Bramley Parish Council - Minutes - 19th June 2018

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Minutes of the Meeting of the Council


Tuesday 19th June 2018

Time:                                    7.30pm


Bramley Room, Bramley Village Hall



Cllr Durrant (Chair)

Cllr Tomblin (Vice- Chair)


Cllr Bell (Vice-Chair)

Cllr DiMascio


Cllr Capel

Cllr Marshall


Cllr Flooks


In attendance:

Maxta Thomas (Clerk)

0 members of the public


Cllr Ansell

Cllr Whorton


Cllr Rowland (Borough)

Cllr Robinson (Borough)


Cllr Vaughan (County)

PCSO Richard Fisher





Apologies for Absence



As listed above.



Declarations of Interest






Minutes of the Last Parish Council Meeting



The minutes of the meeting held on 15th May 2018 were unanimously agreed to be a true and accurate record.  The minutes were signed by the Chairman.




Matters arising






Open Forum



Cllr Durrant invited comments and questions from the public.  The following questions were asked:

  • None.




Planning & Development



Summary of Planning Committee meeting of 9th May 2018 - (see appendix A)

Cllr Flooks gave a summary of the meeting, along with the planning decisions made at that meeting.

It was noted that the NPPF on permissive development should be checked for the Minchens Court application.  Clerk to request that this application is called in to DC by ward councillors.







Other new applications – there has been one other application since last week’s Planning Committee meeting, and two referrals by the Committee:

T/00195/18/TCA – Middle Farm The Street Bramley

T1,T2 Cypresses: Fell.

T3 Thuja: remove branch interfering with BT line.

T4 Cypresses: reduce height by 3m leaving tree at approx 12m high.

T5,T6 Cypresses: reduce height by 4m leaving trees at approx 14m high.

No objections unanimously agreed, but care should be taken not to damage the wall when felling the two cypresses at the front.  Clerk to process.

18/01623/FUL – Bramley Village Hall The Street Bramley

Erection of a single storey front extension and associated alterations

It was noted that more creative use of the space and placement of the infant toilets would enable the office space to be used at all times, rather than just at times when the nursey is not in operation. 

However, no objections unanimously agreed to exterior, but objections to interior layout.  Clerk to process.

Separate to these plans the PC need to review the business plan for the project before agreeing to support any LIF funding. 

18/00611/RET – Plots 6 and 7, Land at Cufaude Lane Bramley

Change of use of land from agricultural to equestrian including the erection of fence and shelter

Objections were unanimously agreed on the following basis:

  • Concerns were expressed about putting horses on what is known to be wet land which is prone to flooding – the application should be referred to relevant animal welfare authorities. 
  • The PC also objects to the change of use from agricultural land to equestrian land. 
  • The land is inadequate for grazing horses as there no onsite grazing. 

Clerk to process.

























Approvals/Refusals/Pending (see appendix A) – these were noted.   It was particularly noted that the application for Wallis Drive will be considered at the DC Committee meeting on 21st June.  Cllr Bell will be speaking on behalf of the Parish Council.



Update on Planning Enforcements – (see appendix A)



Update on Reserved Matters applications (see appendix A)

Cllr Tomblin has drafted a letter to BDBC planning officers concerning the comments from Thames Water.  The draft was approved unanimously – Clerk to send, copying in ward councillors and the Chairman of the DC Committee.





Parish Environment



Concrete blocks at Bramley Green Road – no alternatives to the concrete blocks have been found.  A discussion was held on the security of the lock on the gate.  It was agreed to explore replacing the gate with a more secure installation.  Agenda again for July.  Lengthsman to look at getting grass cut behind bund.




WW1 commemoration approval – Cllr Bell proposed that expenditure for heaters for the soup kitchen be approved up to £1000 to include drinks budget and extra snacks.  This was unanimously agreed.  Cllr Bell also suggested a hog roast for the evening.  After some discussion, it was agreed that this would not happen.  Expenditure will be reviewed when firm figures are in place.



Procedures for dealing with unlawful encampments – Cllr Durrant has distributed a draft proposal for discussion, as below. 

