Bramley Parish Council - Minutes - 17th March 2020

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Minutes of the Meeting of the Council


Tuesday 17th March 2020

Time:                                    8.00pm


Bramley Room, Bramley Village Hall



Cllr Durrant

Cllr Tomblin


Cllr Bell

Cllr James


Cllr Flooks

Cllr Capel

In attendance:

Maxta Thomas (Clerk)

0 members of the public


Cllr Robinson (Borough)



Cllr Munday

Cllr Oborn


Cllr Ansell

Cllr Vaughan (County)


PCSO Emma Page






Apologies for Absence



As listed above.



Declarations of Interest






Minutes of the Last Parish Council Meeting



The minutes of the meeting held on 18th February 2020 were unanimously agreed to be a true and accurate record and were signed by the Chairman. 




Matters arising



        i.            Outstanding minutes actions/task list

The list was reviewed.

  • Bramley Green 40mph speed limit – the Clerk has had a reply from HCC.  Essentially, that stretch of road does not have a high enough level of density or recorded accidents to warrant a 30mph speed limit, and given those factors is a low priority for review.




Open Forum



Cllr Durrant invited comments and questions from the public. 

  • None.



County Councillor Report – see appendix A.



Borough Councillor Report 

Cllrs Robinson and Tomblin gave a verbal report:

  • Manydown DC meeting – this is due to happen on 24th March – it is likely to happen despite Covid-19 issues.  The only thing that might stop it is if enough officers are actually ill.  POST MEETING NOTE – subsequent to the Government announcement on 23rd March, all BDBC meetings have been cancelled for the foreseeable future.  This is being reviewed regularly.
  • Site adjacent to Clift Meadow Surgery – Cllrs Robinson and Tomblin are very pleased with the outcome of last week’s DC meeting with this application being refused.  Any future applications for the site will need to be approached with care. 
  • Local elections have been postponed for 12 months due to Covid-19, so current arrangements will stand for now. 
  • SHELAA reviews – Members Advisory Panel has been postponed due to Covid-19, but papers have been sent out to members for comment.  Cllr Durrant asked if Bramley feedback is being taken seriously – Cllr Tomlbin stated that it has certainly been noticed and acknowledged. 



Parish Environment



Update on Wildflower meadow proposal for Bramley Green – Cllr James and Cllr Bell confirmed that the existing contractor for grass cutting will be unable to carry out the necessary work for the wildflower meadow.   

HIWWT have suggested leaving the cut until the summer (July/August) anyway, so existing contractors will not cut the test area for the present.  This will give time to find contractors to do just the test area for cutting.   

Stratfield Saye Estates are being kept up to date.  They are very supportive. 





Cllr James/ Cllr Bell


Climate Emergency proposals – deferred to next meeting.  Discussion via email for present.  Cllr James is heavily involved with local initiatives, and will circulate proposals. 


Cllr James


VE day celebration proposals – it was unanimously agreed that no event would be put into place, due to the current situation concerning the Covid-19 virus.



Clerk’s report & Administration - The Clerk gave a brief verbal report.

  • The Clerk has circulated a draft policy covering what to do in the event of high consequence infectious disease outbreak, such as the current situation with Covid-19.  The policy discusses when and how the emergency measures should be triggered, and how the Parish Council will operate under those circumstances.  Cllr Durrant proposed and Cllr James seconded that the policy be adopted.  Unanimously agreed.

Cllr Durrant then proposed that the emergency conditions should be triggered at the end of this meeting for the foreseeable future.  This was seconded by Cllr Capel and unanimously agreed.  Clerk to put the policy and planned actions on the PC website. 









Parish magazine article – the author for the next article for the Parish Magazine will be Cllr Ansell.  The deadline is 15th March. 


Cllr Ansell


IT Project update – The Clerk gave an update. 

A launch date of 31st March for the new website has been suggested.  The Clerk is working with Cllr Ansell and the supplier to make this happen.  Send link to new website.

         i.            Equipment procurement – this is ongoing, with suppliers being sought.  It is expected that purchase will be within the next few weeks.



Cllr Ansell/ Clerk






Reports from Parish Council representatives



Planning Committee – see appendix B.

