Bramley Parish Council - Minutes - 17th September 2019

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Minutes of the Meeting of the Council


Tuesday 17th September 2019

Time:                                    7.30pm


Bramley Room, Bramley Village Hall



Cllr Durrant (Chair)

Cllr Bell


Cllr Tomblin

Cllr Flooks


Cllr James

Cllr Capel


Cllr Ansell

Cllr Oborn


Cllr Munday


In attendance:

Maxta Thomas (Clerk)

4 members of the public


Cllr James

PCSO Emma Page


Cllr Robinson (Borough)

Cllr Vaughan (County)





Apologies for Absence



As listed above.



Declarations of Interest



Cllr Bell declared an interest in item 9.1.a - Planning



Minutes of the Last Parish Council Meeting



The minutes of the meeting held on 16th July 2019 were unanimously agreed to be a true and accurate record, were signed by the Chairman. 




Matters arising



        i.            Outstanding minutes actions

The list was reviewed.




Open Forum



Cllr Durrant invited comments and questions from the public. 





County Councillor Report



See appendix C.



Borough Councillor Report



Apologies were received from Cllr Robinson, so no report.  Cllr Durrant noted the resignation of Cllr Rowland and the by-election on 10th October.  Cllr Durrant formally thanked Cllr Rowland for her efforts on behalf of Bramley PC.



Parish Environment



Parking working group update – the working group has met over the summer recess.  During the school summer holidays, a casual week long survey of parking has been carried out in Ringshall Gardens, Pheabens Field, Oakmead, School Lane, and other locations in proximity to the railway station.  It has been agreed to repeat this exercise now that the schools are back. 

Quotes have been sought for consultancy on the issue.

Cllrs discussed whether recent resident concerns about speeding should fall within the remit of this working group; however, there will be a traffic survey carried out soon as part of the infrastructure survey, so it was agreed to keep the two issues separate.   

Cllr Flooks noted the significant number of repeat parkers in the areas listed above.  He also noted that double yellow lines have not been repainted in Ringshall Gardens since re-surfacing.  Clerk to chase. 

Cllr Tomblin noted the issues between residents and commuters in areas close to the station. 












Bramley Infrastructure report – after some discussion over the summer, it was agreed to engage Urban Vision to carry out a review of the current infrastructure in Bramley.  The expenditure for the review will be in the region of £8000. 

  • Cllr Durrant proposed a maximum expenditure of up to £10,000 on the Urban Vision review – this was unanimously agreed.

Urban Vision has strongly recommended that an up to date traffic study be carried out in Bramley, the results of which can be incorporated into the infrastructure review.  A quote has been received from PCC Traffic Information Consultancy, who has agreed to monitor up to 10 key locations in Bramley for a fee of up to £3040+VAT, in the same format that HCC use. 

  • Cllr Durrant proposed the expenditure – unanimously agreed. 

The Clerk confirmed that the traffic study is currently scheduled for the week beginning 30th September.



Clift Meadow path & footbridge – Councillors highlighted their concerns over the unfinished state of the new footpath at Clift Meadow, and the footbridge between the Meadow and the Minchens Lane development.  Of particular concern are:

  • The lack of repair to the vandalised lights (although the electricity supply has been isolated)
  • The flooding that occurs in heavy rain across the path in the north eastern corner
  • The lack of finishing of the installed bollards at the footbridge
  • Fencing around the original broken lights is forcing pedestrians on to the grass, which is causing wear and tear to that section of Clift Meadow.
  • The light are too bright when they are working. 
  • Ditch needs clearing.

Cllr Durrant and the Clerk have highlighted this to BDBC, and will continue to chase.  It has been suggested that Bramley PC could consider closing the path and bridge until the issues are resolved. 








Cllr Durrant/ Clerk


Football Club LIF application – Bramley FC are about to place an application to BDBC Local Infrastructure Fund and for s.106 funds for the complete overhaul of the changing facilities at the Football Ground, and have asked for Parish Council support in their application.

Bramley FC representatives confirmed that the new facilities will in no way compete with existing community halls in the Parish. 

There are two possible plans at the moment – one that complies with FA minimum regulations, and one which improves on this, giving adequate storage facilities, and a kitchen and club room to lay on refreshments on match days. 

Cost will be around £150,000 - £77,000 s.106 plus match funding from Football Foundation.  LIF is still an option if s.106 is not approved. 

