Bramley Parish Council - Minutes - 16th July 2019

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Minutes of the Meeting of the Council


Tuesday 16th July 2019

Time:                                    7.30pm


Bramley Room, Bramley Village Hall



Cllr Durrant (Chair)

Cllr Bell


Cllr Tomblin

Cllr Flooks


Cllr James

Cllr Capel


Cllr Ansell

Cllr Oborn


Cllr Munday


In attendance:

Maxta Thomas (Clerk)

2 members of the public


Cllr Robinson (Borough)

Cllr Vaughan (County)


Cllr Rowland (Borough)



PCSO Emma Page






Apologies for Absence



As listed above.



Declarations of Interest






Minutes of the Last Parish Council Meeting



The minutes of the meeting held on 18th June 2019 were unanimously agreed to be a true and accurate record, were signed by the Chairman. 




Matters arising



        i.            Outstanding minutes actions

The list was reviewed. 

Clerk to again report the broken rumble strip by the Centenary Fields development.




Open Forum



Cllr Durrant invited comments and questions from the public. 

Cllr Joyce Bowyer from Sherfield Park Parish Council expressed concern about the Upper Cufaude Farm development and the lack of plan for a school.  She asked if Bramley PC would support a school at the site, as Sherfield Park and Vyne Park residents are having to travel for schooling.  This will be placed on the agenda for a future Planning Committee meeting.






County Councillor Report



Cllr Vaughan gave a verbal report:

  • Protecting Wildlife in the Verges Many verges across Hampshire offer a vital refuge for rare species of plants and other wildlife. Maintenance of these areas seeks to preserve wildlife habitats as far as possible, without impacting on road safety. Rural grass verges are cut once a year, usually during summer, with the cutting of some verges is timed to allow rare species to flower and seed. Almost 200 of these verges are home to bees, butterflies and moths that rely on flower rich grassland to provide a source of nectar and pollen. Protected species (such as orchids, Cudweed, Tower Mustard, glow worms and Lychnis moth caterpillars) need to remain uncut throughout their flowering and seeding seasons, so they can survive and reproduce. Conventional cutting throughout summer would result in a decrease in biodiversity interest over time. Protected areas are therefore cut in April and/or late September, depending on the species present.
  • Surface Dressing helps protect the road surface by providing a waterproof seal to prevent potholes and restore any lost skid resistance. Surface dressing treatments are applied when the road is dry. It is a quick process with most sites taking less than a day to complete. A thin layer of new stone chippings improves skid resistance and also reduces the risk of aquaplaning. Drivers are advised to slow down to avoid damage to their cars (and to others) when a road has just been treated. The road is swept to remove loose chippings as soon as possible after treatment and before the road markings are repainted. Issues that relate to surface dressing operations can be addressed by the Customer Contact Centre on 0300 555 1388.
  • Thinking about volunteering at Sir Harold Hillier Gardens? The gardens are an unrivalled collection of trees and shrubs set in 180 acres near Romsey, in Hampshire. If you have a few hours to spare on a regular basis then please do consider volunteering. There are opportunities both inside and outside and no previous experience is required. For further information is available from the Volunteer Co-ordinator on 01794 369305 
  • Ofsted have graded Hampshire County Council’s Children’s Service as outstanding in all areas. The service received the top score for overall effectiveness, the impact of leaders on social work practices, for children who need help and protection, and those in care and care leavers. The report found that social workers are highly skilled at building meaningful relationships with children. It also highlighted the council’s political and corporate support as well as financial investment. Hampshire’s response to vulnerable young people at risk of exploitation is described as highly effective. Got an excellent OFSTED report on Childcare. 
    • The Royal British Legion has held a flag raising day, and the Hampshire branch has a new flag.
    • Surface Water drainage – Cllr Vaughan is chasing Highways
    • 30mph speed limits – Cllr Vaughan has looked into this, and will continue to support.




Borough Councillor Report



Cllrs Rowland and Robinson gave a verbal report:

  • BDBC full council meeting later this week – there will be an announcement on the new Executive Director of Borough Development.  They will be looking at transformational change within the Borough.
  • Planning applications - Cllr Rowland continues to support the PC in calling in applications where necessary.  She is concerned about the current lack of 5 year land supply or housing numbers.  This may affect some Bramley applications going through at present.  She has also expressed concern about the lack of attention being paid to Neighbourhood Plan policies, both in Bramley and other parishes.
  • The next DC meeting is on 7th August, and is likely to feature the application for land by Clift Surgery.    
  • Cllrs Rowland and Robinson noted the time its taking for BDBC officers to respond to queries.
  • Lights at Clift Meadow - developers were supposed to supply a detailed lighting plan before installing – they did not do this.  Cllr Robinson is taking this forward.



