legion The Street Bramley

Erection of 10 no. dwellinghouses (4 no. 2 bed dwellings and 6 no. 4 bed dwellings) to include parking, access and amenity space, following demolition of existing private members' club building

No objections, comments


16/00265/OUT - Land At Goddards Farm Goddards Lane Sherfield-on-Loddon

Outline application with access to be considered for residential development of up to 95 dwellings (including 40% affordable) and demolition of garages to form a vehicular access point from Bow Drive and associated ancillary works; replacement garaging, planting and landscaping, informal open space, children's play area and surface water attenuation



16/00117/HSE - 29 Taylor Drive Bramley Tadley

Erection of two storey rear extension



16/00697/FUL - Land At Beech Farm Lane End Bramley

Erection of 15 no. dwellings, together with the widening of the existing access onto Lane End and provision of an area of public open space with associated landscaping



16/01522/HSE - Brockweir Sherfield Road Bramley

Erection of part first floor, part two storey side extension

No objections, comments






Appendix B – Briefing Notes



No written report.



No written report.



No written report.



Notes from the Village Hall Meeting in May

  • The Village Hall Trust Deed is being reviewed and several options have been put forward.  Philip will be putting together a draft for everyone to review.
  • LIF Update on Catriona – getting a positive ‘vibe’ from BDBC that they will contribute the 60% required for this year.
  • SL to put together a leaflet regarding the wish list of facilities in the village – This will be left at the Village Hall and Cross House. ** Sharon to speak to Liz to see if Clift Meadow will be happy to have a box in their as well
  • Film Night on 11th June was Bridge of Spies and we are looking at running these the second Saturday of every month
  • The Village hall grounds are becoming very overgrown and we are looking to get some quotes for someone to move and cut back the hedges
  • The dancing groups have said that sometimes they are finding that the floor in the main hall is a little gritty, Janet to contact the ‘floor people’ and get them to review the situation
  • Helen is happy to attend a Health & Safety Course – Janet to check for available dates
  • Cat has already started working on
    • Barn Dance
    • Mistletoe Fair  (15 stall holders already confirmed)
    • Art Show
    • Music / tribute Band
  • The Village Hall AGM will be held on 20th June



No written report.



Beat Report May 2016

Burglaries - Burglaries are a Local Beat Priority across the whole of Basingstoke. 5 reported burglaries reported over this month. 4 being shed burglaries and 1 being a dwelling burglary. The dwelling burglary relates to an incident where offenders have climbed onto a roof of a property and “jemmied” open a second storey window, they carried out an untidy search and stole jewellery and a laptop.

Even though the below advice has been on every beat report for two years I will still promote this advice due to Burglaries being a beat priority set by the local community and I still visit addresses where the owner has not completed any of the following advice.


Please consider this advice:

Shed/ Outbuilding:

Multiple (different types) locks on your shed doors. – Most locks require different tools to remove

Place net curtains in the windows of your shed/ outbuilding.

Ensure you have all valuable garden equipment serial numbers stored somewhere safe.

Consider placing a ground anchor lock within your shed/ outbuilding and secure valuable equipment to that with a heavy duty lock.

Consider moving your high value items into your house.

Take pictures of your valuables so if they are stolen and recovered it is easier to find out who the owner is.

Use a UV pen to write your postcode on any equipment so it’s easier to identify the owner.

Register your property for free on


Check your insurance documents for any specific security requirements or upgrades.

Ensure side gates are locked to prevent access to the rear of the property.

Ensure rear fencing is in good repair.

Lock all windows and doors, remembering to double lock UPVC doors (lift handle and turn key)

Keep all keys out of reach and sight from the letterbox (remember a device could be used to hook keys through letterbox).

Do not leave ladders and garden tools in your garden, lock them away in your shed.

Improve natural surveillance at the front of your property i.e. trim high hedges.

Consider fitting security lighting and a burglar alarm.

Mark your property with postcode and house number and register your property for free with 

Make use of timer switches to make the property appear occupied.

Get a trusted neighbour to keep an eye on your property.

Remove valuables from view of ground floor windows.

Store any high value items (i.e. jewellery, passports) in a properly secured safe or bank vault.


Anti Social Behaviour - There have been 4 reports of ASB this month. That is a decrease of 6 reported incidents over the last month. 2 of these incidents were ASB “Nuisance,” 1 being vehicle related and 1 being “Environmental.”