Parking during the build is planned to be on some spare land by the football ground, which may be converted permanently as a car park in the future.  Cllrs noted that there may be support for LIF funding to enable this to happen. 

The planned facility will support the FC in the future if they progress through the leagues.

Cllr Bell reminded the FC that they should bear the NP in mind when submitting their plans.

  • Cllr Durrant proposed support for the FC plans.  Unanimously agreed. 

Clerk to write letter of support to BDBC. 

















Clerk’s report & Administration



IT Project – the new website is ready, although not live as yet.  SSL certification is required, and training for the Clerk.  Cllr Ansell to progress.


Cllr Ansell


Parish magazine article – Cllr Bell is due to write the next article.  The deadline is 15th October. 


Cllr Bell


Parish Council insurance – the Clerk has conducted a review of the Parish Council’s insurance requirements, and has distributed details of quotes from three suppliers via the PC’s insurance brokers, Came & Co.  The recommendation is to remain with the PC’s existing insurers, Inspire (via Axa). 

  • The motion to accept the recommendation was proposed by Cllr Tomblin and unanimously agreed. 

A further recommendation was to enter into a 3 year long term agreement (LTA), which will reduce the premiums by 5% for this year and the remaining two years.  The reduction for this year will be from £1,494 to £1,444. 

  • The motion to accept the long term agreement was proposed by Cllr Tomblin and unanimously agreed. 

Clerk to process.











Response to County Councillor re s.106 funds (see appendix A)–Cllr Durrant proposed ratifying the letter of response on s.106 funds and a bridge over the level crossing agreed over the summer.  This was agreed by a majority vote.  There has been no response to date. 

  • No further action at this time decided unanimously. 






Reports from Parish Council representatives



Planning Committee report (see appendix B).  The report was noted by Councillors.  Cllr Bell noted his interest in the planning applications. 

         i.            New applications – none

       ii.            Support for a school as part of the Upper Cufaude Farm development – Cllrs noted that there is a possibility of a school either at the Upper Cufaude Farm site or the East of Basingstoke site. 

Cllrs observed that a school in the middle of a development is more difficult to access. 

Cllrs noted that HCC are likely to place a school where they wish without reference to the PC.  It was also noted that Bramley School should be consulted on the issue.

Space has been allocated at the proposed Upper Cufaude Farm development, the application for which has received permission.  However, no plans for a school have been submitted to date.

  • Cllr Flooks proposed that the decision should be left with the education authority, this was unanimously agreed.

     iii.            Cllr Bell to respond to BDBC re sewerage letter.   




         i.            Air quality monitoring report – the Clerk and Cllr Ansell are chasing the suppliers for maintenance on the equipment.  Clerk to take further. 

Cllr Tomblin noted his disappointment that more people are not switching their engines off at the level crossing, although some are. 

       ii.            Infrastructure report update – the report is now almost complete, and in draft form.  Delivery is expected in the next few weeks.








Allotments and Burial Ground – Cllr Durrant noted the suggestion of a Memorial Wall at the Burial Ground – Cllr James and Clerk to take forward.


Cllr James/ Clerk


Village Hall Trust – Cllr Oborn gave a verbal report:

  • The extension project is moving on at a good pace.  There are still some concerns about drainage and the car park. 



Clift Meadow Trust – Cllr Capel gave a brief verbal report:

  • Car park markings are being chased with the developer.
  • Planning permission is awaited for the new storage shed.
  • CMT is looking at taking a poll on what events residents would like to see at the Pavilion
  • Defibrillator – installation has been delayed.
  • The Caretaker has resigned – a replacement is being sought.  Job advertisement to go on PC website and social media.
  • LIF application for new playground has been approved subject to Cabinet agreement. 
  • Coffee mornings have started.  Well attended. 








Police & Neighbourhood Watch – see appendix C.

Recent issues with broken windows and possible air rifle use were noted.



Highways/Footpaths – see appendix C.

Olivers Lane is now open.

Cufaude Lane signage – Cllr Vaughan is looking into a 30mph limit with Highways.  Cllr Oborn to stay in contact. 



Cllr Oborn


Road Safety Project – see appendix C.  Cllr Ansell to chase in October for next steps.   

Cllr Ansell


Chairman’s report – Cllr Durrant noted the second public meeting about the Local Plan update, to be held at the Sherfield Park Community Centre on 24th September.  He encouraged all Councillors to attend, as it will be a good opportunity to introduce the Parish Council to Vyne Park residents.

