Bramley Parish Council - Minutes - 19th February 2019

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Minutes of the Meeting of the Council


Tuesday 19th February 2019

Time: 7.30pm


Bramley Room, Bramley Village Hall



Cllr Durrant (Chair)

Cllr Tomblin (Vice-Chair)


Cllr Oborn

Cllr Flooks


Cllr James

Cllr Munday


Cllr Capel

Cllr Ansell

In attendance:

Maxta Thomas (Clerk)

2 members of the public


Cllr Robinson (Borough)



Cllr Bell

Cllr Rowland (Borough)


Cllr Vaughan (County)

PCSO Emma Page





Apologies for Absence


As listed above.



Declarations of Interest


Cllrs Capel and Munday declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 7.1, parking near Bramley Station.

Cllr Tomblin declared a pecuniary interest in item 9.1.a, specifically the discussion on the Upper Cufaude Farm application. He took no part in any vote on this item.

Cllr James declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 9.1.a, specifically the discussion on 6 Churchlands

Cllr Munday declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 11.1, the Cricket Club grant application.



Minutes of the Last Parish Council Meeting



The minutes of the meeting held on 15th January 2019 were unanimously agreed to be a true and accurate record, were signed by the Chairman.



Matters arising

  • Cllr Tomblin noted that the Razors Farm welcome packs were still outstanding.
  • Cllr Flooks noted that the ecclesiastical parish boundary appears to be the same as the PC boundary.


Open Forum


Cllr Durrant invited comments and questions from the public. There were no questions.



County Councillor Report


Cllr Vaughan absent. There is a written report at Appendix B.



Borough Councillor Report


Cllr Rowland submitted the following report:

  • S106 - I am still trying to get somewhere with this. The Committee is getting a panel together to review all relevant S106 agreements which have been highlighted by Parish Councils or Ward Councillors. This is an area I am pushing on.
  • I am extremely concerned with comments in letters or documents from planning applicants’ agents or representatives. I am become increasingly concerned that they either are factually incorrect with their comments or frankly being rude. I will be expressing my views in the forthcoming DC meeting where I am planning to speak on the Churchlands recent application and if necessary on the Minchens Court Development if this is recommended for approval. I will also be raising some concerns I have with the Upper Cufaude Farm development.
  • On a brighter note I have been able to assist a resident in Bramley who was housebound due to not having the changes made to the housing association property when confirmed through illness to his house. Now the housing association are making the changes to allow a wheelchair to actually go through the door and provide accessibility enhancements at no cost to the resident.
  • I am trying to find a resolution on the Kirby Road section 38 adoption.

Cllr Robinson gave a verbal report:

  • Holly Close – officers have finally given the go ahead for remedial work in the courtyard area, and have instructed the contractors. Work should be done within the next month, and hopefully sooner.
  • Fly tipping – there have 86 penalty notices issued in the last 2 years.
  • BDBC have launched an initiative to cut pollution – car sharing, drive fewer miles per week, switch engine off when possible, and use the bus more.
  • New age limit on taxis to remove polluting vehicles
  • AccessAble (originally Disabled Go) have launched a new online service and a mobile phone app. This gives details of disable accessible places.
  • CIL training meeting – more guidance coming out to PCs on what CIL can be used for. Upper Cufaude Farm contribution will be £378,000. This will need to be spent within five years or receipt.
  • Article 4 planning exemptions – Bramley will not qualify. This is for Basingstoke only for key commercial areas.
  • Sherfield Village Hall – the floor has dry rot. BDBC giving £15k grant to replace it.


Parish Environment



Parking issues by Bramley Station – Cllrs Capel and Munday declared an interest in this item.

Recent issues with bad parking in the pull in opposite Pheabens Field were noted. This has been reported to BDBC, who have agreed to put in two marked parking spaces in the pull in. Double yellow lines were also requested; however, with the solid white lines in the middle of the road at this point, BDBC feel that double yellow lines should be unnecessary. They will consult with the police on this matter.

BDBC enforcement officers are patrolling once a week.



Transfer of Minchens Lane playground to Parish Council – the Clerk confirmed that BDBC have now transferred commuted sum for the playground to the Parish Council. However, there has been no formal of legal handover. The Clerk has been in touch with BDBC, stating that the developer and BDBC is in contravention of the s.106 agreement on this item (the handover is months over the time limit). It has also been suggested that management of the playground should rest with BDBC rather than the Parish Council. BDBC are consulting with their legal team, and a response is awaited.

Cllr Durrant stated that the Parish Council has neither the experience nor structure at this time to manage the playground, and proposed that the PC should not accept this responsibility. This was unanimously agreed. Clerk to take forward.

