Bramley Parish Council - Minutes - 18th December 2018

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Minutes of the Meeting of the Council


Tuesday 18th December 2018

Time:                                    7.30pm


Bramley Room, Bramley Village Hall



Cllr Durrant (Chair)

Cllr Tomblin (Vice- Chair)


Cllr Bell (Vice-Chair)

Cllr Flooks


Cllr James

Cllr Munday


Cllr Capel


In attendance:

Maxta Thomas (Clerk)

0 members of the public


Cllr Rowland (Borough)

Cllr Vaughan (County)


Cllr Ansell

Cllr Oborn


PCSO Emma Page

Cllr Robinson (Borough)





Apologies for Absence



As listed above.



Declarations of Interest






Minutes of the Last Parish Council Meeting



The minutes of the meeting held on 20th November 2018 were unanimously agreed to be a true and accurate record, were signed by the Chairman.




Matters arising



  • Minchens Lane turning – Cllr Vaughan has requested explanation but has not yet had a reply.
  • Yew Tree Close – a meeting is scheduled with BDBC in January to discuss the fence.



Open Forum



Cllr Durrant invited comments and questions from the public.  There were no questions asked.




County Councillor Report



Cllr Vaughan gave a verbal report:

  •  Cllr Vaughan and Cllr Ansell have met with County Council officers about the footpath at the garage – feedback is positive.  There might be an issue with the potential traffic island.
  • No 14 bus – Cllr Vaughan is trying to get a map based real time information display installed either by the pub bus stop or the shop bus stop, which should help passengers know when the next bus is due.  Complaints from some residents at the cut in service were noted.
  • The first gritting lorry name has been decided.  Solent Radio put forward the name ‘Gritter Garbo’.
  • Holly Close courtyard – Cllr Vaughan noted that Land Registry clearly states that the area is BDBC responsibility.  He is disappointed in BDBC’s initial response; BDBC Property Services is looking at the issue this week.



Borough Councillor Report (see appendix B)



Cllr Rowland gave a verbal report:

  • The s.106 motion was supported across the whole Council.  This will be timetable with the Scrutiny Committee.  However, Cllr Rowland wishes to start pushing on any agreements that are already in place, and requested information.  Clerk to send through.
  • No. 14 bus –issues with revised timetable were noted, with school and college students being marooned in Basingstoke due to the timetable revisions.
  • Development – the housing supply land numbers will potentially be brought to the EPH Committee in January – currently the Borough is standing at 5.6 years supply.  As of 1st April 2018 (which is the base date for annual monitoring) there was planning permission in place for 6038 new homes across the Borough, although it is expected that only 5680 of those home will be built over the plan period (up to 2029).  1547 homes were under construction at 1st April 2018, which is a comparatively high number compared to recent years.  Out of the 46 large sites (over 10 units) with planning permission, 31 are under construction with only 15 not yet started.
  • Cllr Rowland noted that the Minchens Court and 6 Churchlands planning applications will be considered at the January DC Committee meeting.








Planning & Development



Summary of Planning Committee meeting – Cllr Flooks gave a brief summary of the Planning Committee meeting held on 12th December 2018 (see draft minutes at appendix A).

Cllr Tomblin observed to Cllr Rowland that the Upper Cufaude Farm Development Brief was not distributed to residents or the PC as a matter of course, which was disappointing.

Goddards Farm – Cllr Rowland noted that Sherfield has met is Local Plan obligations, which the developer has not noted.




New Planning applications

  • None.




Parish Environment



Bramley Station – upkeep proposals – Cllr Ansell has received a quote for landscaping the bank by Bramley Station from a local contractor.  He has also heard from GWR, who are prepared to give a grant of £2000 for the project.

Cllr Durrant noted that there will be work in the area with the re-instatement of the footpath, and recommended that any landscaping work wait until after this is complete.  He also noted that more quotes are required. 

On hold for further review in January.  





Cllr Ansell


Welcome pack for Vyne Park residents – Recent communication from residents in Vyne Park was noted.  There is some confusion among residents as to which parish they are in, and Cllr Tomblin suggested that the PC should put together a welcome pack to formally welcome them to Bramley.

Clerk to contact PCC and find information on their welcome pack, and to see if the Parish Magazine is going to residents at Vyne Park.  Possible PC welcome event to be considered.