Heritage status for the Bramley Inn – the pub is in need of some care, and is listed by BDBC.  The PC could apply to English Heritage to get it fully listed – it has the typical Bramley windows.  Cllr Durrant and Clerk to investigate.  Unanimously agreed. 

PC meetings at Sherfield Park – Cllr Durrant suggested quarterly PC meetings at Sherfield Park to include Vyne Park residents.  Cllrs to send suggestions for content and engagement ideas to Cllr Durrant and Clerk.




Cllr Durrant/ Clerk





Consultation documents requiring consideration






Grant Applications



Tadley Citizens Advice – a request for funding to maintain and improve their service has been received from Tadley Citizens Advice.

  • Cllr Durrant proposed a grant of £1500.  This was unanimously agreed. 

Clerk to process.





Bramley School Association – a request for £1500 funding towards the annual fireworks event has been received. 

Cllrs noted that the grant requested was for £500 more than last year.  This is due to a deposit being held over from a cancelled event a few years ago.  That deposit has now been used, hence the increase in the request.

Bramley School Association and CMT also wish to make the event bigger than last year.  Last year’s event was an excellent community occasion, and they would like to improve on it this year. 

  • Cllr Durrant proposed that the grant be given, unanimously agreed.  The PC should be acknowledged in event literature. 

Clerk to process.












Payments and reconciliation approval - see appendix D

The Clerk noted the payments on the reconciliation. 

Cllr James has expressed an interest in attending a one day conference on the Local Environment and Sustainability, at £395 per delegate.  This was unanimously agreed.

  • It was unanimously agreed to approve the payments on the reconciliation and above.

Clerk to process.








Acknowledgement of Receipts – see appendix D

Receipts were noted.  The Clerk noted that the Q2 VAT claim would be submitted at the beginning of October, and that this should be in the region of £150. 




Date of Next meeting



The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 15th October 2019.



Resolution to exclude press and public from items that may require discussion of possible legal and financial proceedings 






Confidential Items





The meeting closed at 9.51pm




Signed:                 ………………………………………………………………….      Date:………………………………………


Appendix A – Letter to County Councillor


Cllr Rhydian Vaughan

Hampshire County Council

Your ref:

My ref:






29th July 2019

Dear Councillor Vaughan

Bramley Parish Council is in receipt of an email sent by you to Mr Durrant on 24th July 2019 in response to a question he asked you on 27th June 2019 as a resident. Mr Durrant has passed your email to the Parish Council along with a copy of his original question as you refer to the Parish Council in the text of your email. For completeness, Mr Durrant has also provided the Council with his response, as a resident, to you as he also refers to the Parish Council in his response. We note that yours is an official response in your capacity as a County Councillor and as such the Parish Council is obligated to respond. 

Your response raises concerns for the Parish Council and it would take issue with you on several points.

The matter of a footbridge across the railway line was put forward in 2010/11 to the Parish Council by the then Ward Councillor Ranil Jayawardena.  The then Chairman, Councillor Ferguson assured the PC that nothing would progress until a feasibility study was completed (April 2011).  The matter was raised again in 2012/2013 and the Parish Council at the time reviewed the proposal again and found that they could not support the proposal. Over the next few months the objections distilled down to three valid grounds:

  1. The design proposed was not seen to be “inclusive” of the less able-bodied, adults with young children and buggies and those encumbered with luggage or heavy goods.
  2. It was agreed that this was a poor use of tax payers money and as the main beneficiaries would be Network Rail (NWR) customers then NWR should fund its installation
  3. There appeared not to be a suitable site for a bridge that would not restrict pavement access and result in an unsightly structure having severe adverse impacts on properties near the level-crossing and the visual impact on Clift Meadow would be detrimental.

The Parish Council notes that you did not hold any public office at that time and had no discussions with it. It was not until sometime after your election as County Councillor that you raised the subject with the Parish Council, in early 2019. As you were advised at that PC meeting, the Council would look at viable, inclusive proposals once the “safe route to school” project was underway, which it is now and we thank you for your support. I am sure you can appreciate that as volunteer members we have limited resources.

The subject raised its head again when Mr Jayawardena, MP raised a parliamentary petition and then contacted targeted residents urging them to sign. Regarding his parliamentary petition, on this subject he provided press release(s) to the local newspaper including a statement, that a footbridge like that at Mortimer would be acceptable. This is a steeply stepped “up and over” bridge without disabled access. 

