Bramley Parish Council - Minutes - 21st May 2019

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 Minutes of the Meeting of the Council


Tuesday 21st May  2019

Time:                                    7.30pm


Bramley Room, Bramley Village Hall



Cllr Durrant (Chair)

Cllr Bell


Cllr Tomblin

Cllr Flooks


Cllr James

Cllr Capel

In attendance:

Maxta Thomas (Clerk)

0 members of the public


Cllr Robinson (Borough)



Cllr Ansell

Cllr Oborn


Cllr Munday

Cllr Rowland (Borough)








Apologies for Absence



As listed above.



Election of Chairman



Cllr Durrant stood down as Chairman, and Cllr Tomblin took over the proceedings.

Cllr Tomblin proposed that Cllr Durrant should be re-elected as Chairman for 2019-20.  This was seconded by Cllr Capel and unanimously agreed.

Cllr Durrant then took his place as Chair.



Election of Vice-Chairman



Cllrs Bell and Tomblin stood down as Co-Vice Chairman.  Cllr Flooks proposed and Cllr Capel seconded that Cllrs Bell and Tomblin be re-elected as Co –Vice Chairman for 2019-20.  This was unanimously agreed.



Declarations of Interest






To appoint representatives to committees and other organisations, as follows:



         i.            Clift Meadow Trust – Cllr Capel was unanimously re-elected.

       ii.            Village Hall Trust – Cllr Oborn was unanimously re-elected.

     iii.            BDAPTC – Cllr Bell was unanimously re-elected.

     iv.            Planning Committee – Cllr Flooks was unanimously re-elected as Chair, with Cllrs Tomblin, Bell, and Munday as committee members. 

       v.            Neighbourhood Plan working group – it was unanimously agreed that Cllr Bell and Cllr Flooks should lead on this project, and will report into the Planning Committee. 

     vi.            Allotments and Burial Ground – Cllr James was unanimously re-elected.  Cllr Tomblin to assist as necessary.



Cheque signatories/online authorisation of payments



Cllr Durrant proposed that cheques and online authorisation of payments should require the signature/online authorisation of any two councillors.  This was unanimously agreed.  Clerk to ensure that the bank mandate is up to date.




Appointment of Responsible Financial Officer



Cllr Bell proposed that the Clerk, Maxta Thomas, remain as the RFO.  This was seconded by Cllr Durrant and unanimously agreed.



Review of Standing Orders and Financial Regulations



This will be on the agenda for June for a full review of both documents.



Minutes of the Last Parish Council Meeting



The minutes of the meeting held on 16th April 2019 were unanimously agreed to be a true and accurate record, were signed by the Chairman.  The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 16th May 2019 were also agreed unanimously, and were signed by the Chairman.




Matters arising



  • Investment accounts – still to be explored.
  • Welcome leaflet – this is with the printers, and will be ready for delivering very soon.
  • Signs for Cufaude Lane – still to be explored. 
  • Meeting of Cllr Vaughan with Chief Inspector Matt Reeves as yet to be confirmed.



Open Forum



Cllr Durrant invited comments and questions from the public. 





County Councillor Report



No report at this time.



Borough Councillor Report



Cllr Rowland submitted the following written report:

  • Going forward I am following up in BDBC on the S106 issues. 
  • I am going to raise the matter of Neighbourhood Plans with Rebecca Emmett and Mathew Evans as there is a growing feeling within communities that have taken the time, effort and expense to undertake these significant plans that there is a lack of significance paid to them within planning decisions.
  • Additionally I would urge the community to be vigilant as to the dreadful fly tipping that has taken place in Upton Grey and elsewhere.  This has been reported to the police and had wide coverage in the media.  Given the lanes that Bramley and Sherfield on Loddon have within the parish it could potentially happen here.

Cllr Robinson gave a verbal report:

