Bramley Parish Council - Minutes - 17th December 2019

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Minutes of the Meeting of the Council


Tuesday 17th December 2019

Time:                                    8.00pm


Sherfield Village Hall



Cllr Durrant (Chair)

Cllr Oborn


Cllr Bell

Cllr Ansell


Cllr Flooks

Cllr Munday


Cllr James

Cllr Capel

In attendance:

Maxta Thomas (Clerk)

1 member of the public


Cllr Robinson (Borough)



Cllr Tomblin

Cllr Vaughan (County)


PCSO Emma Page






The meeting was scheduled for Bramley Village Hall, but due to a power outage was transferred to Sherfield Village Hall at the last minute.  The meeting commenced at 8.00pm.



Apologies for Absence



As listed above.



Declarations of Interest



Cllr Bell declared an interest in item 9.d and took no part in the discussion on this item.



Minutes of the Last Parish Council Meeting



The minutes of the meeting held on 19th November were unanimously agreed to be a true and accurate record, were signed by the Chairman. 




Matters arising



        i.            Outstanding minutes actions/task list

The list was reviewed.

  • Green space at Coopers Lane – BDBC are looking at a trip wire fence to prevent horse use – Cllr Robinson to chase.



Cllr Robinson


Open Forum



Cllr Durrant invited comments and questions from the public. 

  • None.




County Councillor Report – see appendix B



Borough Councillor Report – see appendix B. 



Cllr Robinson gave a verbal report:

  • 9 members of the Labour group have resigned to become independents, and have formed a new independent group.  The Chairman of the group is Cllr Ian Tilbury (who was originally independent), and Cllr Paul Harvey is his deputy.
  • Rough sleepers – there were 15 identified in 2017, which was reduced to 8 last year, and down to 5 this year.
  • SHELAAA – identified sites for Bramley are:
    • Bramley Lane behind the school down to the Campbell Road roundabout
    • land behind VH, and
    • RBL site, and
    • Tudor Farm. 

Identified sites for Sherfield are:

  • Land at Goddards Farm
  • Sherfield Hill Farm,
  • Field behind the Church on A33
  • land at Breach Lane (directly opposite the roundabout). 

Nothing further likely to happen in this financial year.  There will be a 12 month consultation period before these go into the Local Plan. 

Cllrs suggested that an open meeting should be planned for Bramley residents in mid to late January.  Clerk to look at dates.

  • The Constituency Conservation Charter from Ranil Jayawardena MP was noted.  Cllrs observed that it does not specifically mention Bramley and appears to be Hart centric.  However, it does support the use of brownfield sites for development, and specifically states that Mr Jayawardena does not support the use of greenfield sites in the next Local Plan.  Details of the charter should be circulated to residents via the website and social media.



















Parish Environment



Parking working group update – no update at present.  Cllr Ansell has call booked with a consultant later this week. 

The issue of parking around the shop is to be raised again with HCC and BDBC.  

Cllr Ansell




Street lighting – Cllr Durrant noted a recent email from a resident in Longbridge Road, asking for street lighting in the village to be considered.

Cllr Durrant noted that there is a strong lobby in the village against it, but equally, there are good reasons to consider for street lighting.  However, it does not really fall within the PC remit.  The question is to be raised with BDBC and HCC. 





Clift Meadow path & footbridge – no update at this time.  Cllr Robinson to chase BDBC planning.


Cllr Robinson


Clift Meadow playground upgrade – four different proposals have been circulated, and a public consultation exercise has been carried out.  There was a public consultation at the Clift Meadow coffee morning, and also via the website and social media.  The consultation generated a lot of interest, with residents overwhelmingly preferring the proposal from Handmade Places.

With this in mind, Cllr Durrant proposed accepting the quote from Handmade Places for £44,000, subject to the dragonfly and butterfly features being changed to benches/picnic tables.  This was unanimously agreed.  Cllr Ansell and Clerk to take forward.





Cllr Ansell/ Clerk


Use of Clift Meadow as a temporary depot for railway station – representatives from Carter Jonas were again unfortunately unable to attend the meeting. 

A request to use Clift Meadow as a storage depot for equipment for the upcoming platform extension work at the railway station has been received.  This will be from 23rd February – 3rd May 2020.  Two areas have been identified, both measuring 40m x 20m:

  • The south east corner, by the pub
  • The south west corner, by the tennis courts

The compound would consist of a 20ft site office, 20ft office canteen, a toilet block, 10ft store and an area for storing materials. Guard fencing would be installed for the duration, and CCTV would be considered if necessary.  Network Rail would require this space for a period of three months

A licence agreement would be put into place, which would include the re-instatement of land once the work was finished.  Carter Jonas have offered to pay £150 per week for the use of the land, which would equate to £1500 for the whole period.  This figure is negotiable.