It is a great disappointment to the Parish Council that you consider the concern for the less able as “Hokum”. The use of the word hokum in this context is deeply insulting to not only those that care but also to those that are less able.

The Parish Council has had communication from NWR in December 2018, and held a meeting with their representatives in May at their Basingstoke offices. On both occasions NWR was adamant that there were no plans for a footbridge, and no funds available for a footbridge as it is by their definition a “safe crossing”. These communications have been reported at PC meetings and the information is in the public domain. This would appear to be contradictory to the information you allege to have. Neither you nor Mr Jayawardena have ever shared any information from your meetings and correspondence with NWR.   The Government and Hampshire County Council and the Conservative party all have inclusivity policies which do not share your official view that care, duty of care and legislation are “hokum”.

As for the s.106 funds in question, these are £200,000 relating to the “Fifth Schedule of Obligations” resulting from the Minchens Lane development. Paragraph 1.6.2 on page 45 details the specific terms which are as follows: “£200,000 to facilitate the safe pedestrian crossing of the railway at the level crossing or in the vicinity of the level crossing (which may or may not include a footbridge)”.

The phrase “solely for a footbridge” does not appear in the document.

The terms of the obligation are covered in the same schedule on page 44 in paragraph 1.2. In summary the amount of £200,000, upon written request from the Owner/developer, the County Council will repay any unspent and uncommitted monies after 5 years from the date of receipt by “The Council”. The Parish Council believes that if requested repayment would have to be made in 2020. It is clear why you would be concerned if plans for a “safe pedestrian crossing” have not materialised.

Given NWRs responses and no sign of a viable funded “safe pedestrian crossing….” project, Mr Durrant’s question would seem valid, as to lose the funds back to the developer would seem to be a waste and HCC somewhat remiss in their support of the community. There does not appear to be a time limit on a Deed of Variation and as an example Bramley Parish Council successfully raised such a deed on obligations from the same development earlier this year. The Parish Council recommend that if your fears are real i.e. that these funds will be requested to be returned, that you (HCC) instigate a Deed of Variation and secure the funds for the benefit of the Bramley community.

In your response to Mr Durrant you unjustly imply that he personally and/or the Parish Council would be responsible for any return of funds to the developer in this instance. This does not make any sense at all. A viable project has not been delivered by either the Originator (Mr Jayawardena) or Hampshire County Council. There is no evidence of funding nor (from NWR’s assessment) a proven need as they have passed the crossing as “safe” in their December 2018 audit and this status was re-affirmed at the Parish Council’s meeting with NWR in May of this year. You may recall that Mr Jayawardena as Ward Councillor for Bramley, BDBC Cabinet member and member responsible for the LIF fund management had £450,000 of community LIF funds ringfenced, for one year, for a footbridge. He failed to demonstrate that his application was viable, failed to complete his application correctly and the matched funding he said was being provided by NWR, was not been on the table. The project and process were flawed in a number of ways and it was BDBC who withdrew the ringfence when the extension expired. 

The Parish Council believes that given these facts you should be able to see clearly that it has no questions to answer. Should HCC be compelled to return the funds it is they who will be answerable to all, including the Parish Council.

You ask for “more proactivity on this matter”. Who exactly do you feel needs to be proactive?

The Parish Council has been clear and transparent with the community, NWR, Mr Jayawardena and your goodself at every point in this matter.

We believe that the three objections raised by the Parish Council for the footbridge proposal as put forward by Mr Jayawardena MP are as valid today as they were then.

We hope that you can work with the Parish Council for the benefit of the community to realign the use of the £200,000 s.106 funds and not persist in your support of an unfunded, un-proven, impractical and discriminatory footbridge idea. The Parish Council believes that in your position as County Councillor for the Calleva division you should be proactive in getting these funds released for community use.

As always, we thank you for your support of the wider community of Bramley. 

Yours sincerely 

Maxta Thomas

Clerk to Bramley Parish Council

Appendix B – Planning Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee


12th September 2019

Time:                    7.30pm


Committee Room, Bramley Village Hall



Cllr Chris Flooks (Chair)

Cllr Alan Munday


Cllr Liz Capel

Cllr Chris Tomblin

In attendance:

Maxta Thomas (Clerk)

1 member of the public


Cllr Malcolm Bell

Cllr Nick Robinson (Borough)





Apologies for Absence



As listed above.  Cllr Capel has agreed to take Cllr Bell’s place in his absence.