Cllr Durrant further proposed that the commuted sum should be transferred back to BDBC at the earliest opportunity. This was unanimously agreed. Clerk to take forward.










Clerk’s report & Administration



IT Project update – one tender has been received for the website and IT provision for the PC. However, a few technical questions have been raised, and therefore the tender is still under assessment and hosting options external to the proposed supplier are being reviewed.



Parish magazine article – Cllr Flooks is due to write the next article. The deadline is 15th March.

Cllr Flooks


Googlegroup management – Cllr Durrant proposed that the Parish Council cease managing this group, as it has limited resident usage compared to the PC website and Facebook page. After some discussion it was agreed to survey users and find out if they use it, and if they would prefer Facebook. Clerk to take forward.




2019 Risk Assessment and Asset Register – the Clerk noted that Clift Meadow has been added to the asset register, as the PC is technically the landowner. This does not change the insurance responsibilities for this item – Clift Meadow Trust will still be responsible for the insurance.

Cllr Durrant proposed approving the 2019 risk assessment and asset register – this was unanimously agreed. Clerk to place on website.









Reports from Parish Council representatives



Planning Committee report (see appendix A and Planning Committee minutes of 13/02/2019).

Three applications were particularly noted:

  • 19/00018/OUT – Land at Upper Cufaude Farm, Cufaude Lane

The planning committee were unable to vote on this item they were not quorate (Cllr Tomblin has declared an interest in this item and did not vote at the planning committee meeting or this meeting). However, after a lengthy discussion, it was agreed that the Committee would recommend to the PC that it should object. Cllr Flooks has circulated a draft document citing reasons to object. The text was unanimously agreed. Clerk to process.

  • 19/00373/FUL – The Upper Barn, Middle Barn and South Barn, Minchens Court, Minchens Lane

The planning committee objected to this application. Since the committee meeting, a community engagement statement from the developers has been added to the planning portal. There are a number of issues with this document, which will be outlined as part of the objection to the application. Cllr Rowland has already stated her intention to call the application in to the DC committee at BDBC.

The Clerk finally noted that the original application decision for refusal for this property (18/03304/FUL) has been appealed.

  • 18/03718/HSE – 6 Churchlands

This application is on the target list for the DC committee meeting on 6th March, with a site visit on 1st March. Councillors noted that although the PC did not object to this application, there were comments which the DC committee should consider. Therefore, the Clerk should book a slot to speak at the DC committee meeting. Commitments made by applicants on windows and blinds etc. These do not appear to have been addressed, therefore comments are now an objection. Unanimously agreed.

The Clerk also noted a new application for this property for the erection of a garage extension with accommodation above and dormer windows. This will be considered fully at the March planning committee meeting.

There are no new applications to be considered at this time.
























Allotments and Burial Ground (see appendix B)

i. The Clerk has received the quote for maintenance of the Burial Ground for the 2019 season, at £190 per session. The quote also includes Bramley Green maintenance for 2019-2021, and maintenance of the Yew Tree close green area for 2019. It was unanimously agreed to accept the quote. Clerk to take forward.

ii. A fallen tree at the Burial Ground was noted. It is currently safe and not blocking the path; however, it should be dealt with as soon as possible. Clerk to take forward.

iii. Allotments – Cllr James noted that fence posts need to be replaced. He will contact contractors for a quote.







Cllr James


Village Hall Trust (see appendix B)



Clift Meadow Trust (see appendix B) – Cllr Capel gave a verbal report:

  • Fete committee up and running.
  • Putting together list of incidents at Clift Meadow to submit to police.
  • LIF application has been submitted.
  • CCTV - Cllr Ansell has obtained quote for cameras at the front of the buildings as well as the rear. Agenda for March.

i. Fencing and barrier options – BDBC and the developer have assured the PC that barriers will be in place by the end of February in the relevant places at Clift Meadow, and that planting will be complete by the end of March.

A quote has been received for £1960 for stick and post fencing along the new path at Clift Meadow. On hold until end of March.

Path should be relaid near the bridge – damaged in the recent cold spell.









Police & Neighbourhood Watch (see appendix B)

Councillors were concerned that recent incident report statistics are worse than Tadley. Suggested writing to Inspector to ask what action is being taken.



Highways/Footpaths (see appendix B) – Cllr Durrant noted that pavements in the village tend not be cleaned very often. Clerk to make enquires.



Road Safety Project (see appendix B) – Cllr Vaughan has given written support to Highways for junction layout proposals.

Footpath project on hold at present.