The following points were raised/discussed:

  • The SE site cuts across a main pedestrian access, and would also impede on a drop off point for children catching the school bus in the mornings. 
  • The SW site is also not suitable, as the ground is not in any way level. 
  • Cllrs felt that the compensation offered was not realistic.
  • Clift Meadow is a recreation facility for the whole community, and the compound would have a significant impact on this.
  • Even with the re-instatement, it is likely that the Meadow would take a long time to properly recover.

Cllr Bell proposed that Clift Meadow should not be used as a compound by Network Rail.  Cllr Munday seconded, and the resolution was passed by majority agreement. 

Clerk to take forward.





















Clerk’s report & Administration



Parish magazine article – the author for the next article for the Parish Magazine will be Cllr Durrant.  The deadline is 15th January. 

Cllr Durrant


IT Project update – Cllr Ansell gave an update.  Cllr Ansell is chasing the supplier, and the Clerk will also follow this up. 

Cllr Ansell/ Clerk


2020/21 draft budget – the Clerk presented the draft budget.  She noted that this is still a work in process, since she has only just received notice of the proposed council tax base figures.  However, those figures would indicate a precept of £93,325 would not result in an increase per household.

Clerk to finalise budget and precept, and present for adoption at the January meeting.






PC Policy Review – the Clerk has reviewed and circulated draft versions of the following policies:

  • Code of Conduct
  • Standing Orders
  • Financial Regulations
  • Social Media Policy
  • Health & Safety Policy
  • Equality & Diversity Policy
  • Scheme of Publication
  • Freedom of Information Policy
  • Recording/Filming/Photography Policy

She noted that all policies are in line with current legislation and best practice, and that any major changes to the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations are mostly statutory requirements.  The Code of Conduct has been brought into line with the BDBC Code, which was updated in 2018.

Cllr Durrant noted the new recording/filming/photography policy – this has been put in place as a result of a photo of a council meeting emerging online with a derogatory comment below it.  Cllr Nick Robinson confirmed that the photo was taken by Cllr Tristan Robinson of BDBC, and also stated that he was unhappy with Cllr Tristan Robinson’s actions.  Cllr Durrant proposed excluding Cllr Robinson from attending Bramley PC meetings for the next 6 months – Clerk to check if this is lawful.  If so, the proposal was agreed by a majority vote.  Clerk to request copies of any photos or recordings, and to ask what Cllr Robinson intends to do with them. 

Cllr Durrant proposed formally adopting all policies.  Cllr Bell seconded, unanimously agreed.  Clerk to finalise and place on website.





















New applications



        i.            19/03160/FUL - York Cottage Silchester Road Bramley

Erection of a single storey dwelling

The following points were made:

  • The arboriculture survey does not identify which trees are likely to be felled, or how trees are likely to be protected.  There is also no assessment on how the proposed development will impact on trees in the medium to long term.
  • There are 2 dwellings already on site – is another necessary?
  • No local need for another dwelling, as per Local Plan policy SS6. 
  • The proposed dwelling is within a Conservation Area.
  • The design is acceptable, and not viewable from the road. 

Objections were unanimously agreed, as outlined above.  Clerk to process.

       ii.            19/03226/ROC - Land At Latchmere Green Latchmere Green Little London

Removal of condition 2 of planning consent BDB/32775 which restricted the barn to agricultural use only

Cllrs noted that the land is a flood prone area.  The area is not suitable for a dwelling, therefore Cllrs cannot see any reason for lifting the condition.

Objection unanimously agreed.  Clerk to process.

     iii.            T/00536/19/TPO - Campbell Court Bramley

Prune 13 trees

Cllrs noted that it is unclear who owns the land that the trees are on. 

The chestnuts are not affecting any residential properties, and do not appear to have a big impact on Campbell Court.

The trees are not diseased – Cllrs cannot see any reason for pruning. 

Objections unanimously agreed as above.  Clerk to process.






















Any other new applications






Proposed development at Tudor Farm site



No update at this time – there is currently no validated planning application to comment on.



Approvals/refusals – see appendix A



Approvals and refusals were noted. 

Cllr Bell noted an interest in this item and took no part in the discussion.

Cllr Durrant asked that BDBC look at land behind Taylors Drive, and Wallis Drive with reference to the application for 6/7 Pond Road.  These seem to set a precedent.   



Planning Appeals



19/01467/FUL – Land West of Cufaude Lane Bramley

This application for the formation of an access track and associated works, was refused by BDBC in August 2019.  It is related to 17/00942/FUL, for which the multiple appeals were dismissed.  Final comments are due by 24th December 2019.  

There are no further PC comments at this time.