Declarations of Interest






Minutes of the Last Planning Committee Meeting



The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 14th August 2019 were unanimously agreed and signed off by the Chairman. 




Matters arising



  • The Clerk noted the recent decision to carry out a professional traffic survey in Bramley, in line HCC Highway’s own standards.  A tentative date for early October has been agreed.  This will form part of the Bramley infrastructure report.



Planning & Development



New Applications



19/02175/GPDADW - Land At OS Ref 463475 160006 Latchmere Green Little London

Notification of proposed change of use of Agricultural Building to 1 no. dwellinghouse (Class C3)

The permitted development status of this application was noted. 

Members noted that postcode quoted is incorrect.  That said, the location of the property falls within a medium risk flood plain. 

Clerk to comment as outlined above.







19/02214/HSE - Bailons Coopers Lane Bramley

Erection of a single storey rear extension with balcony over, a single storey side in-fill extension and conversion of garage to living accommodation. Construction of a dormer window, installation of rooflights and alterations to fenestration

Members noted that it would appear that the balcony overlooks a number of gardens, especially that of 5 Ellen Gardens, Hidden View Laburnums, and 16 Ringhsall Gardens.  Objection on this basis unanimously agreed.   Clerk to process.







19/02277/FUL - Land Rear Of 6 And 7 Pond Road Bramley

Change of use of land to residential garden land enclosed by a 1.83 metre high fence

Provided that the land is purchased from the Borough Council prior to incorporating into the property curtilage, no objection unanimously agreed.

It was noted that there is no material planning reason to objection to this application.

Clerk to process.







19/02294/HSE - 67 Coopers Lane Bramley

Erection of single storey conservatory to rear

No objection unanimously agreed.  Clerk to process.




19/01896/HSE - 7 Bramley Green Road Bramley - AMENDED

Erection of a single storey side extension linking to existing garage converted to ancillary residential accommodation

Permission has now been granted for this application.



Any other new applications




Approvals/Refusals/Pending (see appendix A) – these were noted. 



Planning Appeals



18/03486/OUT - Land At Goddards Farm Goddards Lane Sherfield-on-Loddon

The appeal for this application was held on 14th August 2019.  A decision is expected in due course.



17/00942/FUL – Land adjacent to The Oaks Cufaude Lane Bramley

The second part of this appeal was heard in early September.  A decision is expected in due course.



19/00483/HSE – 6 Churchlands Bramley

The original application was refused in May 2019, and the decision has been appealed by the application.  Any submissions to the Planning Inspectorate have been requested by 8th October 2019.



19/01470/PIP –  Land adjacent to Clift Surgery



Planning permission for the above application was noted.  Members expressed their dissatisfaction with the ‘Planning in Principle’ application process, and with the decision on this application in particular.  It appeared that DC committee members were not completely au fait with the PIP rules, and were not guided well by officers. 

Cllr Tomblin proposed that a letter of complaint about the process be sent to BDBC.  Members asked ‘are BDBC empowered to change their decision given the perceived lack of understanding’.  Clerk to draft. 






School plans for Upper Cufaude Farm (and other local developments)



The Clerk noted that, at the last full Council meeting, Cllr Joyce Bowyer from Sherfield Park Parish Council expressed concern about the Upper Cufaude Farm development and the lack of plan for a school.  She has asked if Bramley PC would support a school at the site, as Sherfield Park and Vyne Park residents have to travel for schooling. 

Members noted that a sizeable development is also planned for the East of Basingstoke site, on the other side of the A33 near the incinerator, which would also support a school.  Bramley School still has some capacity, although this is being quickly taken up.  Four Lanes School at Chineham is oversubscribed.


Members felt that Bramley School should be consulted for their view on the issue.  They also questioned whether there would be enough numbers to support another school. 

Decision referred to full council.  Clerk to process.











Planning permission for commercial signage



Members noted that a number of commercial signs have appeared in and around Bramley, particularly for the new housing developments.

BDBC has stated that commercial signage on private property does need planning permission, although this does need to be clarified. 

Clarification to be sought from Highways on whether signage can be added to their street furniture.  Clerk to take forward.