Chairman’s report

  • Footbridge debate – Cllr Durrant noted photos of the able access only footbridge at Uffington. The bridge spans two railway tracks, and is very large.
  • FoI requests – Cllr Durrant noted recent FoI requests.
  • Cllr Durrant is trying to get a meeting with the local MP, without success. He will continue to try.
  • March meeting – Cllr Durrant noted that, whilst he will be at the meeting, he will not be in a position to chair it. He proposed that Cllr Tomblin chair the meeting in his capacity as Vice-chair. This was unanimously agreed.


Consultation documents requiring consideration





Grant Applications



Bramley Cricket Club – provision of cricket pitch roller

Cllr Munday declared an interest in this item.

This application is for £3500.

It was noted that there is likely to be a further £1000 granted from other sources.

The grant agreed in principle, bearing in mind the following points:

  • Need to be sure that the equipment can be stored securely, so dependent on CMT LIF application.
  • Need to be clear on usage depending who else is contributing to and using the roller.
  • Need to establish exactly how much the equipment will cost – the exact price is given on application.

Clerk to take forward.












Bramley PCC – provision of floor cleaner for Cross House

The application is for £713, although the Clerk has not yet received the full grant application documentation.

The grant was unanimously agreed, subject to the correct paperwork being submitted. Clerk to take forward.






Bramley Youth Club – provision of Youth Workers for 2019/20

The grant application is for £9928, which is a little more than last year to take into account the increase in the national living wage.

The grant was unanimously agreed – Clerk to take forward.








Payments and reconciliation approval - see appendix C

The Clerk noted the payments on the reconciliation. She noted the following extra payment not appearing on the reconciliation:

  • Travel expenses of £45 for Cllr Durrant

It was unanimously agreed to approve the payments– Clerk to process.

The Clerk noted that Bramley PCC have been in touch to thank the PC for it contribution for the Christmas lunch event. They have said that they had enough funding to cover everything, and have asked whether the PC wants the £200 donation returned. Cllr Durrant stated that the donation could be used for a similar event this year, and proposed that the donation remain with the PCC. This was unanimously agreed. Clerk to let the PCC know.










Acknowledgement of Receipts – see appendix C

Receipts were noted.



Date of Next meeting


The next full Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 19th March 2019.



Resolution to exclude press and public from items that may require discussion of possible legal and financial proceedings





Confidential Items




The meeting closed at 9.15pm



Signed: …………………………………………………………………. Date:………………………………………


Appendix A – Planning Summary


Planning Applications for Consideration


19/00018/OUT - Land At Upper Cufaude Farm Cufaude Lane Bramley

Residential development for up to 350 dwellings and land reserved for a primary school with associated access, community facilities, drainage works (SuDS), areas of open space and landscaping. Demolition of existing farm buildings.



19/00085/HSE - 22 Farriers Close Bramley

Erection of single storey front extension and porch; removal of existing rear conservatory and construction of single storey rear extension

No objections


19/00167/ROC - Razors Farm Cufaude Lane Chineham

Variation of Condition 1 of 16/04520/FUL for amendment to location of car barns and design of single storey rear extension



19/00168/ROC - Razors Farm Cufaude Lane Chineham

Variation of Condition 1 of 17/04266/FUL for Plan 836-D-201 to be substituted with 836-D-201D to provide improved dormer windows for bedrooms



18/03663/HSE - Cedars The Street Bramley

Erection of single storey rear extension

No objection


19/00373/FUL - The Upper Barn, Middle Barn And South Barn Minchens Court Minchens Lane Bramley

External alterations to create new door openings from existing window openings, new roof lights and new enclosed and secure bin and cycle stores along with additional cycle and car parking spaces for visitors





18/03083/VLA - Land At Minchens Lane Bramley

Variation of Section 106 agreement to remove the obligation to provide the north west footbridge from Clift Meadows to the site


No comment – PCs own application


Pending Applications*


17/00942/FUL - Land Adjacent To The Oaks Cufaude Lane Bramley

Change of use of site as a private gypsy site for one family comprising a mobile home, utility room and touring caravan


Appeal to be heard on 2nd April


18/01226/VLA - Land At The Street The Street Bramley

Removal of reference to the Designated Protection Order under clause 16.10 of the Section 106 agreement relating to planning permission 15/02682/OUT

Clarification sought


18/01982/LDEU - Cufaude Courtyard, The Lodge Cufaude Lane Bramley

Application for Certificate of Lawfulness for the use of The Lodge as a single dwelling house (Use Class C3)

No objection


18/03486/OUT - Land At Goddards Farm Goddards Lane Sherfield-on-Loddon

Outline planning application for the erection of up to 90 dwellings with public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system (SuDS). Demolition of garages to form a vehicular access point from Bow Drive and replacement garaging. All matters reserved except for means of access




