Bramley Parish Council Minutes - 12th April 2017

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 Minutes of the Meeting of the Council


Wednesday 12th April 2017




Main Hall, Bramley Village Hall


Cllr Durrant (Chair)

Cllr Bell (Vice Chair)


Cllr DiMascio

Cllr Ansell


Cllr Flooks

Cllr Tomblin

In Attendance:

Maxta Thomas (Clerk)

3 members of the public


Cllr Robinson (Borough)



Cllr Capel

Cllr Lane


Cllr Marshall

Cllr Keith Chapman (County)


Cllr Rowland (Borough)

PCSO Johnson






Apologies for Absence



As listed above.



Declarations of Interest






Minutes of the Last Parish Council Meeting



The minutes of the meeting held on 15th March 2017 were unanimously agreed to be a true and accurate record.  The minutes were signed by the Chairman.




Matters arising






Open Forum



Cllr Durrant invited questions from the public.

Resident noted concerns about the land behind the Village Hall, and whether it would be developed or not.  It was also noted that the landowner owns a property along The Street, backing on to the land in question.



Planning & Development



New Applications

17/00936/HSE - Land To The North Of Sherfield Road Bramley

Residential development of 55 dwellings including affordable housing with associated access, highways works, drainage work (SUDS), public open space and other associated infrastructure

Objections to the previous application on the site for 50 houses were noted; however, planning permission was granted.  This application is a new application for 55 houses, which is in excess of the maximum number per development stipulated in the NDP and LDP.  Objections as per the previous application were unanimously agreed, with and added objection on the number of houses.  Details from recent flood and traffic surveys should be used when formulating objections.  Cllrs Ansell, Bell, and Durrant to submit objections to BDBC on behalf of the PC and NDP working group. 

17/01176/HSE - 9 Strawberry Fields Bramley

Erection of single storey side extension

No objections unanimously agreed.  Clerk to process.


17/01010/FUL - Land At Larchwood Crockford Lane Chineham

Erection of 2 no buildings for flexible B1c, B2 and B8 use and provision of associated parking

Cllr Tomblin noted that this is part of the Hampshire Business Park and has not yet been developed.  Councillors expressed concern about the increase in traffic, particularly heavy goods vehicles.  Objections on this basis unanimously agreed, and the lack reference to infrastructure and to previous development in the area to be noted.  Clerk to process. 

15/03423/FUL - Land Adjacent The Street Bramley

Erection of two no. 4 bedroom dwellings with detached garages and associated landscaping and access works

Councillors noted their disappointment that this application has gone to appeal due to non-determination by BDBC.  Clerk to write to planning officers expressing the PCs disappointment.

17/00611/HSE - Willow Tree House Cufaude Lane Bramley

Construction of an open fronted 3 bay car port with 2 bay closed garage

Cllr Tomblin declared an interest in this item.

It was noted that the previous PC objection on the rural aspect not being maintained is not a strong objection.  It was unanimously agreed that this objection be withdrawn.  Clerk to process.

17/00206/ADV - Bramley Post Office Sherfield Road Bramley

Display of 1 no. externally illuminated Fascia Sign and 3 no. window graphics Councillors noted that the work has been completed despite planning permission not yet being granted.  The Clerk has reported the issue to enforcement officers at BDBC, particularly in the light of objections from both the PC and close neighbours.  Clerk to chase BDBC for an update, and also let neighbours know once the update has been obtained. 





Cllr Ansell/ Cllr Bell/Cllr Durrant























Approvals/Refusals – these were noted.   See appendix A. 



Minchens Lane reserved matters – update

Phase 3 reserved matters have now been agreed between the Parish Council, and Persimmon, and are awaiting a decision from BDBC planning officers.  Amended plans have been received for Phase 2.

16/03524/RES - Land At Minchens Lane Bramley - AMENDED

Reserved matters application for Phase 2 for the access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping of 66 dwellings with associated estate roads and open space (pursuant to Outline planning permission 14/01075/OUT for 200 dwellings) - AMENDED

Councillors noted that the hipped rooves are along one line and don’t actually break up the street scene very much.  There is also no cycle path on the plans as previously agreed – Persimmon say there is no room for it.  It was unanimously agreed that Cllr Flooks should write to Persimmon outlining the PCs issues. 