  • Any complaint or comment from a resident is handled by the Clerk, who will give out the details of the relevant authority or landowner to contact, and note that the Parish Council has no authority over encampments and the associated occupants.
  • If individual Cllrs have concerns then these are reported in the same way as above ie as residents. The distinction between members’ capacity as residents and Cllrs must always be made clear. 
  • Parish Councillors should never attend a site nor engage in any exchanges with occupants in the capacity as a Parish Councillor.
  • The Parish Council will liaise with the relevant authorities regarding any clear up required.
  • The Parish Council will only liaise with authorities if they have an update for the community. However, if there was a non-Parish Council owned conduit such as Facebook that the authorities could post directly to that would be preferable.
  • Only under exceptional circumstances should the PC get further involved and that wold have to be proposed and voted on at full council.

The following points were discussed:

  • The PC could facilitate meetings between authorities and residents as necessary. 
  • Authorities should be asked how they will communicate with residents. 
  • If Cllrs witness an encampment, it should be reported to the Clerk who will then report to relevant authority. 
  • An education campaign to get people to report directly.
  • Does PC voice and pressure result in action and updates that might not otherwise happen?
  • Need to work out what PC is prepared to take on, and what residents should be encouraged to do. 

It was unanimously agreed that a written policy should be formed.  Clerk and Cllr Durrant to formulate and have ready for July meeting.   


















Clerk/Cllr Durrant


Clerk’s report & Administration

The Clerk noted the recent accident on Sherfield Road outside the Bakery, where a child was knocked over.  Fortunately, the child was uninjured.  However, adults at the scene have been in touch with the Parish Council to find out if action can be taken to make the area safer.  The query has been passed to Cllr Ansell to respond with details of the Safe route to School project, and the Clerk has recommended that they lobby their County Councillor directly.  Clerk also to contact County Councillor with the information. 







IT Project update -see appendix B.  No further update at present.



Parish magazine article – the deadline for the July article has been missed, although there was not a great amount to put in for this month.  The next issue is the double August/September issue, and the deadline is 15th July.  Cllr DiMascio to write, with assistance from Cllr Durrant.


Cllr DiMascio/ Cllr Durrant


BDBC response times – Cllr Durrant noted that response times from BDBC officers has become increasingly sporadic in recent months, and requested that the Clerk and all Councillors monitor this in the near future.  This was unanimously agreed.









Reports from Parish Council representatives



Allotments and Burial Ground - see appendix B

         i.            Allotment compost bins – deferred to July meeting.

       ii.            Burial Ground groundwater risk assessment – the Clerk noted the report from the contractor, who has confirmed that with the current groundwater levels, the existing ground would not obtain planning permission under current legislation, and that the risk to groundwater posed by continued burials at the site should be considered high.  The following recommendations have been made:

  • Routine measurement of groundwater depth using the existing monitoring wells
  • If groundwater the groundwater level is too shallow, the burials should not take place
  • Regular maintenance of the ditch and nearby culvert should be carried out to ensure that water is free flowing through it.

The Clerk has obtained a quote for ditch clearance for £3980.00, but this does not include the culvert (which is believed to be on Highways land).  Clerk to contact Highways re culvert. 

Cllr Bell proposed closing the Burial Ground to any further new burials, and giving existing double plot holders the choice of what to do, and refund where necessary.  Cllr Durrant seconded, carried by majority vote.   Clerk to write to all funeral directors and to Church. 

Expenditure on ditch clearance unanimously approved.  Clerk to take forward.
















Village Hall Trust - see appendix B.  Cllr Flooks gave a verbal update:

  • Possessory title of land – can be challenged for up to 10 years from now.  Item on AGM for next 10 years to review.
  • £4800 architects fees for new extension.
  • Grant for extension – need 3 year business plan.
  • Little Apples – should be making small profit this year, but looks like a large loss in 2019/20.  VHT considering a small rate increase to their rent. 
  • Cllr Durrant noted that title deed states that VHT should have a permanent mandatory PC trustee. 