Water Issues



Update on sewerage issues – BDBC have responded to Cllr Rowland as follows:

‘On each of the applications (in Bramley) Thames Water as the relevant statutory undertaker have been consulted.  Conditions have been imposed to ensure that the foul water proposals were approved before development commenced and that these met with Thames Water requirements for how they would connect into the existing network having consideration for what that would do to the overall system.  I understand that details approved cited two options for increasing capacity that Thames Water were considering at that time based on a 2014 study.  Following further dialogue with Thames Water we now understand that an updated study is being undertaken and specifically they have provided the following update:

  • “Thames Water is now undertaking a new study and is surveying the network and Sewage Pumping Station to improve the hydraulic computer model of the catchment. This will then be used to assess the combined impact of all the developments in the area. If the model identifies incapacity then we will deliver the network reinforcement that is required. The survey and modelling is expected to be completed in the next few months.
  • To discharge any foul conditions we would require the developers build programme so we can see how it aligns with the our current growth scheme programme, to ensure we are able to complete the work (if required) ahead of the developments full occupancy.”

 Therefore the key matter Thames Water are seeking to understand and address is development phasing in relation to their own intentions around overall capacity of the system.  Details secured in approvals on the planning applications and discharge of conditions are therefore based on the input from Thames Water in this regard.’

Bramley PC has not received any update to date from Thames Water.



Update on surface water issues – Cllr Vaughan has been following up with HCC on the issues with surface water on Cufaude Lane as a result of the Razors Farm development.  The developer has installed an ‘over-flow’ pipe, which discharges into the ditch on Cufaude Lane.  Planning permission is required for this, and has not been sought.  HCC Highways are liaising with the developer to resolve the issue.

Cllr Tomblin to stay in touch with HCC on the issue.




Cllr Tomblin


Date of Next Meeting



The date of the next Planning Committee meeting will be on 9th October 2019


Meeting closed at 8.45pm



Signed:                 ………………………………………………………………….      Date:………………………………………


Appendix A



19/01467/FUL - Land West Of Cufaude Lane Bramley

Formation of access track and associated works




T/00273/19/TPO - 12 Anvil Way Bramley 

1 Oak: pruning works as per restorgraph report dated May 2019


Tree officers decision, comments


19/01677/HSE - 8 Meitner Close Bramley

Erection of gazebo


No objection


19/01676/HSE - Opalham The Street Bramley

Infill existing front porch and installation of 3 no. rooflights


No objection


19/01831/HSE - 7 Kirby Drive Bramley

Erection of single storey rear extension following demolition of conservatory



No objection


19/01893/HSE - 7 Taylor Drive Bramley

Erection of single storey front extension and internal alterations


No objection


T/00321/19/TCA - 4 Churchlands Bramley

T1 to T4: fell, T5 Cherry: lift to no more than 4.5m, T6 Willow: repollard.

T7 Cherry trees (2): reduce by 2m leaving a finished height of 5m with a spread of approx 2.5m-3m.

Raise no objection




Pending Applications*


17/00942/FUL - Land Adjacent To The Oaks Cufaude Lane Bramley

Change of use of site as a private gypsy site for one family comprising a mobile home, utility room and touring caravan


Continuation of Appeal to be heard in September


19/00464/FUL - Upper Cufaude Farm Cufaude Lane Bramley

Erection of two no. 4 bedroom barn-style dwellings and access



19/01710/FUL - Qps House The Street Bramley

Change of use of ground floor of building from a Barber shop (A1) and Tanning Salon ( Suis Generis) to a two bedroomed flat (C3) on one side and a 3 bedroomed flat (C3) on the other



19/01753/ROC - The Clift Surgery Minchens Lane Bramley

Variation of conditions 1 and 8 and removal of condition 9 of permission 14/01458/FUL to allow alternative access arrangements with the original southern access re-opened for ingress only and the 'new' northern access used for egress only

No objection


19/01778/FUL - Bramley Village Hall The Street Bramley

Extension and alteration of existing village hall to provide improved facilities and an additional function room. Resurfacing of the existing car park. (Amendment to planning consent 18/01623/FUL)

No objection


19/01879/AOP - Land Off Minchens Lane Bramley

Prior approval notification for a new access to serve the proposed 'Feeder Site'



19/01896/HSE - 7 Bramley Green Road Bramley

Erection of a single storey side extension linking to existing garage converted to ancillary residential accommodation



19/02042/FUL - Clift Meadow Minchens Lane Bramley

Erection of a replacement storage shed

No objection

*Objections/no objections listed are the decision of Bramley Parish Council only, and do not reflect any submissions placed by members of the public or other bodies with Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council. 