Parish Environment



Update on Lengthsman tasks – all items for the Lengthsman have been completed.

Low hanging branches in the conservation area near Beech Farm were noted– Clerk to speak to Lengthsman. 




Parking issues and possible consultation – Cllr Durrant noted that parking is a huge problem in Bramley due to Borough policies on parking.  The PC needs to think about how to form a public consultation, and suggested that a working group should take the issue further.

The most affected areas need to be looked at first, and list of hotspots should be compiled.  Cllrs Durrant, Capel and Tomblin volunteered to take forward. 

Cllr Ansell suggested getting information during the school holidays, and then more in September when the schools are back.




Cllr Tomblin/ Cllr Capel/ Cllr Durrant


Safety signage for Cufaude Lane – this is being considered by Cllr Tomblin and Cllr Oborn. 

The recent head on collision in Cufaude Lane was noted – this is the second such event in the last month.

No progress as yet, although Cllr Oborn has contacted a consultant who may be able to assist. 

Cllr Durrant suggested getting Sherfield Park residents involved. 



Clearance work at WI Garden – Cllr Durrant proposed that the Council ratify the decision to do some clearance work by the WI garden at Clift Meadow, at a cost of £260+VAT.  This was unanimously agreed.



Clerk’s report & Administration



Parish magazine article – Cllr Oborn is due to write the next article.  The deadline is 15th August.  This should include an item on the public meeting on the Local Plan.

Cllr Oborn


Parish Council insurance review – the Clerk confirmed that she will be meeting the PC insurance broker on 8th August to conduct a thorough review of the Council’s insurance requirements.  Councillors are welcome to attend.

The renewal notice for the PC insurance will be ready for the September meeting.








Reports from Parish Council representatives



Planning Committee report (see appendix A).  The report was noted by Councillors. 

Cllrs voted unanimously to positively support the Village Hall application – Clerk to process.

A meeting is required with Persimmon and BDBC to try to resolve issues at the Minchens Lane development.  Clerk to take forward. 

         i.            New applications – there no new applications to consider at this time.

       ii.            Response from BDBC on planning concerns – the response has been received and distributed to all councillors.   Councillors were unhappy with the response, which they felt failed to address the issues raised.  Clerk and Cllr Durrant to investigate legal planning advice on a way forward. 







Cllr Durrant/ Clerk



         i.            Air quality monitoring report – there has been no response from BDBC as yet. 

The equipment is low on power, which means it is only taking NO2 measurements.  Cllr Ansell is chasing. 

       ii.            Sewerage update – Cllr Bell has been liaising with Thames Water to set up a meeting to discuss the issues around Bramley.  No response as yet.  Cllr Bell to chase. 


 Cllr Ansell



Cllr Bell


Allotments and Burial Ground – Cllr James gave a verbal report.

The ditch looks reasonably clear at present; the need to clear it should be reviewed in October. 

  • Allotments – 3 plot holders need to be written to about maintaining their plot. 

The allotment terms and conditions need to be reviewed.

  • Burial Ground – Cllr Durrant suggested a memorial wall for those who cannot have a full burial in Bramley.  This was unanimously agreed to be a good idea – Cllr James and Clerk to take forward. 


Cllr James/Clerk


Cllr James


Cllr James/Clerk


Village Hall Trust – see appendix B. 

The Trust AGM was held on 8th July.  Trustees voted in were:

  • Gareth Jones (Chair)
  • Jo Whatley (Secretary)
  • Jane Matthews (Health and Safety)
  • Richard Beale (Treasurer)
  • Tony Walton (Maintenance)
  • Sarah Hodnett
  • Jenny Begent

In addition Keith Oborn will remain as Parish Council representative.

Two additional slots are available for co-opted Trustees and the Trustees have advertised in the Bramley Magazine; they are particularly looking for a younger Trustee. A government scheme to promote young Trustees is running as less than 2% are currently under 24 years old. This also encourages assigning specific roles/projects to young Trustees.

Further appointments were:

  • Lars Smallbone (Project to document and publicize the refurbishment)
  • Samantha Webber (Business marketing/social media)



Clift Meadow Trust – Cllr Capel gave a brief verbal report. 

  • AGM – there are three new Trustees, who are all taking on active roles. 
  • Chair – Simon Gill. 
  • Several events lined up for the remainder of the year.
  • The scavenger hunt had to be cancelled, as no teams registered to take part. 
  • Lights on footpath have been vandalised.
  • Income is slightly down and expenditure is slightly up.  CMT are looking at revising the charges. 
  • Noted issues with waste water bill. 

         i.            Update on shelter proposals – no update at this time.  Clerk to ensure that Cllrs Rowland and Robinson are aware of the need for funding, possibly s.106. 