Clift Meadow Trust

          i.            Security update – the new camera will be installed on Friday of this week.  The  old camera will be kept for now. 

        ii.            Cricket pitch roller – the meeting with BDBC re s.106 proved inconclusive – funds may be re-allocated, but this will be a lengthy process.  CMT have applied to Sport England and been turned down.  The Clerk has explored other funding streams and will pass the details on to CMT.  Rental of roller to be for whole season if necessary – unanimously agreed. 

Cllr Capel gave a verbal report:

  • CMT are looking to cover the shortfall for summer with a big promotion of events. 
  • Fires are being lit in the external recesses of Brocas Hall, and people have been up on roof.  Cllr Capel has emphasised the need to call the police to Trustees.
  • AGM 16th July. 
  • Litter picking event in September.  CMT has asked if the PC cover teas and coffees for the event – it was agreed that they should submit a grant application. 







Education & Schools – see appendix B



Police & Neighbourhood Watch – see appendix B



Highways/Footpaths – see appendix B. 



Road Safety Project – see appendix B.



Borough Councillor Report – see appendix B.  Cllr Rowland has sent in a written update: 

  • Upper Cufaude Farm - I have followed up with the Officer with regard to the SPD for this site.  I have been assured by the Officer that the views received have been provided to the prospective developer, and he assures me they have been taking those very seriously, so hopefully things are moving in the right direction. I am expecting the draft of the brief in a couple of weeks time, and obviously I will pass this through to the Parish Council.
  • I am also concerned that recently 2 road accidents, one at Bramley and one in Sherfield on Loddon, have taken place luckily with no lives lost.  I have raised this in a meeting with County Councillor Vaughan and will escalate this with the Highways department at BDBC.



County Councillor report – see appendix B. 

Silent Soldier campaign – Cllr Bell proposed purchasing up to three soldiers, and asked for suggestions for placement.  Unanimously agreed in principle.  Cllr Bell to take forward.



Cllr Bell


Chairman’s report

          i.            Letter for new residents – Cllr Marshall has drafted a letter and circulated to all councillors.   To be reviewed via email.

        ii.            Replacement plaque/honours board - deferred to July meeting.




Consultation documents requiring consideration



HCC Public Transport and Street Lighting consultation – the Clerk has distributed details of this ‘Have your say’ consultation to all Councillors, and will place details on the website.  She noted that the public transport section was particularly looking at subsidised services such as the number 14 service.  Deadline for responses is 5th August.   

Deferred to July meeting.




Grant Applications



Defibrillator for School – a grant application has been received from an independent resident who is trying to raise money to install a defibrillator at Bramley School, for the use of all users and visitors to the School.  The resident has organised a race night in order to raise funds, and a grant of £280 would assist with the set up costs for the event.

Cllrs expressed concern that use of the equipment would be a little restricted – could it be made available to nearby residents?  If it could be more public access, then grant agreed.  Clerk to take forward.












Payments and reconciliation approval -see appendix C

The Clerk noted the payments on the reconciliation.  It was unanimously agreed to approve the payments– Clerk to process.




Acknowledgement of Receipts – see appendix C

Receipts were noted.



Date of Next meeting



The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th July 2018. 



Resolution to exclude press and public from items that may require discussion of possible legal and financial proceedings 






Confidential Items





The meeting closed at 10.08pm


Signed:                 ………………………………………………………………….      Date:………………………………………


Appendix A – Planning Committee meeting draft minutes


Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee


11th June 2018

Time:                    7.30pm


Bramley Room, Bramley Village Hall



Cllr Chris Flooks (Chair)

Cllr Fausta DiMascio


Cllr Chris Tomblin

Cllr Tony Durrant

In attendance:

Maxta Thomas (Clerk)

0 members of the public


Cllr Malcolm Bell

Cllr Nick Robinson (Borough)





Apologies for Absence



As listed above.



Declarations of Interest






Minutes of the Last Planning Committee Meeting



The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 9th May 2018 were unanimously agreed and signed off by the Chairman. 