Cllr Tomblin to take issue forward.  Other new developments will need to be included.






Cllr Tomblin


Traffic calming signs – Cufaude Lane – Cllr Tomblin suggested that Bramley PC fund signs for either end of Cufaude Lane, with the notice ‘Narrow road with limited passing places.  Please drive carefully.’  This wasagreed to be a good idea.  Clerk to contact Highways to investigate.





Clerk’s report & Administration



The Clerk has recently attended a BDBC council meeting.  She noted that one of the items for discussion was continued funding from BDBC for the Community Safety Patrol Officers (CSPO), which was approved.  She suggested that the presence of one of these officers in Bramley during key times and in key areas may possibly help prevent anti-social behaviour and other issues in those areas.  She asked councillors to consider the possibility.

Cllr Bell asked whether it was worth exploring the possibility of the PC hiring a private security firm.  It was agreed that this should be looked into – Clerk to take forward.  Cllr Durrant noted that there might be further options with the CCTV cameras.








IT Project update -see appendix B.  The Clerk confirmed that the IT tender has now been issued to various suppliers, including the existing supplier.  She also confirmed the proposed timeline for the IT contract, with tenders to be reviewed and a recommendation to council made at the February 2019 council meeting, and with a proposed contract start date of 31st March 2019.




Parish magazine article – The December issue was a double issue to cover the Christmas period and January.  Therefore, Cllr Capel is still due to write the next article.  The deadline is 15th January. 


Cllr Capel


2019/20 budget – the Clerk has distributed a revised version to all councillors as a discussion document.  She noted that the precept decision must be made by 31st January 2019.  She has now also received an idea of what the Council Tax base figure will be for Bramley for next year, and has therefore been able to put together some projections on possible precepts for 20119/20.

 Cllr Durrant noted that approximately £45k of expenditure is fixed, and the rest is variable (grants etc).  He also noted that £85,000 precept would mean no increase per household.  Councillors should also bear in mind the increase last year and the reasons for it.

Final decision to be made in January.








Reports from Parish Council representatives



Allotments and Burial Ground - see appendix B

  • The Clerk reported that ground water levels at the Burial Ground continue to be monitored, and as at 16th November showed a sharp rise in water levels.  It is anticipated that the level will have risen again when the December measurement is taken.  It was suggested that ground level water levels also be investigated and monitored in the area that is currently being used as a services area – if the water levels are lower, this area could be considered for full burials.  Clerk to take forward.
  • 5 people are on the waiting list for allotments.  One person has specifically asked to be on the list for a Minchens Lane plot when ready.
  • The Best allotment award has been presented. 
  • Cllrs Tomblin and James have visited Chineham allotments, and are looking at a model of requirements for allotments in Bramley, both at Minchens Lane and Vyne Park.  Cllr James to contact Persimmon re Minchens Lane allotments. 









Cllr James


Village Hall Trust - see appendix B. 

Cllr Tomblin attended the December Trustees meeting in Cllr Oborn’s absence.

  • A lot of ongoing maintenance is required.
  • Trustees are obtaining more accurate costs on the extension work.  Work will not begin before spring 2019.
  • Cllr Tomblin has noted Bramley PC work on s.106 and how this might release funds for various projects.  A list of possible projects has been submitted by Trustees.
  • Cllr Durrant noted that a new grant request may be forthcoming for the new play surface.



Clift Meadow Trust – see appendix B.  Cllr Capel gave a verbal update:

  • Fireworks - about 800 people attended the event, and there was very good feedback and praise.  Money has been put aside for next year's event, and just over £2000 was raised for CMT and the School Association respectively.  There were a couple of teething issues with food queues and toilets which will be sorted for 2019.
  • LIF funding -all is in hand and the application is being completed. 
  • Playground – there was a safety inspection a while ago but another one would be a good idea.  CMT have asked for an idea of charges from BDBC for this.  Clerk to take forward.
  • Salt bin - is there any way that a salt bin can be obtained for CMT and surrounding businesses?  Clerk to investigate.
  • Rubbish bins – CMT are looking at having another couple of rubbish bins in Clift Meadow, especially near the new path. Clerk to investigate if BDBC have a supplier that could help.
  • Fete 2019 – CMT are starting to plan next year's event 
  • Events - 2019 to include a quiz night, a pamper evening, a litter pick, an Easter egg hunt and other events. 
  • Xmas fayre- no feedback received yet.
  • Dragons teeth at SE end of Clift Meadow – CMT are looking into this - Simon Gill to contact Cllr Durrant. CMT have a contractor in mind.  Cllr Flooks noted that the new bridge will also need something similar.
  • CCTV – CMT have requested that Cllr Ansell contact them re remote access to the CCTV monitoring equipment. 
  • Security – there are big issues on Thursday evenings when the Youth Club is on and a class is on at the Pavilion. Unacceptable behaviour from unwanted visitors is resulting in users feeling threatened and vulnerable. 
