Police & Neighbourhood Watch – see appendix B.

The Clerk noted that the police reporting campaign will be repeated in the next couple of weeks, to coincide with the start of the summer holidays.



Highways/Footpaths – see appendix B.

The Clerk noted that footpath 6 has had the vegetation cut back by the Rights of Way team at HCC.  A number of other footpaths in the Parish should also have been maintained at the same time.



Road Safety Project – see appendix B.   

  • Cllr Ansell has met with the new project manager from HCC – the project has been handed over to relevant department. 
  • The junction work will be in the 2020 programme of works for next summer. 
  • Cllr Ansell is obtaining re-quotes from suppliers and utilities. 
  • Cllr Ansell has met with the resident affected by the traffic island, and they seem content with the plans.
  • BDBC has confirmed that LIF money is extended to end of 2020. 



Chairman’s report

Cllr Durrant noted the successful public meeting last week, on planning.  A number of residents attended, and asked some excellent questions of Cllr Ken Rhatigan, the leader of BDBC.  Notes from the meeting and slides will be available in due course.

Cllr Rowland noted that Bramley issues impact on Sherfield, and vice versa, and also re-iterated her concern on the lack of 5 year land supply.  There are also issues with planning permissions then not being built.  Parishes are also not seeing the benefits of existing development via s.106. 

A further public meeting will be scheduled some time in September. 

Notes and slides to be distributed to all councillors who are to feed back comments to Cllr Durrant and Clerk.

Cllr Durrant noted that it is clear that residents are worried about more development in Bramley. 

Cllr Durrant also noted that Land North of Sherfield Road is likely to go into the SHELAA. 









Clerk/Cllr Durrant



Consultation documents requiring consideration






Grant Applications



Community Speedwatch team – an application has been received for £202 to cover the cost of insurance for the speed indicator device.

Insured equipment will mean the camera can be deployed without a team in attendance, which will increase the deployment locations.  Manned teams can only deploy in police approved safe areas, of which there are three in Bramley.  Unmanned deployment will log date, time, and speed of vehicle.  No personal details are collected. 

Cllr James proposed giving the grant, unanimously agreed.  Clerk to process.







Donation towards the WI garden at Clift Meadow – Cllr Durrant suggested a one off donation to the WI in thanks for the work on the garden at Clift Meadow.  Cllr Munday suggested considering this once new storage shed is in – this was unanimously agreed. 



Open House Coffee Morning – an application has been received for £500 for startup costs for a regular coffee morning at Clift Meadow, open to all.  It is anticipated that once it is set up and running, it should be self-financing.  A 5 week trial period is planned at Brocas Hall from 11th September.  CMT will be hiring out the hall free of charge, but if successful then they will charge some rent. 

The £500 is planned to cover consumable items, so the grant would be a one off.  The PC should be acknowledged in advertising.  Cllrs requested that the grant should not be spent on single use items, but some of it should be used for advertising to get it well publicised. 

Unanimously agreed in principle, Clerk to find out about advertising and generating demand.  Also need to check relationship with CMT, and what the plan is if it is successful and runs into a surplus.  Any profits should go back to CMT. 













Quarterly expenditure against budget review – the Clerk has distributed this to all councillors (see appendix C).  She noted that this is still a work in progress, and may need tweaking to be more meaningful to councillors and the public.

LIF fund as a separate category.  Comments to Cllr Durrant and Clerk. 



Payments and reconciliation approval - see appendix D

The Clerk noted the payments on the reconciliation.  She has received one extra invoice:

  • Eyelid Productions – PC website development and support - £700

It was unanimously agreed to approve the payments on the reconciliation and above – Clerk to process.






Acknowledgement of Receipts – see appendix D

Receipts were noted.  The Clerk particularly noted the receipt of the Q4 2018-19 VAT claim, which took 3 months to come through, and the Q1 2019-20 VAT claim, which took 3 days.




Date of Next meeting



The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th September 2019, after the summer recess. 



Resolution to exclude press and public from items that may require discussion of possible legal and financial proceedings 






Confidential Items





The meeting closed at 9.53pm






Signed:                 ………………………………………………………………….      Date:………………………………………


Appendix A – Planning Minutes


Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee


11th July 2019

Time:                    7.30pm


Committee Room, Bramley Village Hall



Cllr Chris Flooks (Chair)

Cllr Alan Munday


Cllr Liz Capel


In attendance:

Maxta Thomas (Clerk)

0 members of the public


Cllr Malcolm Bell

Cllr Chris Tomblin


Cllr Nick Robinson (Borough)






Apologies for Absence



As listed above.  Cllr Capel has agreed to act as a committee member in the absence of Cllr Bell and Cllr Tomblin.