Matters arising



Minchens Lane s.106 agreement – the Clerk has circulated a summary of the s.106 requirements for Minchens Lane, with a specific eye to what responsibilities will ultimately fall to the Parish Council once the development is complete.  She noted the following:

  • The equipped play area will either be provided by the developer, or a contribution made to the Parish Council to enable it to equip and maintain the play area.  A decision needs to be made by the PC on whether it wishes to equip and maintain the play area, or whether this should revert to BDBC.
  • The two kickabout areas will ultimately become the responsibility of the Parish Council to maintain.  The Clerk believes that the Parish Council will also become the landowner of these areas, although this needs to be verified.  A commuted payment will be made to the Parish Council to assist with the initial maintenance charges.
  • There are two major open areas within the development, in which the kickabout areas sit.  It is not clear whether the ultimate responsibility for these areas will sit with the Parish Council, or with a Management Company engaged by the developers.  The Parish Council needs to decide whether it wants to take on ownership and maintenance responsibilities for these areas.
  • Similarly, there are two other open areas within the development which will become the responsibility of either a management company or BDBC.  If the PC decides to take on the other two areas, then it should consider whether it could maintain all the green space within the development.
  • Work on the footbridges from the development to Clift Meadow is behind schedule, as is the work for the Clift Meadow car park (although this is in part due to the delays at the Clift Meadow surgery).  The s.106 agreement states that the Parish Council should be issuing the final Certificate of Completion for the footbridges, and there is concern that the PC is not qualified to do this.

After a brief discussion, it was agreed that the Clerk should contact BDBC to set up a meeting to discuss the agreement.


















Planning & Development



New Applications



18/01028/HSE - 7 Taylor Drive Bramley

Conversion of garage to provide additional living space

Councillors noted the loss of garage space, and that the parking space is not adequate to meet parking conditions.  Objection on this basis unanimously agreed.




T/00195/18/TCA - Middle Farm The Street Bramley

T1,T2 Cypresses: Fell.

T3 Thuja: remove branch interfering with BT line.

T4 Cypresses: reduce height by 3m leaving tree at approx 12m high.

T5,T6 Cypresses: reduce height by 4m leaving trees at approx 14m high.

Unable to comment due to lack of documents.  Clerk to chase.








18/01431/ADV - One Stop Sherfield Road Bramley

Display of 1 no. externally illuminated fascia sign and 3 no. window graphics

The Committee was keen to ensure that lighting is considerably less bright than at present.  During summer months the illumination is not necessary, and in winter months the lighting should be switched off when the shop is closed.  150 candelas per metre is quoted in the application – this will light the front of the shop and car park to the equivalent of a household room level.  The Committee felt that half this level would be more acceptable, and should be on a timer to switch off when the shop closes.  Clerk to process.








18/01517/GPDOFF - The Upper Barn, Middle Barn And South Barn Minchens Court Minchens Lane Bramley

Notification of proposed change of use of Class B1(a) office to Class C3 (dwellinghouse) consisting of 14 no. flats

Whilst this is being submitted under permitted development regulations, it was unanimously agreed that Bramley PC should object on the following grounds:

  • There are no needs for further housing in Bramley
  • The change of use is contrary to the Neighbourhood Plan and the BDBC Local Plan. 
  • Converting the units to residential will remove employment opportunities in an already growing Parish.
  • Bramley PC firmly support Cllr Rowland’s comments. 
  • The Committee would also like to question whether the proposed units meet minimum standards for floor space for single person residential units. 

The response should go to planning officer, ward councillors, and Head of Planning at BDBC.  Clerk to process. 












Any other new applications

Two other new applications were noted:

T/00215/18/TPO - Land At Rear Of 1 - 4 North Row Bramley

Possible T5 (part of TPO BDB/0487) Oak tree: pollard the tree to 5m height leave main stem for habitat, to mitigate any potential future failure. Replace with another 3m standard Oak during the planting season

Councillors are happy to defer to BDBC tree officer.  Clerk to process.

18/01623/FUL - Bramley Village Hall The Street Bramley

Erection of a single storey front extension and associated alterations

Refer to full council on 19th June. 











Approvals/Refusals/Pending (see appendix A) – these were noted.  It was particularly noted that the application for 10 Wallis Drive has been referred to the DC Committee meeting on 21st June 2018, and that Cllr Bell will be attending the meeting to speak on behalf of the Parish Council.