Cllr Ansell


Police & Neighbourhood Watch – see appendix B. 



Highways/Footpaths – see appendix B.   

The Clerk noted a meeting today with engineers from HCC Highways.  A number of issues were discussed. 

  • The broken bollards at Minchens Lane are to be fixed, with a slightly different design.
  • Rumble strip at Farriers Close – Highways are considering options for this.  Part of it will be patched in the immediate future.

Highways to come back with a list of intended actions.

Air pollution – Cllr Ansell to obtain and independent expert assessment of Bramley data.







Cllr Ansell


Road Safety Project – see appendix B.   



Chairman’s report - no report.



Consultation documents requiring consideration



Draft Transport Strategy – details of this have been distributed to all councillors, and will go on the PC website.  The deadline is 28th January.  It was agreed to defer this item until the January meeting.



Grant Applications



Ratification of donations

         i.            Bramley PCC Christmas Lunch initiative – a donation of £200 was agreed unanimously.

       ii.            Royal British Legion – a donation of £100 towards the purchase of a new Standard was unanimously agreed.






Payments and reconciliation approval - see appendix C

The Clerk noted the payments on the reconciliation.  She noted the following extra payments not appearing on the reconciliation:

  • Travel expenses for Cllr Bell to a recent HALC meeting - £107.40 (includes damage incurred to windscreen)
  • Expenses for Cllr James for the allotment competition prize - £100

It was unanimously agreed to approve the payments– Clerk to process.







Acknowledgement of Receipts – see appendix C

Receipts were noted.  The Clerk noted that she will be submitting a VAT claim early in the New Year for approximately £492.



Date of Next meeting



The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 15th January 2018. 



Resolution to exclude press and public from items that may require discussion of possible legal and financial proceedings 






Confidential Items





The meeting closed at 9.09pm



Signed:                 ………………………………………………………………….      Date:………………………………………


Appendix A – Draft Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee


12th December 2018

Time:                    7.30pm


Bramley Room, Bramley Village Hall



Cllr Chris Flooks (Chair)

Cllr Malcolm Bell


Cllr Chris Tomblin

Cllr Tony Durrant

In attendance:

Maxta Thomas (Clerk)

0 members of the public


Cllr Alan Munday

Cllr Nick Robinson (Borough)





Apologies for Absence



As listed above.



Declarations of Interest






Minutes of the Last Planning Committee Meeting



The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 14th November 2018 were unanimously agreed and signed off by the Chairman. 




Matters arising






Planning & Development



New Applications



18/03486/OUT - Land At Goddards Farm Goddards Lane Sherfield-on-Loddon

Outline planning application for the erection of up to 90 dwellings with public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system (SuDS). Demolition of garages to form a vehicular access point from Bow Drive and replacement garaging. All matters reserved except for means of access

  • It was noted that the applicant is claiming in the Planning Statement that BDBC does not have a 5 year land supply.  However, BDBC say there is currently a 5.6 year land supply. 
  • Objections placed to the 2016 application for this site still stand, with the exception to the strain on the Bramley School intake.  These objections were:
    • The cumulative effect of development in Bramley and Sherfield on the local communities
    • Pressure on the C32 from another large housing development
    • Erosion of the strategic gap between Sherfield and Bramley.   
  • The refusal of the 2017 application for the same site was noted.  Members felt that the reasons given for this refusal are still relevant for this application. 
  • The Thames Water response to the 2017 application noted that the existing foul water network would need to be improved to enable the proposed connection to the sewer network.  However, their response to the current application makes no such statement.  This is of concern, as there does not appear to have been any improvements to the foul water network to the Committee’s knowledge.
  • Whilst there is not necessarily a problem with the pressure on numbers at Bramley School, members questioned whether the school’s performance level allows it to cope with the increase in intake.
  • The desktop survey stated that it found no nearby issues or concerns; however, Members noted that the edge of Bramley Camp is just over 500 metres away from the development.  This site was identified back in 1987 as containing a WW1 gas munitions.  This would appear to be a significant issue.

