Bramley Parish Council Minutes - 19th July 2017

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 Minutes of the Meeting of the Council


Wednesday 19th July 2017




Bramley Room, Bramley Village Hall


Cllr Durrant (Chair)

Cllr Tomblin (Vice-Chair)


Cllr Bell (Vice Chair)

Cllr Ansell


Cllr Flooks

Cllr Capel


Cllr DiMascio

Cllr Marshall

In Attendance:

Maxta Thomas (Clerk)

1 members of the public


Cllr Robinson (Borough)

Flight Lieutenant John Stevens (RAF Odiham)


Cllr Rowland (Borough)

Cllr Vaughan (County)


PCSO Johnson







Apologies for Absence



As listed above.



Declarations of Interest






Minutes of the Last Parish Council Meeting



The minutes of the meeting held on 21st June 2017 were unanimously agreed to be a true and accurate record.  The minutes were signed by the Chairman.




Matters arising






Open Forum



Cllr Durrant invited questions from the public.




Presentation from RAF Odiham on low flying around Bramley Parish



Flight Lieutenant John Stevens of RAF Odiham gave a presentation. 

RAF Chinook Operations – there are a total of 60 chinooks in the RAF, of which 30 are in training or tasking at any one time. They are there to meet the UK defence output.  They have been deployed all over the world in last 35 years.  The UK is on standby to meet any threats.

Low flying – pilots train to maintain readiness for both day and night flying.  They try to export the noise as much as possible to different areas, so that no one area is heavily burdened.  As they also act as support tasking for various UK crises, such as Police support, counter terrorism, flood support, fuel crisis, foot and mouth crisis, etc, low flying enables more effective operational support, but requires specific training.  For training there is a Low Flying System which RAF need to be booked into before any training exercise, and have to adhere to various rules – minimum height, radar altimeter warning, cockpit voice recorder, and regular practice and assessment. Various sensitive areas are avoided where possible, which quickly restricts the areas they can fly over.    

Bramley Training area – each landing site is checked every two years and added to the pilots’ handbook.  It includes all the markers for avoidance, which again restrict where chinooks can land.  Pilots also need to take the prevailing wind into account.  Training exercises are to practice landing in a very tight area of operation – Bramley training area is ideal for this.  However, some now go to Benson for similar training, as this enables some distance training as well. 

It was noted by a resident that they live in one of the no go areas, but have chinooks flying over their house all the time.  It was confirmed that this is one of the avoid areas; however, prevailing winds will often have an effect.  It also appears that this would only apply for very low flying.  Flight Lieutenant Stevens promised to take remarks to HQ. 

Equitation Community – Hi-viz clothing is provided to the equine community, enabling pilots to see riders much earlier.  They will always try and avoid riders.  If they see that a rider has been thrown, they must land within 45 minutes and report it.  

Complaints – all complaints directed to MIL Low Fly complaints.  Contact details are:

·  Tel: 01780 417558 Mon-Fri 8.00 – 4.00 excluding bank holidays

·  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Bramley training area is not operated by RAF Odiham.

A resident noted high levels of decibels, and stated that if he were at work he would be issued with mandatory ear defenders.  This is an issue with the aircraft near his house, which can be training for up to an hour and a half at a time.  This will be reported back to HQ. 

Cllr Durrant thanked Flight Lieutenant Stevens for his time and presentation.



Planning & Development



New Applications

 17/02205/ADV - Land To The North Of Sherfield Road Bramley

Display of one non-illuminated sign (regularisation)

It was noted that the advertising board at the site has been removed today, pending a decision on this application.

Councillors observed that the sign was premature given that planning permission has not yet been given for 55 dwellings.

The sign is very large, and should be erected until work actually begins at site.  Objections unanimously agreed on these grounds, and sign should be of a more modest nature.  Clerk to process, and note to planners that the existing sign erection without planning permission offended the local community.   

17/02201/LDPO - 5 Oakmead Bramley

Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed erection of a single storey rear extension

Application to regularise work that has already been done under permitted development rules.  No comments. 