Appendix C – Reports 


No written report received 


No written report received. 


No written report received. 


No written report received. 


Community priorities - The current neighbourhood priority is burglary.

Burglaries remain low throughout the area. Metal and other items were stolen from a building site at Newchurch Road, Tadley. On 2 August, a burglary was reported at an empty property at Coopers Lane, Bramley. On 13 August, someone attempted to force a door open to a property on Wildmoor Lane, Sherfield on Loddon. The incident occurred late in the evening and no entry was gained.

Now that summer is coming to an end, why not take the opportunity to security mark your garden machinery before you put them away? Also check if the access to your garden is secure. For extra security, consider installing alarms on your outbuildings.

Theft in rural car parks update - We have continued to receive reports of goods being stolen from vehicles parked in rural car parks around the borough. The vehicles are targeted when people leave them there to go walking. The cars were targeted regardless of whether or not property was on display. If you leave your vehicle to go walking, please remove all your property from the vehicle and make it obvious that no valuables are there.

Bramley and Sherfield on Loddon - There have been several reports of ASB in the area of Clift Meadow and the lights of the pavilion have been damaged. Youths also entered the construction site on Minchens Lane. We have also heard reports of youths accessing the grounds of the primary school, drinking, playing loud music and staying there until the early hours of the morning. PCSOs intercepted a group whilst on patrol at Clift Meadow. This was dealt with as a community resolution.

Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service were called out to a recycling bin that had been set on fire. A catalytic converter was stolen from a vehicle parked overnight in German Road (similar to an incident reported in Tadley). On 18 August, a bike that had been left outside flats in Sherfield on Loddon was stolen.



No written report received.  


No written report received.


No written report received 


No written report received.


Southampton Airport - The Future Airspace Strategy Implementation South (FASI South) to increase capacity is now in progress. You can sign up for email notifications about this application at

Heritage Open Days 13-22 September - A number of Hampshire County Council sites will open their doors for the Heritage Open Days:

  • The Great Hall, Winchester 20 and 22 September, 1.00-2.30pm

Musicians playing traditional Tudor musical instruments – viols and recorders.

  • Hampshire Record Office – 21 September, tours at 11am and 2pm

Go behind the scenes and discover the work that takes place to preserve Hampshire’s documentary heritage.

  • Winchester Discovery Centre – daily, 13 to 22 September inclusive

An informative look at the history behind some of our Hampshire fare and some of the many foods that have become popular across the UK and beyond.

Details on all local Heritage Open Days in Hampshire from 13 to 22 September can be found at

Back to School - All children attending Reception Year to Year 2 are entitled to free school meals and older children may be eligible too. Find out more on search ‘free school meals’

Highways England ( updates for major road projects:

  • M3 Junctions 9 to 14 Smart Motorway –roadside surveys complete, public information sessions start autumn 2019.
  • M3 Junction 9 improvements (National Significant Infrastructure Project) –statutory public consultation ended August 2019. Development consent sought for 2020 with work due to start in 2021.

Police and Crime –Chief Constable, Olivia Pinkney will be attending the Hampshire Police and Crime Panel meeting in public 4th October in Winchester to answer questions about policing in Hampshire and IoW.

Operation Resilience - It is confirmed that the carriageway resurfacing and drainage works along the A33 are programmed to start on 16th September 2019 and are expected to last up to 6 weeks.

 In order to undertake the works safely it will be necessary to close the road and traffic will be diverted along the A339, A30 & B3349. Due to the impact the closure will have on traffic and to minimise disruption, it is also necessary to carry out this work at night between the hours of 20:00 – 06:00. The road will be open during the day and at weekends.

 Highways will be undertaking minor drainage works between the Thornhill Way junction and Turgis Green (BP garage) which will be carried out between 16th September and 1st October, and will be followed by the carriageway resurfacing between 2nd and 22nd October 2019.

 Information signs advising road users of the works will be erected on site, a further letter will be sent to local residents, and an email will be sent to Chineham Parish Council, Sherfield Park Parish Council, Sherfield-on-Loddon Parish Council & Stratfield Turgis Parish Council to advise them accordingly of the start date and working hours.

Appendix D

Bank Reconciliation

17 September 2019




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