Cllr Flooks


Update on Beech Farm development – the Parish Council’s objections to both applications have been submitted.  The Planning Officer has stated that he plans to recommend the application for 15 houses for refusal, although he has not done so as yet.  The decision notice is due to be published sometime this week.   Cllr Durrant proposed writing to the planning officer and Head of Planning at BDBC expressing concern at the length of time taken to publish a decision notice.  Unanimously agreed – Clerk to take forward.






Parish Environment



Traffic Issues

Community Speedwatch – Chris Price has submitted the following report:

Following approval at last month’s BPC meeting we’ve been busy getting ready for our initial deployments.

We have:

  • Trained 7 volunteers
  • Procured hi-vis clothing
  • Confirmed insurance in place for volunteers (via Hampshire Constabulary) and equipment via BPC insurance
  • Confirmed where we are allowed to deploy (suggest we don’t minute this as it gives a clear indication to the public where we can’t deploy)
    • Sherfield Road (level crossing to 40 mph limit)
    • Campbell Road
    • German Road

In addition, we’ve sought to publicise what we are doing to raise public awareness in the village and have had an article published in the Bramley Magazine. This publicity has allowed us to get a good number of new volunteers.

Forthcoming month activities:

  • Progress with Hampshire Constabulary approval to deploy on the Street (the Tadley side of the level crossing) which is not currently in the approved list
  • Schedule initial deployments from 24th April that will coincide with PCSO Johnson’s shifts and availability and support of Silchester SID
  • Schedule another training session for new volunteers after 6th May

Cllr Durrant noted that deployments should be considered on the west side of the level crossing.

Cllr Durrant has written to the County Councillor expressing concerns about the lack of maintenance of the road surface on the eastern side of the level crossing, particularly at pinch points. 

Cllr Durrant noted a previous suggestion for bollards on the pavement either side of the village shop to prevent parking on the pavement.  It was agreed to take this idea further with Highways. 

Cllr Bell asked if there was a weight limit on Sherfield Bridge.  It is thought that there is not one at present.  Clerk to investigate. 



Ditching work at Bramley Green – Cllr Bell has been liaising with Bulpitt Brothers about clearing the ditches around Bramley Green.  He is awaiting a quote for clearance work.  It was noted that this is a recurring issue, and Cllr Bell suggested a flyer requesting neighbouring residents take their garden waste to the dump rather than tipping on or near the green.  The Parish Council also need to look at getting regular clearance work done.  Cllr Bell also to ask about rubbish clearance at the Lane End pond. 

Cllr Durrant noted that ditches at Minchens Lane by the business units could also do with some clearance.  Cllr Bell to investigate. 


Cllr Bell



Cllr Bell


Clerk’s report and administration



Audio recordings – the Clerk noted her wish to make audio recordings of Parish Council meetings to assist with minute taking.  She noted that regulations are in place to enable her to do this, but is seeking Parish Council approval to do so.  Any recordings will be deleted once the written minutes are approved.  After some discussion, it was agreed that a decision should be taken at the May meeting.



Storage for Council documents – Cllr Bell noted that he has a large amount of documentation related to the Neighbourhood plan that should be kept to hand, but stored somewhere other than his home.  It was noted that other councillors have similar issues.  Whilst the Clerk has some space for storing up to date Council documents, this is fast disappearing.

External storage options to be explored by Cllr Durrant – a six month initial period to be considered.  Cllr Ansell suggested digitising the paper records.    


Cllr Durrant


Update on defibrillators – the Clerk has passed contact details on to the Community Responders for placing the first defibrillator at the Village Hall.  The placing of the second defibrillator on the eastern side of the level crossing is proving to be difficult – the originally identified site at Mekanix is unlikely to be suitable, as is the Village Shop since the shop front was refurbished.  The Sansome and George building has been investigated, but that likewise has a largely glass front, which is not suitable for siting a defibrillator.  Therefore, an alternative site needs to be sought.

Councillors suggested placing a unit at the railway station - this is to be investigated.