Update on reserved matters applications



18/00366/RES -Land At The Street The Street Bramley

The Parish Council comments on the amendments have been submitted to BDBC.  Subsequent to the previous planning committee meeting, a lighting scheme has been added to the documents list on the BDBC planning portal.

 Clerk to note disappointment at lack of low level lighting and ask for reason behind the standard lights.






17/04282/RES - Land At Minchens Lane Bramley

The Parish Council comments on the amendments have been submitted to BDBC.  Subsequent to the previous planning committee meeting, Thames Water have submitted a response to BDBC with regards to the waste water network, which they state is not adequate in its current state to accommodate the needs of this development.  They have requested that a condition be placed on any planning permission given that “no properties shall be occupied until confirmation has been provided that either:-all wastewater network upgrades required to accommodate the additional flows from the development have been completed; or-a housing and infrastructure phasing plan has been agreed with Thames Water to allow additional properties to be occupied. Where a housing and infrastructure phasing plan is agreed no occupation shall take place other than in accordance with the agreed housing and infrastructure phasing plan. Reason -The development may lead to sewage flooding and network reinforcement works are anticipated to be necessary to ensure that sufficient capacity is made available to accommodate additional flows anticipated from the new development. Any necessary reinforcement works will be necessary in order to avoid sewer flooding and/or potential pollution incidents.”

Cllr Tomblin noted that ward councillors and senior planning officers should be made aware of this response with regards to this development and other developments within Bramley as a matter of urgency.  Clerk to send copy of Thames Water response to Cllr Tomblin.  Cllr Tomblin to draft letter. 












Cllr Tomblin


Update on unlawful development



Cufaude Lane - the Planning hearing in relation to the planning application for the 3 plots of land at Cufaude Lane will be heard by the Planning Inspectorate on 26th June 2018 at the Civic Offices.  BDBC have served Enforcement Notice in relation to all 3 plots, which have also been appealed and will be heard by the Planning Inspectorate.

 The agent who represents all 3 plots requested that the Enforcement Appeals be dealt with at the same appeal on 26th June 2018, which BDBC anticipated and were happy to happen. The Planning Inspectorate has declined this request and further details about a timeline for the Enforcement appeals to be heard by the Planning Inspectorate is awaited.

 The agent has appealed the Enforcement Notices on 3 grounds, ground A, F & G.  A ground A appeal is that Planning Permission should be granted, therefore the appeal on 26th June 2018 will have an impact on the Enforcement appeal and is the reason why both BDBC and the appellant anticipated the planning inspectorate would deal with both issues at the one appeal.  



Date of Next Meeting



The date of the next Planning Committee meeting will be on 11th July 2018. 


Meeting closed at 8.39pm.


Signed:                 ………………………………………………………………….      Date:………………………………………




16/04519/FUL - Upper Cufaude Farmhouse Cufaude Lane Bramley

Erection of 2 no. dwellings

Application withdrawn

No objections, subject to Heritage view


18/00713/HSE - 12 Osler Close Bramley

Erection of single storey side and rear extension


No objections


18/01027/HSE - Barton House Silchester Road Bramley

Erection of a first floor side extension above existing garage


No objections


Pending Applications*


17/00942/FUL - Land Adjacent To The Oaks Cufaude Lane Bramley

Change of use of site as a private gypsy site for one family comprising a mobile home, utility room and touring caravan


Appeal lodged – non-determination


17/03717/VLA - The Lodge Cufaude Courtyard Cufaude Lane Bramley

Discharge of legal agreement to remove the tie which restricts the garages/store approved under BDB/54128 being used and/or sold as a separate unit of accommodation

No comments


18/00370/ROC - Razors Farm Cufaude Lane Chineham

Variation of condition 1 of 16/03842/RES to allow amended plans for inclusion of kickabout area within phase 2.