17/02302/RES - Razors Farm Cufaude Lane Chineham

Reserved matters application for details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of 131 dwellings with associated infrastructure, landscaping forming phase 3 pursuant to outline permission BDB/77341

Cllr Tomblin noted that the plans honour the agreement on the Street view that was agreed for phase 2.  There are no slate rooves, mostly orange tiles, with a few red tiles.  Everything is in line with previous phases. 

One of the street scenes on the northern edge appears to be missing – by the kickabout space.  It was also noted that the retention basins appear to be missing from current plans, although shown on the original outline plans. 

Plot 402-405 appears to be a two storey building with a high roof.  This is the building nearest open country side, and appears not to be particularly rural.  Councillors also wanted to check noise mitigation from the railway. 

Objections unanimously agreed based on comments above.  Clerk to process.

17/01975/RET - 26 The Smithy Bramley

Change of use of amenity land to residential

Councillors were unhappy that land has been taken that does not belong to the applicant. It was also felt that taking the land in this instance diminishes the surrounding amenities.

Objections unanimously agreed.  Clerk to process.

17/00942/FUL - Land Adjacent To The Oaks Cufaude Lane Bramley

Change of use of site as a private gypsy site for one family comprising a mobile home, utility room and touring caravan

The application is in breach of Local Plan policy EM7 –the site is at significant risk of flooding, falling as it does within a level 3 flood zone.

The Flood Risk Assessment quotes the old BDBC Local Plan 1996-2011 and not the current Local Plan 20112029. It also makes no mention of Bramley Neighbourhood Plan, which was adopted in March 2017.

The application does not comply with policy CN5. The need for traveller pitches in the Borough has been identified, with 16 pitches identified in the plan at various sites. This is not one of those sites.

The site is outside of the settlement policy boundary, and therefore does not comply with policy SS6.

Objections unanimously agreed – Clerk to process.

















































Approvals/Refusals – these were noted.   See appendix A. 



Minchens Lane reserved matters – update

The phase 3 reserved matters application will be considered at the next DC Committee meeting on 9th August, and the planning officer is recommending it for approval.  Clerk to ensure that Parish Council representatives are booked to speak at the meeting. 






Update on Strawberry Fields planning application – the Clerk has been chasing for an update on this application, and will give a full update once she has received it.  Cllr Robinson to request that it is called in to the DC Committee. 




Update on planning enforcement actions

One Stop shop – One Stop are liaising Environmental Health officers on light levels from the sign at the shop, and trying to clarify exactly what is required.  The Clerk is continuing to chase for updates. 





Parish Environment



WW1 2018 Beacon Commemoration – Cllr Bell suggested asking a veteran to light the beacon for the ceremony.  Bramley is on the official list for beacon ceremonies for this commemoration. 

Cllr Bell has made enquiries about a marquee and buffet, and possibly bar and band.  This will need to be investigated. 

A commemoration was agreed unanimously in principle, but need to investigate how best to cater for beacon lighting ceremony.  Review in September.









Consideration of GWR funding opportunity – the following suggestions were made:

·  A covered waiting areas at the level crossing.  There may be a possible ASB risk. 

·  Electricity for railway station platform and defibrillator.  Clerk to investigate and take further. 

·  Wifi hotspot for station.  However, it looks as though there might already be one. 

Clerk to forward information to the School. 











Clerk’s report and administration



Parish Council Bank payment card – the Clerk outlined the possibility of a payment card for the Parish Council.  She noted that individual card holders could be set up, and recommended that there only be one cardholder, who would be the Clerk herself.  She also recommended that strict spending limits be set up on the card, and that a monthly statement of spend on the card should be circulated to councillors each month.  She finally noted that the Financial Regulations would need to be updated to include policy on any payment card held by the Parish Council.  Cllr Durrant proposed taking the idea further, Cllr Capel seconded.  Clerk to action.










Update on Casual Vacancy – the Clerk noted the continued absence of Cllr Lane, and stated that due to the length of time, the space on the Council must now be offered as a Casual Vacancy.  The Clerk will issue the necessary notices, and asked all councillors to consider if they know of any possible candidates. 




Parish Council newsletter – it was noted that an update newsletter from the Parish Council might be useful – the last one was issued in October 2016.  This was unanimously agreed.  Looking to publish in November/December.  Cllr Durrant to take lead on the project.