Use of land behind Village Hall – Cllr Durrant noted two separate contacts on this – the owners of the Longbridge Road Village Green are looking to rescind the Village Green status, and are looking at offering a plot of land behind the Village Hall.  They have spoken to the owners, who have subsequently asked the Parish Council for their thoughts on developing the whole field.  Access via the track by the Village Hall is unlikely, but there is a house further down that could be knocked down to create an access point.  Cllr Durrant noted that the NDP means that the PC is unlikely to approve any development in the near future – housing requirements for Bramley have already been met.  Development would be contrary to polices in both the NDP and the Local Plan.  Cllr Robinson noted that such developments are likely to be refused by the Borough in the current climate.






Reports from Parish Council representatives



Allotments & Burial Ground Update – see appendix B.

         i.            Tree surgery work at allotments – along the main path there are some large trees which are overshadowing some of the plants.  Cllr Ansell proposed cutting the trees back to a reasonable height.  Unanimously agreed – Cllr Ansell to take forward. 


Cllr Ansell


Neighbourhood Development Plan

         i.            Next steps for NDP – the plan was made by BDBC on 30th March, and commended by the Cabinet Member.  It is now out for a final six week consultation.  Cllr Bell noted one query about the plan from a developer, which will be referred to the Borough Council.  Councillors formally thanked Cllr Robinson for his maiden speech at BDBC on the Plan.  When the plan is fully adopted, Cllr Durrant proposed that an event be held to recognise the work put in by the volunteers on the working group.



Village Hall Trust 

         i.            Parish Council representative – the Clerk has spoken with the Trustees, suggesting that the PC representative does not have to be a councillor.  She noted that the VH Trustees do not have the manpower currently for the representative to be one of them.  Therefore, the representative needs to be either a Parish Councillor, or a PC nominated person.  Cllr Durrant suggested that the PC be copied in on any meeting minutes – meetings are once a month.  He also suggested a rota of councillors to attend VHT meetings.  Cllr Bell to look at attending next one. 

       ii.            Cllr Ansell has met with the Chair of the VHT about the audio visual installation in the Bramley Room – the VHT are supportive of plans for this, particularly with their plans for the film nights.  A hearing loop installation is also being considered.  A survey is to be carried out in the next week, and proposals to come after.  Proposals will be for a projector, screen or television screen, and a hearing loop. 

     iii.            Cllr Ansell also noted long term plans for a small extension to provide storage space for Little Apples, and office space.  The VHT are applying for LIF money for the project, but there is still a shortfall in funding.  In principle, the PC is supportive of plans, although there are reservations about the possible suppliers. 








Cllr Bell


Clift Meadow Trust – see appendix B.

The ongoing issues with vandalism were noted.  This has been discussed with the PCSO, who supported increased security measures such as motion sensor lighting, CCTV or trail cameras, and alarms for both of the main buildings.  This is to be raised for discussion at the next CMT meeting.  It was noted that the Parish Council were likely to financially support any security measures, although other funding streams will be investigated.  Cllrs Durrant and Ansell to meet with the Chair of CMT. 

Broadband for Brocas Hall – Cllr Durrant proposed that the PC pay for broadband for Brocas Hall – unanimously agreed.  Clerk to process.



Cllr Durrant/ Cllr Ansell




Education & Schools – see appendix B.

Cllr Ansell has met with Nicky Down, the head of the PTA, to update them on the LIF project.  The PTA are looking for sponsorship for the village fete for a number of stands, and will submit a grant application to the PC in due course.



Policing & Neighbourhood Watch – see appendix B. 

Cllrs Durrant and Bell and the Clerk met with PCSO Johnson last week.  The vandalism at Clift Meadow was noted.  One incident involving catapults was also noted – this is being monitored.  PCSO Johnson observed that fewer incidents have been reported this year than for the same time last year. 

Cllr Durrant proposed that there should be an awareness campaign run via posters and social media, highlighting that the police cannot deal with any incidents unless they are reported to either 101 or 999.  This was unanimously agreed – Clerk to take forward.







Highways & Road Closures – see appendix B.