Site at Cufaude Lane – Mark Chapman has now left BDBC.  Clerk to check which BDBC officer is handling it.

Sewerage – Cllr Bell outlined his proposed response to officers at BDBC on why Bramley PC wish to meet with them.  Outlined reasons are:

  • To find out the BDBC response to the letter from Thames Water. 
  • How did conditions on Minchens and Land South of Silchester Road get lifted? 
  • How can Thames Water say the sewerage arrangements in the application for Land South of Silchester Road are acceptable in view of contents of the Thames Water letter? 
  • Are BDBC going to question Thames Water concerning Land South of Silchester Road after the report that Bramley PC sent them? 
  • What Implications does the Thames Water have for the SHELAA. 

This was unanimously agreed – Cllr Bell to reply to BDBC as outlined above.  Thames Water letter and our original letter to go on website once meeting request has gone in. 

Local Plan Update – Cllr Tomblin stated that the first item due to be reviewed are policies with regard to climate change.

Minchens Lane s.106 – no news as yet.  Cllr Durrant noted dissatisfaction with the safety issues with the path, and again stated that if it is not resolved soon then the path and footbridge should be closed.











Cllr Bell





Neighbourhood Plan working group – no update as present. 




         i.            Community Speedwatch update – see appendix A.

  1. Village Gates scheme – deferred to next meeting.  To be discussed by email.

       ii.            Parking Working group update – the Clerk has contacted a consultant about a formal survey of the parking issues in Bramley, and is awaiting a reply.






Allotments and Burial Ground – see appendix A.

Memorial Wall – Cllr James has found a supplier, but has taken it no further.  He will progress it.


Cllr James



Village Hall Trust – see appendix A.



Clift Meadow Trust – see appendix A. 

Cllrs requested an update on the Meet the Councillor event.  Cllr Robinson to check.  POST MEETING NOTE – this has been postponed due to the Covid-19 arrangements.

  • Hedge cutting has been completed.
  • There are two new Trustees. 
  • The marketing team has now been set up and is running. 
  • Youth Club meetings have been cancelled for now due to the Covid-19 arrangements. 
  • Cllrs asked what is happening with the Fun day, and how much of the grant has been spent.  Cllr Capel and Clerk to investigate.






Cllr Capel/ Clerk


Police & Neighbourhood Watch – see appendix A. 



Highways/Footpaths – see appendix A.

Footpath behind Bromelia Close is very uneven, with trip hazards.  Clerk to report. 




Road Safety Project – no update at this time. 

Cllr Tomblin requested a meeting with HCC to ask what’s happened with schedule and budget.  Clerk to ask for review of costs and timescales. 





Chairman’s report – no report.



Consultation documents requiring consideration






Grant Applications



Village Hall Trust – to replace the stage curtains – the Village Hall Trustees have submitted a grant request for this item for a total of £2957.  The stage curtains have been in place for nearly 50 years and are in urgent need of replacement to make them full compliant with current fire and health & safety requirements.

Cllrs asked for a list of who uses the stage and curtains and how often.  If they are a fire risk, then they should be taken down for now.  The Council will review the application once this information is received.









Payments and reconciliation approval - see appendix C

The Clerk noted the payments on the reconciliation. 

It was unanimously agreed to approve the payments on the reconciliation.

Clerk to process.






Acknowledgement of Receipts – see appendix C

Receipts were noted. 




Date of Next meeting



The next Parish Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 21st April 2020.  However, this will depend very much on the situation with the Covid-19 outbreak.  The website will be kept up to date with updates as necessary.



Resolution to exclude press and public from items that may require discussion of possible legal and financial proceedings 






Confidential Items




The meeting closed at 9.21pm




Signed:                 ………………………………………………………………….      Date:………………………………………


Appendix A – Briefing Notes


No written report received 


No written report received. 


No written report received. 


Deployment 21-28 February

The Street (C32) Village Hall facing away from Bramley Centre

  • Total Volume of Vehicles 47,693
  • V85 35mph
  • Maximum Speed 70mph
  • Exceeding 35mph 7120 (14.6%) 

Deployment 28 February - 6 March

Campbell Road southbound facing away from Sherfield Road (C32)

  • Total Volume of Vehicles 24,991
  • V85 34mph
  • Maximum Speed 63 mph
  • Exceeding 35mph 2766 (11.06%) 


No written report received. 