Reports from Parish Council representatives



Neighbourhood Plan working group – no update as present. 




         i.            Community Speedwatch update – see report at appendix B.

       ii.            Air quality monitoring update – Cllr Ansell and the Clerk are investigating the possibility of a service contract for the AQ mesh pod. 



Cllr Ansell/ Clerk


Allotments and Burial Ground (see appendix B)

  • This year’s rent is starting to come in.  2 people have rescinded their allotment, one has been offered, and the other will be offered this week.
  • New allotments at Minchens Lane should be added to budget – Clerk to take forward. 
  • Memorial Wall – Clerk to check frequency of burials over last few years.






Village Hall Trust (see appendix B)  



Clift Meadow Trust – Cllr Capel gave a verbal update:

  • There has been no meeting this month.
  • The Coffee Mornings are going well – thanks to Wendy Scott and her team for all the hard work they have put in to make these mornings such a success.

The weekly coffee mornings started on 11th September this year and have proven to be very popular.  They ask for donations each week for the tea and coffee and on average take about £35-£40 a week, which goes towards future mornings and improving the Pavilion.  The event is run by volunteers on a rota basis and they have a monthly visit from the Bramley Green Larder, and a book swap every week.  It has been well attended over the past few weeks and has become a focal point for all ages to meet and make new friends.

Cherry Blossom Manor, whose residents regularly attend the mornings, also help provide refreshments along with cake donations and treats from other attendees.  Gradually Wendy and her fellow volunteers (along with CMT) are making the Pavilion more appealing by having it decorated and putting up curtains.  Their dream is to get a new kitchen in the Pavilion which would enable them and CMT to cater for a wider array of functions and larger groups of people.

Thank you to all those that attended, to Wendy and her fabulous team of volunteers, and to CMT for allowing them to use the Pavilion.

  • There has been a recent accident near the Pavilion, resulting in one user sustaining a broken ankle. This should be on the agenda for January.

















Police & Neighbourhood Watch – see appendix B. 



Highways/Footpaths – see appendix B

The Clerk noted that the tasks requested by the Speedwatch team are being carried out this week.  She has reported to Highways the blocked drainage on the Bramley main road, as well as requested hedge trimming at Cufaude Lane.



Road Safety Project – Cllr Ansell gave a verbal report.

  • The trial of the traffic island was carried out at the end of November – this proved to be successful.  Some minor changes have been made to the plans.



Chairman’s report – Cllr Durrant gave a verbal report.

  • Special education needs – Wendy Scott has asked if the PC would be willing to facilitate some awareness sessions.  Clerk to check if possible and check finances. 





Consultation documents requiring consideration



BDBC Council Plan 2020-2024 and Budget 2020-2021

Comments to Clerk via email who will respond.




BDBC Housing and Homelessness Strategy 2020-2024

Comments to Clerk via email who will respond.




Police Powers to tackle unauthorised encampments

Delay to January meeting. 




Grant Applications



Bramley PCC – replacement window at Cross House

Since the previous grant application, the window works originally applied for has been completed.  However, the big window at the front of the building now needs extensive maintenance work, with the frame needing to be replaced.  Due to the size of the window, contractors have informed the PCC that a UPVC replacement cannot be considered. 

Two quotes have been received – one for a softwood frame replacement at £6,425+VAT, and one for a hardwood frame replacement at £7,425+VAT.

The following points were made/discussed:

  • Cllrs felt that the PCC should approach Church funding streams in the first instance.  In particular, project grants and funding is available from the diocese of Winchester.
  • It was noted that PC grant policy is not to grant for maintenance, but for capital projects. 
  • It is not clear if the PCC is looking for a grant for the whole cost or only part.
  • A fresh grant application is required.

Clerk to liaise with PCC.

















Payments and reconciliation approval - see appendix C

The Clerk noted the payments on the reconciliation. 

It was unanimously agreed to approve the payments on the reconciliation.

Clerk to process.






Acknowledgement of Receipts – see appendix C

Receipts were noted.  The Clerk noted that the forthcoming VAT claim for this quarter would be in the region of £2,300.




Date of Next meeting



The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 21st January 2020.