  • The Local Plan is due for a review.  Cllrs queried what implications this might have on the Bramley Neighbourhood Plan, and suggested that the Ward Councillors should ask officers to meet with the parish councils to explain the need for the review and the call for sites.  Cllr Robinson explained that the Local Plan must be reviewed every 5 years, and that the call for sites is purely about identifying landowners who might have land available.  BDBC are very tight on housing land supply – 5.25 years.  He stated that a big part of this is Manydown – Cllr Robinson is now on the Manydown Overview committee.  The hold-up on getting Manydown to the planning application stage appears to be HCC, who have not come back with the transport infrastructure.  This is also the case for Land to East of Basingstoke.  Cllr Bell to contact Joanne Brombley at BDBC with Bramley concerns and queries, and will co-ordinate with Cllr Tomblin on others to contact. 
  • Dixon Road – the traveller site appeal was approved.  BDBC are appealing this decision.  The trees that were felled have been ordered to be replaced.  This is the responsibility of the Forestry Commission but does not appear to be being followed through.
  • Cllr Robinson noted that he felt the number 14 and 7 bus routes could do with being reviewed and overhauled.  He is talking to the relevant authorities.
  • Clift Meadow – residents opposite the meadow have requested that the lights be shielded as they are very bright.  Cllr Robinson to talk to BDBC officers about the issue.
  • BDBC elections – the current Council is now made up of the following: Tory 31, Labour 21, Liberal 7, Independent 1.  The new Leader of the Council is Cllr Ken Rhatigan, the new Mayor is Cllr Diane Taylor, and the Deputy Mayor is Cllr Onnalee Cubitt.




















Cllr Bell / Cllr Tomblin


Parish Environment



Update on St James Park playground – there is no update on this issue at this time.




Ratification of support for Clift Surgery car park changes

Cllr Tomblin proposed that the letter of support for the changes to the Clift Surgery car park access be ratified.  This was unanimously agreed.




Clerk’s report & Administration



Parish magazine article – Cllr Munday is due to write the next article.  The deadline is 15th June. 

Cllr Munday


Freedom of Information policy – the Clerk has reviewed and updated the FoI policy and Publication Scheme, and distributed to all councillors.

Clerk to check that policy is compliant with FoI act. 





Vexatious Policy – the clerk has distributed a draft vexatious policy for consideration.

Clerk to check against guidelines.








Reports from Parish Council representatives



Planning Committee report (see appendix A).  The report was noted by Councillors.

         i.            New applications – there no new applications to consider at this time.

       ii.            NDP working group Terms of Reference – the Planning Committee have agreed a draft Terms of Reference for the NDP working group, and have recommended them for approval.  Cllr Tomblin proposed that the ToR should be adopted – this was unanimously agreed.






Allotments and Burial Ground

          i.            Ground water monitoring – Burial Ground – the ground water levels at the Burial Ground have now been monitored for the last year.  The ground water levels have been consistently high over that period, with only 5 months where the levels were more than 1 metre below ground level.  At no time were levels more than 1.6m below ground level.  The Environment Agency guidelines state that there should be 1m clearance between the base of a grave and the underlying groundwater – this is clearly not the case in Bramley. The ground is acceptable for ashes interments.

After some discussion it was agreed that the temporary suspension of full burials should become permanent.  Interment of ashes will still be accepted. 

It was agreed that there should be a press release on the issue, to be published on the website.  Clerk to action.  Clerk also to check details Exclusive Rights holders who will need to be contacted.

        ii.            Ditching work – Allotments & Burial Ground – a quote has been received for ditch clearance for £3980.  This is in line with when the work was done previously.  It was unanimously agreed that the quote be accepted, although the work should be carried out in the late autumn.  Clerk to progress.  Cllr James to check conditions in the meantime.











Cllr James


Village Hall Trust – no report for this month. 



Clift Meadow Trust – Cllr Capel gave a verbal report:

  • New adverts for the noticeboards will be available soon
  • Flyers to be added to welcome pack, if they are ready in time.
  • Playground – CMT have request that a wall for football kicking to be added to the proposed design.

         i.            Exit to pub car park – it has been agreed this exit will be closed permanently. The cost for this work, including removal of tarmac reseeding the area, is £675.  Enquiries are being made with the Inclusion & Diversity officer at BDBC about whether the exit onto The Street is properly accessible to all, and if not, how to go about making it so. The alternative exit will not be closed until this exit is made fully accessible to all legitimate users.  






Police & Neighbourhood Watch – see appendix B.



Highways/Footpaths – no report. 

  • The resurfacing at Ringshall Gardens was noted. 
  • The log in the cul de sac at Bramley Green Road has been rolled into the main road on several occasions causing safety hazard.  It was unanimously agreed that this be removed. The protection from the injunction concerning illegal encampments along with the gate in place should be sufficient protection for this area against illegal parking.   To be monitored.  Clerk to action.
  • Cleaning of the footbath along Bramley Green to be investigated along with other footpaths across the village.  Clerk to action, and check for other tasks for the Lengthsman.                                                                  








Road Safety Project - no update at present.

         i.            Funding shortfall – there is a shortfall of funding for the junction improvement scheme of £23,507.  Most of the funding is being met by the LIF grant.  Cllr Durrant proposed that the Parish Council meet the cost of the shortfall, using reserves as necessary.  This was unanimously agreed. Other funding routes are also being explored.