No comments


18/00366/RES – Land at the Street Bramley

Reserved matters approval pursuant to planning permission 15/02862/OUT comprising 65 dwellings (26 affordable dwellings) open space, landscaping and car parking  (matters of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale to be considered)

No objections, subject to all matters being resolved from developer meeting


18/00934/HSE – 10 Wallis Drive Bramley

Erection of first floor side extension and refurbishment of existing garage conversion



18/00811/HSE - 17 Moat Close Bramley

Erection of two storey side extension

No objections


18/01033/RET -QPS House The Street Bramley

Change of use from Estate Agents to Tanning Shop 'Sui Generis'

No objections, comments


17/04282/RES - Land At Minchens Lane Bramley - AMENDED

Reserved matters application (phase 4) for the appearance, landscape, layout and scale of 83 dwellings, with associated landscaping and open space (pursuant to outline permission 14/01075/OUT for 200 dwellings)

Comments re drainage and sewerage strategy


18/01138/HSE - 23 Anvil Way  Bramley

Erection of front bay window and porch extensions

No objections


18/01226/VLA - Land At The Street The Street Bramley

Removal of reference to the Designated Protection Order under clause 16.10 of the Section 106 agreement relating to planning permission 15/02682/OUT

Clarification sought


18/01122/FUL - 3 St James Close Bramley

Relocation of 1.8m fence to front and side of property and change of use of land from public open space to residential

No objections, comments

*Objections/no objections listed are the decision of Bramley Parish Council only, and do not reflect any submissions placed by members of the public or other bodies with Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council.

Appendix B – Briefing Notes 


No written report received.



No written report received.



No written report received.



Please find below the latest news summary of some of the crime which has occurred in the Bramley & Sherfield area over the past month. In the month of May there have been 11 incidents in Bramley and 5 incidents in Sherfield which have been classified as crimes by the Home Office. In Bramley, this is 2 less than last month and 10 less than there were in May 2017. In Sherfield, this is 2 more than there were last month and 2 more than there were in May 2017.


Current Neighbourhood Priorities:

  1. Dwelling Burglary / Non-Dwelling Burglary
  2. Traffic Related Incidents/Speeding
  3. ASB


Burglaries - I am happy to report that there has been no reported burglaries or shed/garage burglaries in the last month for Bramley & Sherfield-on-Loddon.

Theft from Vehicles - We have had 4 theft from vehicles this month, three of those incidents were theft of tools from vans, and one was diesel from a large digger. Please make sure that all or more expensive tools are removed from commercial vans overnight, and the doors to the rear/side of commercial vehicles are placed close to a hard surface, either another vehicle or a wall to prevent individuals gaining easy access.

Anti-Social Behaviour - We have had 13 incidents reported to us regarding ASB within the Bramley and Sherfield area. As we are all most aware the weather is rather hot at the moment, if you are planning on having parties among friends please be considerate to your neighbours but do enjoy the sun while it’s still here.

Any complaints regarding noise need to be passed onto either Environmental Health at Basingstoke and Deane Council or your local Housing Officer.

Search “Immobilise” online (immobilise) to register your pedal cycles, electronic devices and property so that the Police can identify anything found in future.

Please ensure your out-buildings and vehicles are locked and secured to prevent theft. Avoid keeping valuables in out-buildings and vehicles where possible.

Please consider installing CCTV and alarms in order to protect your property. This also assists Police with investigations.

Do not leave your garage or car doors unlocked, even while you are in the property. Opportunist thieves have been known to operate in the area.

Other Incidents - We have had a few incidents of criminal damage reported around the communal areas within Bramley, make sure that if you use these public spaces that you do so respectfully, this includes public benches and play parks.

We have also had incidents of fake £50 notes being used across business’s in and around the Bramley area, please if you received a £50 note double check to make sure it is genuine see for more information.

Please report any suspicious people, vehicles or activity to the Police via 101 or to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.


Follow us on Twitter @BstokeRuralCopsfor regular updates and advice.


Join Hampshire Alertsfor personalised alerts and updates from the Police.


Please do not report crimes to us via email – my emails are not regularly monitored.

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No written report received.



No written report received



No written report received.



No written report received.



No written report received.



  • Home to School bus transport– HCC are looking to re-adjust the budget for this.  The issue is being reviewed.
  • The Silent Soldier scheme has now been re-introduced, with greater representation of other roles from WW1.
  • HCC have received £1million to improve links between the M27 and M3. 




Appendix C – Finance

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