Cllr Durrant


Update on defibrillators – the defibrillator for the Village Hall should be installed very soon.  The Clerk is chasing the Community Responders on the location of the second defibrillator.








Reports from Parish Council representatives



Allotments & Burial Ground Update – see appendix B.

Following the placement of an advert via the website and social media, a number of new requests for allotments have been received.  Some remedial work being carried out by contractors in the meantime.  Plots should be fully utilised within the next few weeks. 

Replacement bench – original supplier has come back with a long lead time and cannot supply fixings, so alternative has been chosen.  Clerk and Cllr Ansell to take forward.






Clerk/ Cllr Ansell


Neighbourhood Development Plan – see appendix B. 

The volunteer thank you event is booked for Friday 21st July.  Cllr Bell noted that expenditure on this will be in the order of £750, and requested an advance to cover the bill on the night.  Cllr Durrant proposed the motion, Cllr Tomblin seconded, unanimously agreed.  Clerk to action.   

Community Award – Cllr Bell to put steering group forward for award.  Unanimously agreed.






Cllr Bell


Village Hall Trust – see appendix B.

Cllr Capel to attend next meeting.


Cllr Capel


Clift Meadow Trust – see appendix B.

·  Before the meeting tributes were paid to Alan Kemp, remembering all the services he had carried out on behalf of CMT over many years.  

·  Unfortunately we have had a trustee resign. Our thanks went to Ben Burton-Brown for all the hard work he has put into Clift Meadow over the past few years. Ben will continue to support CMT at the annual fete. We do have a name in mind to replace him though.

·  New sound system installed.  Thanks to Stuart Morris and Richard Williams. 

·  £2250 has been banked from the Fete and a similar amount has gone to Bramley church funds.

·  Several big events coming up:

o   1st September Quiz night

o   7th October Farmers Market 

o   28th October Pamper evening 

o   December a Christmas Market.

o   Simon is in talks about a wine tasting evening

·  Memorial event for Alan Kemp in The Meadow in due course. Memorial seat planned, requesting donations.  Alan Kemp’s name going on plaque for Village Hall.  Cllr Durrant proposed a PC contribution for the bench of £500 – Cllr DiMascio seconded, unanimously agreed.  Cllr Durrant to write to CMT Chair confirming grant.

·  Few vandalism issues including broken light and damaged outside tap.

CMT had some questions about the new development:

·  Do we know if Charles Church builders should be working 7 days a week?

·  Do we know when surgery extension is going to happen?

·  Any idea when the new tarmac is going down?

·  When are they going to dig up the Meadow for the bridges and cycleway?


·  Chairman - Simon Gill

·  Secretary - Sarah 

·  Financial controller - Graham Miles

·  Treasurer – Eileen Gulston

·  Website - Debbie 

·  Trustee  - Caroline 

·  Events  - Jo

·  PC representative   -Liz Capel

The pricing structure will stay the same but for information, for every £1.00 of income there is 93p expenditure. 

No members of the public attended. 




















Cllr Durrant


Education & Schools – see appendix B. 

·  Year 6 has had a transition day with secondary schools. 

·  The Book Fair was a success. 

·  Year 6 trips to The Haymarket, science week, engineering week. 

·  Year 5 poetry project. 

·  The Summer Fete was successful. 

·  The Year 6 leavers service was a success. 

·  Happy Shoes Day raised £106. 



Policing & Neighbourhood Watch – see appendix B. 

         i.            Anti-social behaviour issues

Poster campaign on reporting incidents to the police to be launched imminently via social media.

Cllr Durrant has received an email from BDBC which noted that since 101 reports have reduced the situation must be improving.  This is not the case.

There was a recent Neighbourhood Watch meeting.  The three main perpetrators of recent ASB do not actually live in the parish but have family here.  Police have identified them and will be issuing them with an Acceptable Behaviour Order.  Thereafter it will be a stepped process.  NHW co-ordinators are organising open meeting on 31st August to help strengthen the NHW scheme in Bramley. 

Yew Tree Close – Cllr Durrant is gathering quotes for security fencing.  Once he has those, then the planning process will be started.  Cllr Ansell noted that residents have requested that undergrowth is cut back – Clerk to report. 

