T/00488/18/TPO - 4 St James Close Bramley Tadley

Western Red Cedar to rear of property to be crown lifted to height of 4/5 metres all round, by removing secondary branches only

No objection


18/03145/ADV - Land At The Street The Street Bramley

Display of housing development sign



T/00514/18/TPO - Chestnut Lodge Officers Row Bramley

T1 London plane: crown reduce

No objection


18/03718/HSE - 6 Churchlands Bramley

Erection of a one and half storey rear extension with associated internal and external alterations

No objection, comments


19/00017/HSE - 21 Longbridge Road Bramley

Erection of a single storey rear extension

No objection, comments

*Objections/no objections listed are the decision of Bramley Parish Council only, and do not reflect any submissions placed by members of the public or other bodies with Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council.


Appendix B – Briefing Notes


No written report received.


No written report received.


No written report received.


Please find below the latest news summary of some of the crimes which occurred last month. In the month of January there were 44 incidents in the Basingstoke Rural East area which have been classified as crimes by the home office. The breakdown is 16 x Bramley, 9 x Silchester/Pamber, 13 x Tadley South and 6 x Tadley Central.

As a result of a recent survey, the Current Neighbourhood Priority for Basingstoke Rural East is:

  • Theft from Motor Vehicle

Theft from Motor Vehicle - There has been one report this month. Sometime between 19th and the 21st January, entry was gained to a building site in Bramley and three batteries were stolen from construction vehicles.

Summary - This is a further summary of incidents however it is not the full history for January.




Tadley South

Tadley Central
















Public Order





Criminal Damage





Road Traffic Incidents





Suspicious Incidents











Future Engagements

20th Feb (11:00-12:30) – Drop In/Beat Surgery, Tadley Library

22nd Feb (10:00) – Coffee Morning, Salvation Army

(Please get in touch if you’d like me to come along to a Community event.)


Helpful Crime Prevention Advice and Hampshire Alerts

Information can be found at:, and on Twitter @BstokeRuralCops. Hampshire Alerts and Twitter are both a very quick method of circulating messages relevant to local communities including NHW schemes.

PCSO 16173 Emma PAGE

Basingstoke Rural Neighbourhood Policing Team
Tadley Police Station, Mulfords Hill, Tadley, Hampshire, RG26 3HZ
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



No written report received.



No written report received.



  • Air pollution – we have met with officers at BDBC, and the Portfolio holder, Hayley Eachus. BDBC gave an overview of the platform they are working from. BDBC have a duty to review and assess air quality, and have been doing so for over 20 years. They must do this annually, via a very detailed process as to where and what is measured. They work to a National Framework, which is based on levels set by the EU and the World Health Organisation. The most recent surveys show that there are no areas in the Borough where nationally set safe levels are exceeded. DBC results are reviewed annually by DEFRA.

The Bramley results were noted, and BDBC also stated that they are trialling some AQ mesh devices in the Borough. They did note that Nitrous Oxide and PM10 monitoring with such devices is generally accurate, although they believe that other variables measured is not so accurate as the data tends to be extrapolated rather than accurately measured. It was noted that the Bramley device is actually measuring several variables alongside Nitrous Oxide and PM10, but this needs to be checked. BDBC plan to carry out their own survey of Bramley levels, although they stated that they would be surprised if this increased monitoring will show any exceedance of safe levels. Bramley PC re-iterated that its figures show huge spikes at busy periods, and that this is likely to get worse with traffic steadily increasing in the village. Options for reducing short journeys from local traffic were discussed.


  • BDBC to look more closely at AQ mesh solution
  • Bramley PC to forward traffic data to BDBC
  • BDBC to send details of air quality promotional campaign to Clerk for use on website and social media
  • BDBC to investigate getting the school involved in promotional campaign


No written report received.



  1. HCC council tax will be rising by 2.99%. On a band D property this represents a rise of £36 per annum or 70p per week. This increase will raise £18m most of which will go towards adult/child social care. HCC council tax is the lowest in the country after Somerset.
  2. It is anticipated that there is a £32bn funding gap to councils in the UK. There is still an imbalance between north & south and we in the south continue to lobby the Government for a more equitable division of funds.
  3. Hants Fire & Rescue Service has merged with IOW F&RS to produce better balance of funding and economies of scale.
  4. Our gritters spread 5000 tons of grit/salt during the last snow storm. See separate report.
  5. Apparently there is an increase in fake Scottish £20 notes doing the rounds. Quite clever really as few people know what they should look like.


Appendix C – Finance

Bank Reconciliation 19 February 2019

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Clift Meadow

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