Resolution to exclude press and public from items that may require discussion of possible legal and financial proceedings 






Confidential Items





The meeting closed at 9.32pm



Signed:                 ………………………………………………………………….      Date:………………………………………


Appendix A – Planning Summary



19/02684/HSE – Laurel Lea Cottage, Bramley Green, Bramley

Erection of a greenhouse


No objection


T/00449/19/TCA – Silvermede, Silchester Road, Bramley

T1 Magnolia:  cut back from wires by 1m and remove branches over footpath back to boundary line



No objection


19/02686/HSE - 32 Kirby Drive Bramley

Conversion of loft to living accommodation including raising of the roof, dormers to the front elevation and dormer and rooflights to the rear



No objection


19/02277/FUL - Land Rear Of 6 And 7 Pond Road Bramley

Change of use of land to residential garden land enclosed by a 1.83 metre high fence



No objection


T/00471/19/TPO - Land To The Rear Of 11-19 (Odds) Wallis Drive Bramley

Crown reduce 6 Lime trees



No objection


19/03004/HSE - 6 Tudor Close, Bramley

Erection of rear extension to garage, two dormer windows to front elevation of garage and conversion of roofspace to additional living accommodation

Application withdrawn


No objection


Pending Applications*


19/00464/FUL - Upper Cufaude Farm Cufaude Lane Bramley

Erection of two no. 4 bedroom barn-style dwellings and access



19/01710/FUL - Qps House The Street Bramley

Change of use of ground floor of building from a Barber shop (A1) and Tanning Salon ( Suis Generis) to a two bedroomed flat (C3) on one side and a 3 bedroomed flat (C3) on the other



19/01753/ROC - The Clift Surgery Minchens Lane Bramley

Variation of conditions 1 and 8 and removal of condition 9 of permission 14/01458/FUL to allow alternative access arrangements with the original southern access re-opened for ingress only and the 'new' northern access used for egress only

No objection


19/01778/FUL - Bramley Village Hall The Street Bramley

Extension and alteration of existing village hall to provide improved facilities and an additional function room. Resurfacing of the existing car park. (Amendment to planning consent 18/01623/FUL)

No objection


19/02943/HSE - 6 Kirby Drive Bramley

Erection of a single storey front and side extension

No objection


19/03100/FUL- Land Adjoining Clift Surgery Minchens Lane Bramley

Formation of vehicular and pedestrian access


*Objections/no objections listed are the decision of Bramley Parish Council only, and do not reflect any submissions placed by members of the public or other bodies with Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council. 

Appendix B – Reports 


No written report received 


No written report received. 


Community Speedwatch – 4 deployments since the last meeting. 

  • Over deployments of approx. 26 Days, 116,553 vehicles passed the Speed Indicator device
  • 11,753 vehicles could have been prosecuted for exceeding 35mph (APCO guidelines 30mph+10% +2mph)
  • 3 new volunteers have come forward asking to join the team, since the article in the Bramley magazine.
  • 32 vehicle details supplied to Hampshire Police for exceeding 35mph in the village


No written report received. 


The main part of the building work is now complete, with just a few things to be completed in early January.  The new ‘Frith Room’ will be available to hire very soon.  A grand opening event will be held in February 2020.

The Trustees are aware of the worsening condition of the car park, and have secured funding to completely resurface this in the New Year. 


No written report received. 


No written report received.


No written report received. 


No written report received.


Cllr Tomblin has submitted the following report:

  1. Reminder for BDBC Consultation on budget by 1st January
  2. Reminder for BDBC consultation for housing strategy by 17th January
  3. Manydown Executive Committee have noted an expectation for the outline planning application - March 2020
  4. I was expecting to be able to share the SHEELA/ Bramley entries but have not received anything from the Borough. There was a member briefing on 16th December from which Cllr Robinson should have an update available
  5. It may have come to your attention that I have joined the Basingstoke and Deane Independent Group. I believe this to be good for Bramley and Sherfield representation along with benefits of having less party politics in the borough.

To be clear we are independents coming together to work together as a group on the Council.

We purposefully are not called a ‘party', unlike the Tory Party or Labour Party.

In order to call ourselves the Basingstoke & Deane Independents, we have to conform to the Electoral Commissions rules, and they don’t distinguish between parties and groups.  Across the country groups of independents like us have to work with law and structures as they are – the Ashfield Independents, Mansfield Independents, Farnham Residents Association, Guildford Residents Association, Poole Independents, Runnymede Independents, Andover Independents and so on and so on, all have to register with the Electoral Commission.

Why are we registering with the Electoral Commission?  We want to use the words Basingstoke & Deane Independents on the Ballot Paper – to distinguish ourselves from people like UKIP who in Basingstoke & Deane are calling themselves Independents.

  1. Merry Christmas! 


  • Salting/Gritters; these are now on standby for wintery conditions. See gritter twitter @hantshighway
  • Suicide strategy; plans have been drawn up aimed at reducing the number of suicides across the county after figures show an increase across Hampshire - 101 in 2018, 98 in 2017. Target is to reduce rate by 10% in 2020/21.
  • New Scam - Police are issuing warnings to Hampshire residents over a new scam going around. Residents have been approached by cold callers offering to do roofing and drainage work and pay on the spot with mobile card machines.
  • Thank you for the note to Highways re traffic diversions - I have also pursued this.

Appendix C – Finance

 Bank Reconciliation 17th December 2019

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