Highways/Footpaths– see appendix B. 

         i.            Road Traffic Order – Longbridge Road – proposals for restricting parking further in Longbridge Road have been received from BDBC.  No objections unanimously agreed. 

       ii.            Lane End tree – Cllr Durrant noted that a tree has become dangerous, and the footpath has been closed off.  However, some residents are breaking the tape and continuing to use the pavement.  Hard barriers will be put in place at all access points, and the PC is trying to get a safe alternative route put in place.  The tree is due to have a retrenchment prune, which will make it safe and prolong the life of the tree.





Road Safety project – see appendix B.  Cllr Ansell gave a verbal update.

He has met with HCC for progress report.  The detailed design is locked down.  He has also met with the manager at Mekanix Garage, who is happy with it.  There is an outstanding issue with Network Rail and the permissive path.  The detailed design should be with the PC by the end of August, ready for planning application in September. 




Community Speedwatch – see appendix B. 



Borough Councillor Report – Cllr Rowland sent in the following report:

I received a call yesterday from BDBC Planning to advise that they had informed Bewley Homes to remove the sign a week ago last Friday - I reiterated with the officer that it had not been removed - they will be calling Bewley Homes again.

I have raised with Mel Barrett (again) and Chief Inspector Matthew Reeves the issues around the ASB in Bramley.  I will continue to chase their responses.  My article in Bramley Magazine raises this as well.

On Planning I have objected to the Traveller Pitch in Cufaude Lane due to the Flood zone, and will continue to support the Parish Council on enforcement on Minchens Lane, and issues arising from other developments.  Including Green Spaces.

I also note the change in the date of the Parish Council Meetings and look forward to improving my attendance.  I hope that the PC also feel that they can contact me at anytime on issues - I have been able to attend Minchens Lane at extremely short notice!

NR report – Raised beds on Sherfield Allotments have been very successful. 

Noted traveller planning application at stables near A33 in Sherfield.  County have not supported the application.

Cufuade Lane traveller camp – BDBC is very short of traveller sites and are behind on delivery, and NR believes that there will be a fight on the planning application. 

Goddards Farm – new application has been submitted.

Manydown – project manager has resigned.  Some controversy on 40% affordable housing requirement – it may realistically be 10%.      



County Councillor Report – see appendix B.



Chairmans Report – nothing to report.



Consultation Documents requiring consideration



 Draft revised Street Trading Consent Policy – postponed to September meeting.




Grant Applications









Payments and Reconciliation Approval – see appendix C.

The clerk outlined the payments and reconciliation for July.  She noted the following:

·  Payment is due for work on the allotments, and on Bramley Green ditching.

·  The invoice for the air quality monitoring system is due – the contractors require payment prior to installation.

·  Payment is due of the deposit for the audio/visual system for the Village Hall.

·  All other payments as expected

It was unanimously agreed to approve the payments for July – Clerk to process.












Acknowledgement of Receipts – see Appendix C.

Receipts were noted.   



Date of Next Meeting

 The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 16th August 2017 (tbc) or on Tuesday 19th September.



Resolution to exclude press and public from items that may require discussion of possible legal and financial proceedings 



Confidential Items






The meeting closed at 10.06pm.







Signed:                 ………………………………………………………………….      Date:………………………………………



Appendix A – Planning Summary

Planning Applications for Consideration


17/02205/ADV - Land To The North Of Sherfield Road Bramley

Display of one non-illuminated sign (regularisation)



17/02201/LDPO - 5 Oakmead Bramley

Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed erection of a single storey rear extension



17/02302/RES - Razors Farm Cufaude Lane Chineham

Reserved matters application for details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of 131 dwellings with associated infrastructure, landscaping forming phase 3 pursuant to outline permission BDB/77341



17/01975/RET - 26 The Smithy Bramley

Change of use of amenity land to residential



17/00942/FUL - Land Adjacent To The Oaks Cufaude Lane Bramley

Change of use of site as a private gypsy site for one family comprising a mobile home, utility room and touring caravan





17/01010/FUL - Land At Larchwood Crockford Lane Chineham

Erection of 2 no buildings for flexible B1c, B2 and B8 use and provision of associated parking