If you suffer from ASB and you are a tenant of social housing then you will need to report these incidents to your housing officer before you contact Police. If the offender is also in social housing accommodation then your housing association will have more powers to tackle it than we do. If your housing officer believes Police intervention will help then they will contact us.

I would like to encourage all residents to report any incidents of anti social behaviour to us on 101, or if you are a resident of social housing and your issues are with a neighbour also living in social housing accommodation, please report any incidents to your local housing officer, if the problem then persists then your Housing Officer will contact me. Please do report ASB because if it doesn’t get reported then I will not know that it’s happening and therefore I will not be able to focus my patrol time efficiently.


Suspicious Incidents - There have also been 9 suspicious vehicle/ person reports. There is nothing to concern me about the increase in these reports. Just because something gets reported as suspicious it doesn’t mean anything bad is actually happening or likely to happen, it’s just something that seems odd for the area, we would rather receive the call and it turn out to be nothing to worry about than not receive a call and it turn out to be something serious.

 If you see anything you consider being suspicious please call us on 101 to report it. If there are any units free at the time of the call, they will attend. I am impressed of the detail people giving to us. The majority of the suspicious vehicles that have been called in to us have been with a full registration! It helps us out a lot when we have this line of enquiry as we can normally locate the owner and ask them what they were doing.


Overall - There was a spate of indecency offences in Sherfield on Loddon in regards to a male exposing himself over the last month. Through enquiries we have identified the male involved who doesn’t live local but was working locally, he has been arrested and charged with numerous offences and has also been sacked from his employment, since this happened there have been no further offences.


The impairment relates to a drink driver being spotted by an off duty officer and followed until another unit arrived. The male driver was arrested for drink drive after providing a positive breath test. He does not live locally to the area, just stopped in Sherfield on Loddon.


Monthly Crime Stats


ASB – 4                                                                 Assault – 3                                          Burglary Dwelling – 1


Burglary non-Dwelling – 4                            Criminal Damage – 4                       Concern for welfare – 1


Domestic Incidents – 2                                  Driving Complaint – 2                     Drug offences – 1           


Impaired Driving – 1                                        Indecency offences – 3                 Public Order offences – 3


Road Traffic Collisions – 6                             Suspicious Incidents – 9                                Theft – 4


Theft from Vehicle - 1


Emergency. As always, please can I ask all residents to report any suspicious persons, vehicles or incidents using the 101 telephone number; please only ring 999 if it is a genuine emergency. An easy guide on which number to use is this:


Is the incident in progress and is there a risk of injury or damage to property? – 999

Has the incident already happened and there is no longer any risk? – 101

Anything else we need to know about? – 101



No written report.



No written report.



Briefing notes for CMT May meeting.

  • ·         Signage design to be looked at again.
  • ·         Pavilion flooding now needs urgent attention so quotes are being obtained by drainage experts and carpenters. 
  • ·         Financially CMT are still about £100 short a month.
  • ·         During St George's Day Fête about 1100 people looked at the CMT    Facebook page.
  • ·         AGM date is 27.7.16





Appendix C – Finance


Bank Reconciliation

13th June 2016


Closing Balance from statement #035 4th June 2016









13 Jun 16


Spencer & Peyton - Burial Ground Fees








18 May 16


 LvW Highways Ltd - traffic survey work



18 May 16


Bramley PCC - Parish Magazine pages



14 Jun 16


Mrs J Shore - Litter Warden's salary



14 Jun 16


 Mrs M J Thomas - Clerk's Salary



14 Jun 16


 HMRC - Tax & Nics contributions - Q1



14 Jun 16


 Bulpitt Brothers - Churchyard and allotment maintenance



14 Jun 16


 Aecom - SEA report for NDP



14 Jun 16


 SLCC Enterprise Ltd - Local Council Administration book



14 Jun 16


 Bramley Village Hall - Hall hire



14 Jun 16


 Mr M Bell - Beacon expenses



14 Jun 16


 Urban Vision - NDP Consultancy



14 Jun 16


 Urban Vision - NDP Consultancy



14 Jun 16


 Rocon Contractors Ltd - Storage shed at Clift Meadow






 Balance including uncleared cheques






Bookings Diary

Clift Meadow

Village Hall

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