Declarations of Interest






Minutes of the Last Planning Committee Meeting



The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 12th June 2019 were unanimously agreed and signed off by the Chairman. 




Matters arising



  • A successful public meeting held last night about the Local Plan and Government policy was noted.  Minutes will be released in due course.



Planning & Development



New Applications



19/01541/HSE - 6 Churchlands Bramley

Erection of a first floor side extension over existing garage

The following points were made:

  • The applicant appears to have taken on board comments to previous applications.  This application appears to be a sensible compromise. 
  • The applicant has suggested that there will be no trees within falling distance of the extension – members disagreed with this assessment, particularly noting the Scots Pine.

No objection, but comment as above.  Clerk to process.









T/00273/19/TPO - 12 Anvil Way Bramley 

1 Oak: pruning works as per restorgraph report dated May 2019

Members unanimously agreed that they are happy to refer to the tree officer, but if the oak is replaced then maybe an ash is not the best species. 

Clerk to process.






19/01677/HSE - 8 Meitner Close Bramley

Erection of gazebo

No objection unanimously agreed.  Clerk to process.





19/01676/HSE - Opalham The Street Bramley

Infill existing front porch and installation of 3 no. rooflights

No objection unanimously agreed.  Clerk to process.





19/01695/LDPO - 9 Taylor Drive Bramley

Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed erection of a single storey rear extension

No objection unanimously agreed.  Clerk to process.





Any other new applications

  • 19/01710/FUL - Qps House The Street Bramley

                Change of use of ground floor of building from a Barber shop (A1)                 and Tanning Salon ( Suis Generis) to a two bedroomed flat (C3) on                 one side and a 3 bedroomed flat (C3) on the other

    • It was noted that the application should be retrospective as work has already begun. 
    • The application states that businesses did not do well – however, this is contrary to local knowledge – the hairdresser particularly did          well.  This was noted in the response to the previous application.
    • Members noted the vagueness of the application form details on sewage and water supply.
    • Members noted that three bedrooms in one of the units could be considered over development – the bedrooms are very small.  Unanimous objections to the previous application apply to this application as well.  Clerk to process.
  • 19/01753/ROC - The Clift Surgery Minchens Lane Bramley

                Variation of conditions 1 and 8 and removal of condition 9 of                 permission 14/01458/FUL to allow alternative access arrangements                 with the original southern access re-opened for ingress only and the                 'new' northern access used for egress only

    • No objection unanimously agreed, and the PC actively supports the application, as per the letter written to the Surgery in April 2019.  Clerk to process.
  • 19/01778/FUL - Bramley Village Hall The Street Bramley

                Extension and alteration of existing village hall to provide improved                 facilities and an additional function room. Resurfacing of the                 existing car park. (Amendment to planning consent 18/01623/FUL)

    • No objection unanimously agreed.  A decision on actively support the application should be put to full council.  Clerk to process.
  • 19-01831/HSE - 7 Kirby Drive Bramley

Erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of conservatory

    • No objection unanimously agreed.  Clerk to process.
























Approvals/Refusals/Pending (see appendix A) – these were noted. 





Planning Appeals



18/03304/FUL - The Upper Barn, Middle Barn And South Barn Minchens Court Minchens Lane Bramley

This appeal is with the Planning Inspectorate, and a decision is expected shortly.



18/03486/OUT - Land At Goddards Farm Goddards Lane Sherfield-on-Loddon

The appeal for this application is due to be held on 14th August 2019.

Cufaude Lane part 2 – September.



19/00942/FUL – Land adjacent to The Oaks Cufaude Lane Bramley

The second part of this appeal is due to be heard in September.






Minchens Lane development

  • A letter has been sent to HCC Highways re the issues with the junction.  Responses have been received, agreeing that the developers are behind on some obligations with the junction.  Various reports are awaited, and HCC did state that if the junction was found to not be working as intended, then they would be requesting the developer review the design.
  • The dead trees have been replaced with new saplings
  • Two of the bollard lights have now been vandalised.  This has been reported, and the developer should be dealing with this in due course.
  • Other reported issues have not been actioned as yet.  It has all been chased, and Clerk will continue to chase for a response.









Date of Next Meeting



The date of the next Planning Committee meeting will be on 14th August 2019 – to be confirmed.