17/01269/RES - Razors Farm Cufaude Lane Chineham

Reserved matters application for details of landscaping and layout of access road to future pumping station pursuant to outline permission BDB/77341



No objections, comments


17/01540/HSE - 9 St James Close Bramley

Conversion of garage to living accommodation and move front door forward





17/01707/HSE - 26 Bramley Green Road Bramley

Erection of single storey side extension


No objections


Pending Applications*


16/03052/FUL & 16/03053/LBC - Beech Farm Lane End Bramley

Works of restoration to external elevations, roof and new entrance porch, and internal alterations to Beech Farm Cottages for use as two dwellings. Creation of a parking area to the west of the building. Demolition of dilapidated wooden shed/store to the south of the building



16/04519/FUL - Upper Cufaude Farmhouse Cufaude Lane Bramley

Erection of 2 no. dwellings

No objections, subject to Heritage view


17/00206/ADV - Bramley Post Office Sherfield Road Bramley

Display of 1 no. externally illuminated Fascia Sign and 3 no. window graphics



17/00936/FUL - Land To The North Of Sherfield Road Bramley

Residential development of 55 dwellings including affordable housing with associated access, highways works, drainage work (SUDS), public open space and other associated infrastructure



16/03524/RES - Land At Minchens Lane Bramley - AMENDED

Reserved matters application for Phase 2 for the access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping of 66 dwellings with associated estate roads and open space (pursuant to Outline planning permission 14/01075/OUT for 200 dwellings)



17/01597/LBC - Sherborne House Bullsdown Farm German Road Bramley

Installation of bi-fold doors

No objections


17/02004/FUL - Bow Brook Farm Vyne Road Bramley

Change of use of equestrian haystore and menage to use as a stables, riding school and livery

No objections


17/02007/HSE - 4 Tudor Close Bramley

Erection of a single storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory

No objections


17/01999/RET - 103 Coopers Lane Bramley

Conversion of garage to habitable accommodation



*Objections/no objections listed are the decision of Bramley Parish Council only, and do not reflect any submissions placed by members of the public or other bodies with Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council.


Appendix B – Reports


Briefing Notes – July 2017



No written report received.



No written report received.


VILLAGE HALL TRUST – Cllr Chris Tomblin

It was a worthwhile visit where the challenges faced to run a community facility – to keep it alive – became very apparent to me. I certainly think a rotational Parish Rep will help to bring these issues to the PC attention.

Chairman Report:- Still have issue with finding the original deeds - awaiting possible response from adverts in Bramley Magazine before considering a course of action with land registry / large legal costs etc.

Extension project – BDBC answers to the initial request for funds expected in September. LIF grant max £200 K. Project likely to be £220K plus. Extra funds will have to be sourced.

Finance:- Finance predictions show a slight depletion in cash funds over the coming year. Energy costs are +20%. Note some ad-hoc users are cancelling bookings more frequently. Propose to invoice faster / bring in cancellation charging system.

Have issues with regular slow payers (some invoices from January not settled). Owed £1200.

Maintenance report: - Recent Fire Alarm box failure. Highlighted need to introduce a manual procedure which will now become standard. Issues with Fire System providers and review scheduled. Potential replacement system over £5000 would require grant.

Some repainting over summer

Events:- Extra couple of repeat bookings by local organisations are welcomed.

Events – Art Exhibition 26/27 August. Mistletoe Fair 25th November

Thanked PC for the Film equipment grant / provision


Presentation by Little Apples Pre-School

N.B. Trustee with Little Apples interest was not present during this discussion

The pre-school is responsible for approx. 40% of VH income.

Little Apples gave an outline of their current situation.

Confirmed currently nearly 100% of users are from Bramley (2 from Taylor’s Farm).Funding is the big issue. Hampshire County Council have a view that Bramley is an affluent area but fails to understand the demographics of users when granting funds. Recommended that they contact HCC County Councillor Vaughan for support. Despite receiving good Ofsted report more Govt. funding goes to those that struggle.

Little apples is a Charity – has an “access to all philosophy” – and currently provides special needs care for those happier to stay local.

Numbers are currently falling but new local developments are coming on stream and so numbers are hard to predict and often parents leave applications

VH committee voted to review Little Apples numbers in October and February.