Clerk to place objections as outlined above.



















18/03304/FUL - The Upper Barn, Middle Barn And South Barn Minchens Court Minchens Lane Bramley - AMENDED

External alterations to create new door openings from existing window openings, new entrance canopies and new roof lights. Erection of enclosed and secure bin and cycle stores, along with additional cycle and car parking spaces for visitors

  • Members noted that toilets have been added, and interconnecting staircases.
  • Previous objections still stand – these should be re-stated. 

Clerk to action.








 T/00488/18/TPO - 4 St James Close Bramley Tadley

Western Red Cedar to rear of property to be crown lifted to height of 4/5 metres all round, by removing secondary branches only

  • Members agreed with the crown lifting as BDBC tree officer advises.

Clerk to respond accordingly.






18/03145/ADV - Land At The Street The Street Bramley

Display of housing development sign

  • Members noted that this should be submitted as a retrospective application as the sign is already in place.
  • Members questioned whether the sign needs to be up now.  There are no buildings up at present, let alone a show house, and the site appears to be some way off this being the case.
  • The current sign is not in keeping with the nearby Conservation Area.

Clerk to submit objections as outlined above.








Approvals/Refusals/Pending (see appendix A) – these were noted. 



Update on Unlawful Development



  • Cufaude Lane - the Clerk confirmed that the date for the planning appeal for this site is set for 2nd April 2019 for four days.  It will be held at the BDBC offices.



Contractor issues at development sites



Issues at the Taylor Wimpey site have been highlighted to BDBC, who are chasing this up.  The traffic lights for this site have now been removed, and the narrow trench across The Street has been filled in.

It was noted that lorries are still going through the village, although not as frequently as before.  Clerk to report this to BDBC.  Near misses with picking up the red road surface and flicking towards traffic and pedestrians at the Bewley development should also be noted.






BDBC Heritage Supplementary Planning Document consultation



The Clerk has distributed details of this consultation to the Committee.  The deadline for comments is 14th January 2019.

To be read by all members ready for comment at the next Planning Committee meeting.



All Members


Upper Cufaude Farm Development Brief



 Cllr Flooks has written a draft document outlining the committee’s response to this document, which has been distributed to all members.

The draft response was unanimously agreed.  Clerk to submit to BDBC and circulate to all councillors for information.  Also to go to ward councillors and senior planning officers.

It was noted that there was no formal notification of the development brief to either residents or to the Parish Council.  Members expressed their concern about this – Clerk to write to Senior Planning Officers and Ward Councillors. 







Waste Water provision for new development



Cllr Bell has written to both Thames Water and BDBC outlining the Parish Council’s concerns on this issue.  Thames Water has put forward two options for dealing with the issue, but it is not clear if either option will go forward.  Cllr Bell has sought clarification on the issue, but has not received a satisfactory reply to date.  Cllr Bell will continue to chase.  It was suggested that details should be sent to the relevant BDBC cabinet member and to Chief Executive of BDBC, and could be escalated to HCC and to the MP.  Cllr Bell to take forward.




Cllr Bell


Vyne Park Boundary issues



The Clerk noted recent correspondence between a resident at Vyne Park (Razors Farm) and Cllr Joyce Bowyer, the ward councillor for Chineham & Sherfield Park, and the Chair of Sherfield Park Parish Council. 

Residents at Vyne Park are somewhat confused that, whilst their address is for Chineham, their council tax precept payment is for Bramley.  Cllr Bowyer has noted the reason for this.

Cllr Tomblin suggested that a welcome pack should be distributed to new residents at Vyne Park who are within the Bramley Parish boundary.  Clerk to contact PCC re their pack and the Parish magazine.  Clerk also check exactly where the parish boundary is, and which properties fall within it. 








S.106 – Borough Council enquiries



Cllr Tomblin is chasing specific s.106 issues with the relevant officers at BDBC.  In the meantime, Cllrs Rowland and Robinson raised a motion for BDBC to consider at their next full council meeting on Thursday 13th December.  This highlights their concern at the lack of consultation on s.106 scoping.