Meeting closed at 8.13pm





Appendix A



19/00700/HSE - The Stables Cufaude Courtyard Cufaude Lane Bramley

Erection of part single storey, part two storey front extension. Erection of part single-storey with balconies above and part two-storey extension to rear

Application withdrawn




19/01180/HSE - 27 The Smithy Bramley

Erection of single storey rear extension and conversion of loft to living accommodation with rear dormer and front rooflights





T/00243/19/TCA - Sunnyside The Street Bramley

T1 Dead Elder: fell.

T2 Cypress (in the grounds of Cedars) remove branches back to source that are encouraging into the crown of the Pear.

T3/T4 Cypress: remove primary and secondary branches to clear space around Cypress and Bayt trees.

T5 Bay: fell.

T6 Ivy clad stem: fell.

Raise no objection


Tree officer’s decision

Pending Applications*


17/00942/FUL - Land Adjacent To The Oaks Cufaude Lane Bramley

Change of use of site as a private gypsy site for one family comprising a mobile home, utility room and touring caravan


Continuation of Appeal to be heard in September


19/00018/OUT - Land At Upper Cufaude Farm Cufaude Lane Bramley - AMENDED

Residential development for up to 350 dwellings and land reserved for a primary school with associated access, community facilities, drainage works (SuDS), areas of open space and landscaping. Demolition of existing farm buildings.



19/00464/FUL - Upper Cufaude Farm Cufaude Lane Bramley

Erection of two no. 4 bedroom barn-style dwellings and access



19/01236/HSE - 18 Strawberry Fields Bramley

Erection of a two storey side extension

No objection


19/01237/HSE - 22 St James Close Bramley

Erection of front porch

No objection


19/01332/HSE - 4 Bartlett Close Bramley

Erection of single storey extension to side and rear following demolition of existing conservatory. Part conversion of garage to habitable accommodation

No objection, comments


19/01470/PIP - Land Adjoining Clift Surgery Minchens Lane Bramley

Application for Permission in Principle for 4-6 no. residential units



19/01467/FUL - Land West Of Cufaude Lane Bramley

Formation of access track and associated works


*Objections/no objections listed are the decision of Bramley Parish Council only, and do not reflect any submissions placed by members of the public or other bodies with Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council.

Appendix B – Reports


No written report received



No written report received.



Final costings on the building project are to be determined, but the following are the likely upward variations:

  • Architect: +4k
  • New boilers +??
  • Kitchen floor +1k

Basingstoke and Deane are aware.

The car park work is subject to a groundwater and tree survey. Planning permission will be required, but this can be done as a variation to the existing permission, so no extra fees.

Work is due to start on 22/7, and last major use (Little Apples) will end at 3PM on the 19th.

Almost no regular users attended the meeting to learn about the closure details, so we should all expect a number of questions in a couple of weeks.



No written report received



Community priority update:  In making a decision on what type of crime we should focus on in your local area, I have to use the resources I have in the most effective way I can. I also have to look at what our own, wider priorities are and what our current figures tell us about crime in your area. While crimes of violence or serious harm still remain relatively low in Basingstoke, our primary focus must be on the most serious types of violent offences, whether they are linked to knives, drugs, domestic violence, the sexual and criminal exploitation of children and the protection of other types of vulnerable people, for example those who are repeatedly being reported as missing.

That said, the survey shows us that you are concerned about burglaries, within your local area. Given this, I have decided that focus for this quarter in your area based on what you have said will be to reduce the overall number of burglary offences.

Please do continue to report all types of crime. Your local beat officers will continue to act to reduce the number of all types of offences in your local area and we will continue to monitor any emerging trends in offences.

The burglaries that are reported to us involve mainly sheds and outbuildings where garden machinery is often stolen. Please take the opportunity to record details and mark your garden machinery with your post code. There have been some burglary dwellings that have been reported however these remain low. if you have been a victim of burglary and you would like a visit from police then please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We will continue to notify the community of burglary offences when they are reported on Hampshire Alerts.

Inspector Hannah LUCHESA

Bramley and Sherfield-on-Loddon - On 2 June, a moped was stolen from Garside Close. It was found, burnt out and with parts removed. Two days later in the same streets, several youths were reported breaking into sheds. Two youths were stopped by police. It was not known whether they had committed offences, so they were taken home and their parents were advised.

On 11 June, a burglary was reported at the Post Office in Sherfield on Loddon.

On 21 June, a vehicle in Garside Close was damaged while parked overnight.

A stone eagle has been stolen from a churchyard at Sherfield on Loddon. T

There have also been reports of persons in the area under the influence of cannabis. These areas are being included as part of the patrol areas for PCSOs.



No written report received. 



No written report received.



No written report received



No written report received.



No written report received. 

Appendix C – Finance



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