The following road closures were noted:

  • Olivers Lane from Bramley Lane to Folly Lane – 3 weeks – date TBC
  • Bramley Road from A340 Aldermaston Road to Silchester road – 2 weeks – date TBC

Both closures are to allow carriageway resurfacing work and repairs.






Road Safety project – see appendix B. 

Cllr Durrant noted that Network Rail’s response on closing the existing path is disappointing, as it compromises the whole project.  Cllr Ansell is working with NR to resolve the issue. 

         i.            Air quality management solution – still awaiting quotes and survey.  It was unanimously agreed to pay for the survey.  Cllr Ansell to take forward.




Cllr Ansell




Borough Councillor Report - Cllr Robinson gave a verbal report:

  • Strawberry Fields development – the officer seems inclined to approve, but the Borough Councillors will call it in.  The same will be so for the Farriers Close retrospective application.
  • Sherfield allotments – raised beds have now been built, and half have been let.
  • Regeneration of Basing View – the AA have signed a new lease for a new headquarters.  The old AA building to be demolished.
  • Manydown development – a planning application is now in.  A one off Development Control Committee meeting is planned for just this application in September. 
  • Cufaude Lane traveller site – the enforcement team are preparing statements for the Courts.  The land immediately adjacent to the plot does not have an injunction on at present – this is being investigated.



County Councillor Report – no report. 



Chairmans Report – noted IT report.  Clerk has actioned the PO box address.    



Consultation Documents requiring consideration






Grant Applications









Payments and Reconciliation Approval – see appendix C.

The clerk outlined the payments and reconciliation for April.  She noted the following:

  • Payment is due for bulk shredding of expired NDP documentation
  • Fees have been paid by the Clerk for the Parish Council PO Box address.
  • New taps at the allotments have been installed and paid for by Cllr Ansell
  • All other payments as expected

It was unanimously agreed to approve the payments for April – Clerk to process.

The Clerk noted that the mandate for the NS&I investment account has now been successfully changed, and that the account would be closed in accordance with the previous Parish Council decision.









Acknowledgement of Receipts – see Appendix C.

Receipts were noted.   The Clerk noted that the first payment of LIF funds are due this week, and that the first half of the precept is due by the end of April.



Date of Next Meeting

The next meetings will be held on 17th May 2017 (ordinary meeting) and 24th May (AGM/APM).



Resolution to exclude press and public from items that may require discussion of possible legal and financial proceedings 

The motion was proposed by Cllr Durrant and seconded by Cllr DiMascio,   and unanimously agreed.  The public and press left the meeting.



Confidential Items



Clerk’s performance and salary review

The Clerk left the meeting, and the Chairman minuted this item.

The Councillors were advised of the content of the Clerks recent review.

It was unanimously agreed that the Clerk be moved to level 32 with the appropriate salary increase.

It was requested that in future all planning applications responses be sent to all councillors for any comment before filing with the Borough planning officers.  




The meeting finished at 9.45pm



Signed:                 ………………………………………………………………….      Date:………………………………………


Appendix A – Planning Summary


Planning Applications for Consideration


17/00606/HSE - Land To The North Of Sherfield Road Bramley

Residential development of 55 dwellings including affordable housing with associated access, highways works, drainage work (SUDS), public open space and other associated infrastructure



17/01176/HSE - 9 Strawberry Fields Bramley

Erection of single storey side extension



17/01010/FUL - Land At Larchwood Crockford Lane Chineham

Erection of 2 no buildings for flexible B1c, B2 and B8 use and provision of associated parking



16/03524/RES - Land At Minchens Lane Bramley - AMENDED

Reserved matters application for Phase 2 for the access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping of 66 dwellings with associated estate roads and open space (pursuant to Outline planning permission 14/01075/OUT for 200 dwellings)

Objections to original application




16/03462/RES - Aurum Site Crockford Lane Chineham - AMENDED

Reserved matters application pursuant to outline planning permission 14/03343/OUT, for the erection of 130 dwellings, including appearance, landscaping, layout and scale

The outline application was not subject to the considerations of an EIA





16/03842/RES - Razors Farm Cufaude Lane Chineham - AMENDED

Reserved matters application for the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of 157 new dwellings with associated infrastructure, landscaping forming Phase 2 of outline planning permission BDB/77341