Cllr Bell noted that the school should be consulted on the project – Cllrs Durrant and Ansell to take forward.

Footpath still to be addressed.  Cllr Durrant to discuss the situation with Mekanix Garage in view of the high work load of Cllr Ansell.






Cllr Durrant / Cllr Ansell


Chairman’s report – Cllr Durrant thanked everyone for their input to the APM. 

Cllr Tomblin suggested that nameplates should be made up to have for meetings so that public know who Councillors are.  Clerk to investigate. 




Consultation documents requiring consideration






Grant Applications



Victim Support – a request of £100 towards the cost of security measures for victims in need.

Grant agreed by majority approval, provided Victim Support makes efforts to make Bramley residents aware of their service.  Clerk to progress.








Payments and reconciliation approval - see appendix C

The Clerk noted the payments on the reconciliation. 

It was unanimously agreed to approve the payments– Clerk to process.





Acknowledgement of Receipts – see appendix B

Receipts were noted. 



Date of Next meeting



The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 18th June 2019. 



Resolution to exclude press and public from items that may require discussion of possible legal and financial proceedings 






Confidential Items





The meeting closed at 9.35pm






Signed:                 ………………………………………………………………….      Date:………………………………………


Appendix A – Planning Minutes



15th May 2019

Time:                    7.30pm


Bramley Room, Bramley Village Hall



Cllr Chris Flooks (Chair)

Cllr Malcolm Bell


Cllr Chris Tomblin

Cllr Alan Munday

In attendance:

Maxta Thomas (Clerk)

0 members of the public


Cllr Nick Robinson (Borough)






Apologies for Absence



As listed above.



Declarations of Interest






Minutes of the Last Planning Committee Meeting



The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 10th April 2019 were unanimously agreed and signed off by the Chairman. 




Matters arising



Minchens Lane junction – CF not actioned yet.




Planning & Development



New Applications



19/00864/HSE - 6 Minerva Road Bramley

Erection of rear conservatory

No objections unanimously agreed.  Ensure that roofing material matches existing.



19/00896/LBC - Barefoot House Olivers Lane Bramley

Repair and replacement of windows and doors

No objections unanimously agreed.



19/00946/ROC - Land At Minchens Lane Bramley

Variation of condition 1 of application 16/04505/RES to amend drawing numbers

Application is more than amending drawing numbers – it is to correct the fenceline.   Should be fence, then walkway.  This will reduce the wildlife corridor.  Subsequent maintenance will also be compromised by less room.  Objections.



19/01127/HSE - 14 Yew Tree Close Bramley

Erection of single storey rear extension

No objections unanimously agreed.



19/01180/HSE - 27 The Smithy Bramley

Erection of single storey rear extension and conversion of loft to living accommodation with rear dormer and front rooflights

Supplementary planning document July 2018 – SPD HQB4 - promotes good design.  Dormer windows do not appear to conform with this.  Drawings on the website are the wrong way round – existing and proposed are wrong way round.  Overdevelopment of the site.  Dormers are not evenly spaced – not good design.  Also not in line with windows on ground floor.  Will also overlook properties that back onto it from Longbridge Road.  HQB8, HQB9



Any other new applications – none.  Amended drawings for The Stables, Cufaude Courtyard.  No comments – presented plans make it hard to determine exactly what changes are.  Objections still stand .



Approvals/Refusals/Pending (see appendix A) – these were noted. 

The Clerk noted that the decision for the Goddards Lane application in Sherfield on Loddon has been appealed by the applicant, and is due to be heard on 14th August.

Approvals for The Mews and Razors Farm were also noted.  See item 7.2



Planning Appeals



18/03304/FUL - The Upper Barn, Middle Barn And South Barn Minchens Court Minchens Lane Bramley

There is no date as yet for the appeal to be heard.  It should be noted that application 19/00483/FUL for the same site is being considered this evening by the DC Committee at BDBC.



Update on sewerage for new developments



The letter has now been submitted to all relevant parties.  No response has been received other than an acknowledgement of receipt.  The letter is now on the PC website.

MB suggested sending follow up email saying that PC is very concerned, and requesting a response and a meeting.



Neighbourhood Plan Review working group



Working Group Terms of Reference – the Clerk has made a start on drafting Terms of Reference for the Review working group, based off the Terms of Reference for the original NDP Steering Committee.  Include Malcolms addition.  PC meeting for approval.



Letter to BDBC re planning concerns about the NDP - A letter of concern has been sent to senior planning officers and portfolio holders at BDBC, expressing concern that the Bramley Neighbourhood Plan is not being taken into proper consideration when planning decisions are made.  No response has been received to date.  It was unanimously agreed that a copy of the letter should go on the PC website.  Clerk to action.