  • Car park: chasing contractor, need details and costings for planning application.
  • Solar panels: site visit to be arranged to check roof is suitable
  • Main hall floor needs resurfacing
  • Financial: month end balance 60% over budget. Projections looking good, hires over projection. Debts from clients reducing 


No written report received. 


No written report received. 


No written report received.  


No written report received.


No written report received. 


  • Highways have brought in extra resources to tackle the road damage caused by the wettest weather for 100 years. Over 50 repair gangs, 4 pothole patchers and 21 drain cleansing units.
  • HCC’s share of the £2.5 Bn promised for road and pothole repairs will be a welcomed boost, although the AA reports that the more accurate figure needed is £9.9Bn
  • SKANSKA who are contracted to do our highways have hived off their infrastructure service division which are the ones that do our roads. They will however continue until the company has sorted itself out.
  • Fly tipping continues apace although not as bad in Hampshire as elsewhere. It is estimated that a black bag gets dumped every 3 minutes. It seems the main actions are predominantly from criminal gangs. If residents pay for rubbish to be taken away and that is then dumped, the resident can and will be held liable.
  • HCC are looking for volunteers to lead men’s groups in your locality towards better mental & physical health. Please ask me for details as to how these groups can be set up.
  • Coronavirus - HCC continues to adhere to national guidance as issued by the NHS and Public Health England; we signpost people to the most up to date official sources of information and advice. We have a dedicated webpage –
  • The collapse of Flybe is likely to be a huge blow to the Hampshire economy if only because of the interconnectivity with other regions. It is likely that the profitable routes will be snapped up by other providers but as always, the worst (but no less important) routes may not.
  • Latest scam around is a telephone call from Amazon telling you that you have accidentally been signed up for Amazon Prime (or variations of the story) and press 1 if you wish to discontinue. I wouldn’t.


Appendix B – Planning Committee Minutes



12th March 2020

Time:                    7.30pm


Bramley Room, Bramley Village Hall



Cllr Chris Flooks (Chair)

Cllr Malcolm Bell


Cllr Liz Capel

Cllr Chris Tomblin

In attendance:

Maxta Thomas (Clerk)

0 members of the public


Cllr Alan Munday

Cllr Nick Robinson (Borough)





Apologies for Absence



As listed above. 



Declarations of Interest



Cllr Tomblin did not vote on planning applications due to his position on the BDBC Development Control Committee.



Minutes of the Last Planning Committee Meeting



The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 12th February 2020 were unanimously agreed and signed off by the Chairman. 




Matters arising



  • Plots adjacent to The Oaks, Cufaude Lane – Cllr Tomblin to check the enforcement dates with BDBC officers.
  • Cllrs confirmed that the SHELAA comments and summary should go onto the website.



Planning & Development



New Applications



T/00052/20/TPO - Officers Row, St James Close, Wallis Drive, Oaklea Gardens, St Barbaras Close, The Limes, Strawberry Fields Bramley

Work to protected trees. Officers Row, St James Close, Wallis Drive, Oaklea Gardens, St Barbaras Close, The Limes, Strawberry Fields.: Various work as per schedule

No comments unanimously agreed.  Clerk to process.





20/00392/HSE - Long Barn 1 Razors Farm Doric Avenue Chineham

Erection of a greenhouse/shed and pergola archway with connecting 3 strand wire dividing fence

No objection unanimously agreed.  Clerk to process.





20/00404/HSE - Willow Tree Cottage Sherfield Road Bramley

Replacement of front entrance gates

No objection unanimously agreed.  Clerk to process.




20/00482/HSE - 5 St Marys Avenue Bramley

Erection of single storey rear extension and conversion of part garage to living accommodation

After some discussion regarding the provision of adequate parking, no objection unanimously agreed.  Cllrs noted that there seemed to be several omissions and inaccuracies to do with location of trees and provision of parking spaces.  The Clerk should note this in the response to this application.