T/00036/17/TPO - 1 St Marys Avenue Bramley

2 lime trees - 20m in height reduce to 16m, reduce crown spread (radius) by approx 2m to give a finished crown radius of 4m and deadwood


Support Tree Officers opinion


17/00451/HSE - 22 Coopers Lane Bramley

Erection of two storey side extension and single storey rear extension following demolition of existing single storey side extension



No objections


Pending Applications*


15/03423/FUL - Land Adjacent The Street Bramley

Erection of two no. 4 bedroom dwellings with detached garages and associated landscaping and access works


Gone to appeal – non-determination


16/00697/FUL - Land At Beech Farm Lane End Bramley

Erection of 15 no. dwellings, together with the widening of the existing access onto Lane End and provision of an area of public open space with associated landscaping



16/03052/FUL & 16/03053/LBC - Beech Farm Lane End Bramley

Works of restoration to external elevations, roof and new entrance porch, and internal alterations to Beech Farm Cottages for use as two dwellings. Creation of a parking area to the west of the building. Demolition of dilapidated wooden shed/store to the south of the building



16/04519/FUL - Upper Cufaude Farmhouse Cufaude Lane Bramley

Erection of 2 no. dwellings

No objections, subject to Heritage view


16/04520/FUL & 16/04521/LBC - Razors Farm Cufaude Lane Chineham

Erection of 4 no. dwellings, refurbishment and conversion of 2 no. barns to 3 no. dwellings, conversion of granary to outbuilding, erection of a single storey rear extension and alterations to existing farmhouse, demolition of listed and unlisted barns, and associated works and access



16/04505/RES - Land At Minchens Lane Minchens Lane Bramley

Reserved matters application (Phase 3) for the erection of 6 dwellings with associated landscaping and open space, including equipped play space (pursuant to Outline planning permission 14/01075/OUT for 200 dwellings)

Objections withdrawn


17/00206/ADV - Bramley Post Office Sherfield Road Bramley

Display of 1 no. externally illuminated Fascia Sign and 3 no. window graphics



17/00462/HSE - Stratfield House Bullsdown Farm German Road Bramley

Erection of single storey front and side extensions

No objections


17/00449/RET – Land to the rear of 29 and 30 Farriers Close Bramley

Change of use of open space land to land within residential land (retrospective)



17/00611/HSE - Willow Tree House Cufaude Lane Bramley

Construction of an open fronted 3 bay car port with 2 bay closed garage



17/00664/HSE - Nokhroy Longbridge Road Bramley

Erection of front porch and single storey side extension. Erection of detached garage

No objections


17/00605/HSE - Ringshall The Street Bramley

Erection of two storey side and front extensions, with single storey side and rear extension following demolition of existing conservatories.



17/00606/HSE - Ringshall The Street Bramley

Two storey side and front extensions, with single storey side and two storey rear extension, following demolition of existing conservatories.



*Objections/no objections listed are the decision of Bramley Parish Council only, and do not reflect any submissions placed by members of the public or other bodies with Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council.


Appendix B – Reports



Plots currently under lease agreement

  • X3 full plots
  • X18 half plots


Total plots available for lease -            

  • All plots are leased
  • Current waiting list is 3 (longest on list dates to September 2016)


  • 2 new taps have been installed – cost £115 –
    • The main car park has been cleared of undergrowth so the stop cock could be found.


  1. Trees along the leading path of the allotments are casting long shadows during the summer months, hampering crop growth.
  2. Decision from PC on tree surgery, separate briefing note provided in March 2017. 
  3. Allotment information pack is required with layout map for plots and elements such as water.



Waste area cleared of spoil and tidied up.



No written report received.



No written report received.



No meeting this month.

St George's Day Fete at Clift Meadow starting 11am onwards on 29th April 2017.

Damage to Pavilion and Brocas Hall update;

Previous damage;

  • storage unit damaged
  • trees ripped out and dumped
  • bins kicked over
  • broken glass at Brocas Hall
  • Guttering broken
  • Sharps, toilet roll, pants and broken glass on Meadow footpath nr pub

Damage reported to me 24.3.17;

  • lights smashed at Brocas Hall
  • tennis net broken
  • bin set alight

Damage reported to me last week;

  • green shed damaged

So far this week I have not heard of any more damage.