The Clerk also noted a recent communication from Oakley & Deane Parish Council, who has similar concerns.  She will reply to them in due course with Bramley issues.  Will also check out other parishes with Neighbourhood Plans. 

Check out Neighbourhood Plan legislation. 






Minchens Lane development

  • The lockable bollard at the footbridge has now been replaced with a concrete bollard at either end of the footbridge.  Also bollards at footpath near entrance to estate from Minchens.
  • St James Park playground – the commuted sum has now been returned to BDBC.  There is no further progress on who has responsibility for the Park.  Concerns have been raised by councillors about the possible safety of the park, and with this in mind an independent safety inspection funded by the Parish Council will be booked in the near future.
  • Main junction into the site is also causing problems with people ignoring the priorities.  Cllr Flooks to write to Highways highlighting the issue.
  • Staggered barriers at the Doctors surgery are still required. 
  • Recent flooding at the main junction with Minchens Lane was noted.  Clerk to report to Highways
  • Many of the trees and hedging that has been planted around the site have died and need to be replaced.  Clerk to highlight to BDBC and developer.





Date of Next Meeting



The date of the next Planning Committee meeting will be on 12th June 2019


Meeting closed at 8.22pm.




Signed:                 ………………………………………………………………….      Date:………………………………………


Appendix A



19/00167/ROC - Razors Farm Cufaude Lane Chineham

Variation of Condition 1 of 16/04520/FUL for amendment to location of car barns and design of single storey rear extension





19/00168/ROC - Razors Farm Cufaude Lane Chineham

Variation of Condition 1 of 17/04266/FUL for Plan 836-D-201 to be substituted with 836-D-201D to provide improved dormer windows for bedrooms





19/00617/LBC - Razors Farm Cufaude Lane Chineham

Erection of rear single storey extension (retention of unauthorised works)




19/00616/LBC - Razors Farm Cufaude Lane Chineham

Installation of rear elevation dormer windows and the provision of two additional roof lights in the front elevation (retention of unauthorised works)





19/00580/HSE - Fairlands Silchester Road Bramley

Erection of single storey side extension to form garage


No objection


19/00355/HSE - 5 The Mews Bramley

Erection of single storey rear extension, and conversion of garage roof space to living accommodation with alterations to the roof





19/00857/HSE - 27 Farriers Close Bramley

Erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of conservatory



No objection


Pending Applications*


17/00942/FUL - Land Adjacent To The Oaks Cufaude Lane Bramley

Change of use of site as a private gypsy site for one family comprising a mobile home, utility room and touring caravan


Continuation of Appeal to be heard in September


19/00018/OUT - Land At Upper Cufaude Farm Cufaude Lane Bramley

Residential development for up to 350 dwellings and land reserved for a primary school with associated access, community facilities, drainage works (SuDS), areas of open space and landscaping. Demolition of existing farm buildings.



19/00483/HSE - 6 Churchlands Bramley

Erection of a garage extension with accommodation above and dormer windows



19/00464/FUL - Upper Cufaude Farm Cufaude Lane Bramley

Erection of two no. 4 bedroom barn-style dwellings and access



19/00700/HSE - The Stables Cufaude Courtyard Cufaude Lane Bramley

Erection of part single storey, part two storey front extension. Erection of part single-storey with balconies above and part two-storey extension to rear



18/03133/RET - 8 Pheabens Field Bramley

Change of use from open space to residential land including the erection of outbuilding and fencing

No objection

Appendix B – Reports


No written report received. 


No written report received. 


No written report received. 


Bramley and Sherfield-on-Loddon

We have been receiving reports of Anti-Social Behaviour from the Parish Council and have been patrolling the area alongside Community Safety Patrol Officers during shifts throughout April. If you are affected by ASB, report by calling 101. We have been able to identify several young persons who will be receiving follow up contact from the team.

It would appear that the level of ASB reports had fallen throughout the month, however over the Easter weekend, there were incidents reported where a tree trunk in Bramley Green Road was moved to the middle of the road. We also received reports of ASB at the railway crossing, with one youth described as pushing the level crossing up and down, and a concrete bollard has been ripped up at the entrance to Clift Meadow. Vandalism has also been reported to the cricket pavilion building.

If you have information that will assist in identifying those involved then contact PCSO Emma Page at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

A horse trailer was stolen from an address at Wildmoor Lane. 


No written report received.  


No written report received. 


No written report received. 


No written report received. 


No written report received. 

Finance - 21st May 2019

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