No written report received.



No written report received.




No written report received.



No written report received.



No written report received.



No written report received.



No written report received.



Bramley Community Speedwatch has deployed 2 times since the last Parish Council Meeting.  One deployment had to be cancelled as we were below minimum numbers of volunteers (3).

The results are summarised below (in bold):



Speed Limit

Recorded Vehicles over 35

Recorded Vehicles Over 40

Vehicles Travelling to Direction of recording

Highest Speed Recorded

1st Time Offenders (Letters sent)

2nd Time Offenders (Letters sent)

20 June
18:00 – 19:00

Sherfield Road/Smithy








28 June

08:30 -09:40

Sherfield Road/
Strawberry Fields








5 July


Campbell Road








8 July

10:00 – 11:00

Sherfield Road/Smithy









We noted during our last deployment that our presence is definitely having an effect on the speeds of drivers through the village.  154 cars passed us, but only 4 maintained a speed above 35mph, the majority corrected their speeds upon spotting our SID.

We identified a number of local businesses to get in touch with to see if they might be willing to contribute to the funding of Speedwatch moving forwards. Costs are minimal because it is operated by volunteers but the rental or purchase of our own Speed Indicator Device is the main cost

We have now had one sponsor in response to our letters.  £250 donated by Venetia Rowland, which she stated was from her salary as Borough Councillor.

We are in the process of setting up a bank account.  To do this, necessitated the creation of a Board of Trustees and a Constituation. Both of which have been arranged.

Our Board consists of:   Chair – Lesley Kelly
                                         Vice Chair – Paul Holland
                                         Treasurer – Tony Batley
                                         Secretary – Sarah Stubbs

We have not done anything more regarding the trifold signs as yet. 

Forthcoming Activities

We still await approval to deploy on the Street but are assured by Hampshire Constabulary it is in progress.  Three volunteers are still going through the checking process.

Pursue further funding for SID and report back next month.



Servicing Hampshire – Balancing the Budget Consultation.

Despite making savings over the last 9 years of £340 million, Hampshire County Council (HCC) is required to make further savings of £140 million to the years 2019/2020. HCC is required by law to balance the books and is not allowed to run a deficit. Leader of HCC, Cllr Roy Perry states, ‘Although we have been preparing for this challenge for some time, finding these additional savings is inevitably going to be extremely tough.’

As part of the decision making process a consultation has been opened to enable residents in Hampshire to bring forward constructive views on where these savings could and should be made.

The consultation runs from 3rd July ‘till 21st August. To find the consultation, Google ‘Hantsweb’ then click on the pair of scales entitled ‘ Provide your views on how we could balance our budget’.

Many thanks for your involvement.


Appendix C – Finance


Bank Reconciliation

19th July 2016


Closing Balance from statement #052 30/06/2017






17 Jul 17


PGH Memorials - Burial Ground fees



17 Jul 17


Spencer & Peyton - Burial Ground fees






19 Jul 17


 Silchester Parish Council - SID Hire



19 Jul 17


 NEST - Pension contributions July



19 Jul 17


 Litter Warden salary - July



19 Jul 17


 Clerk's salary - July



19 Jul 17


 DCK Beavers Ltd - payroll fees July



19 Jul 17


 Bulpitt Brothers - Churchyard maintenance



19 Jul 17


 Bulpitt Brothers - Allotment maintenance



19 Jul 17


 Bulpitt Brothers - Ditching at Bramley Green



19 Jul 17


 Bramley Village Hall - Hall hire



19 Jul 17


 Clerk's mileage



19 Jul 17


 AVG - anti-virus software



19 Jul 17


 Postage costs



19 Jul 17





19 Jul 17


 Tadley Self-Storage - Unit rental July



19 Jul 17


 Air Monitors Ltd - Air quality survey



19 Jul 17


 AVAT Ltd - Audio/Visual equipment for BVHT



17 Jul 17


 Allotment deposit return



19 Jul 17


 Allotment deposit return






 Balance including uncleared cheques





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Download this file (2017-07-19_Bramley_PC_Minutes final.pdf)Bramley Parish Council Minutes19th July 2017802 kBWed, 13 Sep 2017 16:30:25

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Clift Meadow

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