Everybody is hopefully enjoying a well-deserved rest over Easter.



Bramley and Sherfield (BL02) Beat Report

Burglaries - Burglaries are a Local Beat Priority across the whole of Basingstoke. 1 reported burglary reported over this month. This incident was relating to an attempted burglary where a female returned home and discovered that her front door lock had been tampered with. No entry was gained.

Please mark your valuables in some way with your post code or take a picture of them and any distinguishing marks just in case they are recovered by Police, then we will be able to return them to you. 

Anti Social Behaviour - There have been 5 reports of ASB this month. Considering the weather is getting warmer and evenings stay lighter for longer, 5 reports for the entire month isn’t a bad start to spring!

If you suffer from ASB and you are a tenant of social housing then you will need to report these incidents to your housing officer before you contact Police. If the offender is also in social housing accommodation then your housing association will have more powers to tackle it than we do. If your housing officer believes Police intervention will help then they will contact us.

I would like to encourage all residents to report any incidents of anti social behaviour to us on 101, or if you are a resident of social housing and your issues are with a neighbour also living in social housing accommodation, please report any incidents to your local housing officer, if the problem then persists then your Housing Officer will contact me. Please do report ASB because if it doesn’t get reported then I will not know that it’s happening and therefore I will not be able to focus my patrol time efficiently.

Suspicious Incidents - There have also been 11 suspicious vehicle/ person reports. Nothing of these reports indicate anything to be concerned over. None of these reports have any links to other crimes that have been reported.

Just because something gets reported as suspicious it doesn’t mean anything bad is actually happening or likely to happen, it’s just something that seems odd for the area, we would rather receive the call and it turn out to be nothing to worry about than not receive a call and it turn out to be something serious.

If you see anything you consider being suspicious please call us on 101 to report it. If there are any units free at the time of the call, they will attend. I am impressed of the detail people giving to us. The majority of the suspicious vehicles that have been called in to us have been with a full registration! It helps us out a lot when we have this line of enquiry as we can normally locate the owner and ask them what they were doing.

Other - I have decided to include a “job of the year award” in this beat report as it is time for me to complete my annual report for the parish council, this involves me looking through all incidents over the year. Understandably some of the calls we receive are quite funny and I like to include some humour into as much of my work as possible (where appropriate) and I think it good to share some of this with you.

This incident I found particularly amusing mainly due to the write up from the officer who attended. I would like to make it clear that the person who called this in was completely justified in calling us as it appeared that this was an ongoing domestic incident and we only discovered full the circumstances after a lot of time spent at the address by the attending officer.

Police were called to a report of a possible domestic, two females were shouting and an alarm was going off. On arrival, all was calm and the door was answered by an older female who spoke no English whatsoever, it was not even possible to ascertain what language she was speaking. We spoke to a younger female who also didn’t speak very good English but we managed to identify that she was the daughter. We managed to ascertain that daughter was cooking dinner and then decided to take the dog out for a walk (this was established after mother picked up the small dog and started waving it about in the hallway.) When daughter returned home she heard the fire alarm going off so started banging on the door. This woke mother up who let daughter in who then resolved the situation. Officers were shown the large pile of smouldering broccoli on the cooker which corroborated the dog waving explanation. Not a domestic, not a crime, the only offence was the burning of a boil-able food item.

Disclaimer: No animals were harmed during this report.


Monthly Crime Stats

ASB – 5                                                           Assault – 2                                           Burglary Dwelling – 1

Burglary non-Dwelling – 0                      Concern for Welfare – 2                 Criminal Damage – 4                      

Driving Complaint – 0                               Drink Driving – 1                               Drug offences – 0

Missing Person – 0                                    Public Order offences – 2              Road Traffic Collision – 2

Suspicious Incidents – 1                          Theft – 5                                              Theft from Vehicle – 0                   

Theft of Vehicle – 0                                   Theft of Pedal Cycle - 1


Emergency. As always, please can I ask all residents to report any suspicious persons, vehicles or incidents using the 101 telephone number; please only ring 999 if it is a genuine emergency. An easy guide on which number to use is this:


Is the incident in progress and is there a risk of injury or damage to property? – 999

Has the incident already happened and there is no longer any risk? – 101

Anything else we need to know about? – 101


Many thanks,

PCSO Nathan Johnson



The Bullsdown path and its intersection with the road to Bullsdown Farm development has been highlighted by a resident as dangerous.  –

a)       Email raised with Hampshire Traffic Management, awaiting response

Exploring options on a Bramley to Sherfield path.