Any other New Applications

20/00573/HSE - 20 Coopers Lane Bramley

Installation of a 2640mm diameter by 2750mm high pre-fabricated fiberglass telescope dome observatory

After some discussion, no objection unanimously agreed.  Clerk to process. 






Approvals/Refusals/Pending (see appendix A) – these were noted. 

Of particular note is the application for Land Adjoining Clift Surgery (19/03100/FUL), which was refused by the BDBC DC Committee on 11th March (last night).  This is likely to have future ramifications for the Surgery, as the landowners have now stated that they feel that they have little option other than to exercise their legal right of access via the Surgery car park.  However, there is at present no technical application for building on the site.



20/00319/FUL – Land at Silchester Road



The planning application was discussed at full council in February, and the PC objections have been submitted.  There are enough objections from residents that the application will go to the DC Committee should it be recommended for approval. 

Clerk to submit further comments re Conservation Area and Heritage in the light of Goddards Farm appeal decision.

After some discussion, it was agreed that Bramley Parish Council should speak at the DC meeting for this application, and that Cllr Bell would do so.  Clerk to ensure that officers at BDBC are aware of this.





Cllr Bell


Raising of flood plain land at Centenary Fields site



It has become apparent that the land at the Centenary Fields site has been raised up to above the level of the road height.  As this land is a flood plain, this may well lead to problems in the future (recent weather conditions have indicated that this will be so).  Cllr Flooks and Cllr Tomblin have been liaising with BDBC and Bewley on the issue.  It has been referred to enforcement officers to take forward, as the planning permission states that the land height should not be raised.



Water Issues



Update on sewerage issues – Cllr Bell has received a response from Thames Water, confirming the completion of flow surveys.  Thames Water have essentially acknowledged that there are issues, and they are looking at short term solutions to some of them.

In the longer term, they are developing a drainage and wastewater management plan which will look at the future capacity needs aligned with necessary infrastructure upgrades to enable the strategic housing development being proposed in the Basingstoke & Deane area.  These plans are due to be complete by summer 2023, but draft reports will be available earlier.

Once all the current information has been collated and analysed, a further update will be available in May 2020, at which point Thames Water has stated they would be happy to meet with Bramley PC.  This will be to discuss the investigation results in more detail, and provide an overview of the drainage solution, which will be implemented to accommodate the additional flows from the developments.

In the meantime, Cllr Bell has forwarded the Thames Water response to BDBC, and requested a meeting with officers to discuss the BDBC approach and whether they will follow up with Thames Water.  Bramley PC also feel that this should be taken into consideration when BDBC consider the SHELAA sites. 



Update on surface water issues – no further update at this time. 



Minchens Lane s.106 issues



Cllr Tomblin has chased Sue Tarvit at BDBC again for an update.  She has been in touch with the developers, and a reply is awaited.



Date of Next Meeting



The date of the next Planning Committee meeting is scheduled for 15th April 2020. 


Meeting closed at 8.42pm






19/03160/FUL - York Cottage Silchester Road Bramley

Erection of a single storey dwelling




19/03385/FUL - The Lodge Cufaude Courtyard Cufaude Lane Bramley

Change of use from home office to 1 no. two bed dwelling


No objection


20/00112/AGPD - Bramley Corner Dairy Bramley Corner Bramley

Erection of extension to agricultural barn

Raise no objection

No objection


19/03100/FUL- Land Adjoining Clift Surgery Minchens Lane Bramley

Formation of vehicular and pedestrian access




Pending Applications*


20/00120/HSE - 12 Longbridge Road Bramley

Ground floor extension to provide accommodation for a disabled person

No objection


20/00331/GPDADW - Land At Latchmere Green Latchmere Green Little London

Notification of proposed change of use of Agricultural Building to Class C3 dwellinghouse



20/00319/FUL - Land At Silchester Road Silchester Road Bramley

Erection of 13 no.dwellings, associated access, parking, landscaping and amenity space


*Objections/no objections listed are the decision of Bramley Parish Council only, and do not reflect any submissions placed by members of the public or other bodies with Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council. 

Appendix C – Finance


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