Date of Next Meeting



The date of the next Planning Committee meeting will be on 9th January 2019


Meeting closed at 9.16pm.







18/02792/HSE - 16 Wallis Drive Bramley

Conversion of part of garage to living accommodation


No objection, comments


18/03035/FUL - Qps House The Street Bramley

Change of use of ground floor of building from a Barber shop (A1) and Tanning Salon (Suis Generis) to a two bedroom flat (C3) on one side and a 4 bedroom HMO (C4) on the other





18/03022/LDPO - 1 The Crescent Bramley

Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed loft conversion, involving raising of the roof to rear by changing hip roof form to barn hip to match front, installation of side/rear rooflights and raising of rear chimney to maintain height above roof



No objection, comments


Pending Applications*


17/00942/FUL - Land Adjacent To The Oaks Cufaude Lane Bramley

Change of use of site as a private gypsy site for one family comprising a mobile home, utility room and touring caravan


Appeal to be heard on 2nd April


18/01226/VLA - Land At The Street The Street Bramley

Removal of reference to the Designated Protection Order under clause 16.10 of the Section 106 agreement relating to planning permission 15/02682/OUT

Clarification sought


18/01982/LDEU - Cufaude Courtyard, The Lodge Cufaude Lane Bramley

Application for Certificate of Lawfulness for the use of The Lodge as a single dwelling house (Use Class C3)

No objection


18/03083/VLA - Land At Minchens Lane Bramley

Variation of Section 106 agreement to remove the obligation to provide the north west footbridge from Clift Meadows to the site

No comment – PCs own application


18/03184/HSE - 6 Churchlands Bramley

Erection of a part first floor and part one and a half storey side extension





T/00451/18/TCA - 3 Churchlands Bramley

Mature Ash (T1): Approx. 18 metres tall and 14 metres wide to be felled to ground level.

Hawthorne (T2): Approx. 4 metres tall and 3 metres wide to be felled to ground level.

Hawthorne (T3): Approx. 4 metres tall and 3 metres wide to be felled to ground level.

Hawthorne (T4) - Approx. 4 metres tall and 3 metres wide to be felled to ground level.

Hawthorne (T5) - Approx. 4 metres tall and 3 metres wide to be felled to ground level.

No objection to ash tree, comments on hawthorn

*Objections/no objections listed are the decision of Bramley Parish Council only, and do not reflect any submissions placed by members of the public or other bodies with Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council.


Appendix B – Briefing Notes



No written report received.



No written report received.



No written report received.



No written report received.



  • Paths - A decreasing budget at HCC have led to a reduction in the area teams from 4 to 3, in terms this has decreased the capability in maintaining paths. The team have requested that each Parish Council reviews their network and informs them which 5 paths would benefit from cutting next year
    • I shall review our paths over the Christmas period but the trick is to select paths that are not cut through normal farming process, but if any parish councillors have any suggestions then more than happy to receive these. We need to respond by 1/2/2019, if there is no response the team are unable to guarantee any of our paths will be cut. 



  • The land owner has submitted an additional element to the plan circulated to councillors, in which they will open up an area behind the existing vehicle workshops. I met with our HCC consultants with the County Councillor. The land owner’s proposal was put forward to them but it seems unlikely this will be feasible option, which in turn will force us to make a decision in terms of enforcing the right of way that has been built over. 
  • The HCC team will be submitting our current plans for the junction improvement to a Gate 2 process, this is to assess if the proposal is value for money against safety, improvement etc. elements. Our team are confident it will pass a G2 review. If passed we can then apply for the allocated S106 funds to be put to the BT Openreach costs and HCC will adopt our plan. This will happen in January 2019. 


  • Air pollution -
    • The presentation of the 12 months of data from the air quality measurement device has been submitted to the Environmental team and portfolio holder at BDBC, as well as our local MP, County & Borough councillors. Councillor Hayley Eachus (BDBC) Has responded and she is conferring with her officers before providing a full response and a potential meeting, which the local MP has expressed a desire to attend. Cllr James has been a great help in progressing this to delivery. I believe we should use the information in objecting to the Sherfield planning application, I have attached the final presentation for sharing with all parish councillors. 



After review with the IT project team I have updated the tender and sent to the team members for review. If they grant approval I can send out this week.



No written report received.



No written report received.


Appendix C – Finance

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