  • Flash report from HCC circulated with March briefing note –
  • Updated design provided, plan available for Parish Council meeting.


Network Rail is reluctant to grant full access for the new route of the Public Highway, they are offering ‘permissive’ access.  This creates a problem that access to the existing Public Highway (footpath 13) must remain; we can create a stile based design to deter access to the commercial car park, but cannot close it. I have asked NR by email if we can negotiate on this, awaiting their response. Will escalate if we do not receive any favourable feedback. 


  1. HCC to provide update against design programme
  2. HCC to progress detailed design
  3. HCC & BPC to progress discussions with NR about Legal Agreement possibilities
  4. HCC& BPC to discuss permissive access proposal with ROW (HCC Rights of Way) and impact on existing ROW for footpath13
  5. HCC to review BPC traffic data
  6. Discuss retained wall finish/appearance with BPC




  • Network Rail – level crossing exploratory meetings.
    • No further consultation or progress since Nov 2016 
  • Transport survey work
  • Air quality management/measurement solutions paper provided to Parish Council March 2017


Decision from PC on Air quality measurement project.




  • Sourcing of a suitable supplier for Audio/visual installation in Village Hall ongoing, surveys to be arranged in next 1-2 weeks.
    • Scope –
      • Wireless/wired HD projector
      • Drop down (remote) screen
      • Audio loop installation
      • Option for speaker installation
  • Meeting with Village Hall committee to discuss proposal Tuesday 11th April 2017


  • Research in to single contact number for Parish Council contact – recommendation is;
    • - £14.99 per month
    • Gold service (choose a memorable number e.g. – 0300 102 022
    • Welcome Message
    • Personal Account Manager
    • Fax-to-Email
    • Online Call Statistics
    • Voicemail to email 
    • Disaster recovery 
    • Online control 
    • Personalised Recordings 
    • Call Whisper 
    • Hunt or Simultaneous Ring Groups 
    • Call Queue 
    • Keypad department options 
    • Missed Call Reports
    • Divert to mobile / online managed, easy to change


  • Parish Clerk to place order for PO Box service through Post Office portal, options.
    • Delivery of mail to assigned address
    • Delivery Monday to Friday
    • Service 12 months
    • £318 Inc. VAT
  • Generation of a project plan covering IT/comms

Appendix C – Finance


Bank Reconciliation

12th April 2017


Closing Balance from statement #048 31/03/2017






15 Mar 17


VAT claim Q3



12 Apr 17


Allotment rent






31 Mar 17


 Information Commissioner - Data Protection Registration



31 Mar 17


 Bulpitt Brothers - Churchyard Maintenance



31 Mar 17


 Bulpitt Borthers - Allotments work



31 Mar 17


 HCC - LIF Project work



12 Apr 17


Xentair International - Hi Viz jackets - CSW



12 Apr 17


HALC - HR Consultancy Service fee



12 Apr 17


HALC - Affiliation Fees



12 Apr 17


Bramley Village Hall - Hall Hire



12 Apr 17


Printing expenses



12 Apr 17


Shred on Site - Document shredding



12 Apr 17


Clerk's mileage



12 Apr 17


Royal Mail PO Box fees



12 Apr 17


New taps for allotments



12 Apr 17


DCK Beavers - Payroll fees - EOY and Apr



12 Apr 17


Litter Warden Salary - Apr



12 Apr 17


Clerk's salary - Apr



12 Apr 17


NEST - Pension payment - Apr



12 Apr 17


HMRC - Tax/Nics Q4






 Balance including uncleared cheques



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Bookings Diary

Clift Meadow

Village Hall

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